UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 042137Z NOV 20 MID200000324008U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 095/20 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/NOV// SUBJ/IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER ON COMBATING RACE AND SEX STEREOTYPING// REF/A/MEMO/OMB/04SEP20// REF/B/EXECUTIVE ORDER/PRESIDENT/22SEP20// REF/C/MEMO/OMB/28SEP20// REF/D/MEMO/OPM/02OCT20// REF/E/MEMO/SECDEF/16OCT20// NARR/REF A IS MEMO FROM OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET (OMB) PROVIDING GUIDANCE ON TRAINING IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. REF B IS THE EXECUTIVE ORDER (EO) ON COMBATING RACE AND SEX STEREOTYPING. REF C IS MEMO FROM OMB ENDING EMPLOYEE TRAININGS THAT USE DIVISIVE PROPAGANDA TO UNDERMINE THE PRINCIPLE OF FAIR AND EQUAL TREATMENT FOR ALL. REF D IS AN OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT MEMO PROVIDING GENERAL GUIDANCE ON IMPLEMENTING THE EXECUTIVE ORDER ON COMBATING RACE AND SEX STEREOTYPING. REF E IS SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MEMO PROVIDING GUIDANCE ON IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER ON COMBATING RACE AND SEX STEREOTYPING. RMKS/1. This ALNAV provides guidance to Department of the Navy (DON) personnel, employees, and commands on implementation of the EO on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping. In view of references (a) through (e), it is imperative that we protect the DONs most valuable resource our people. Reference (b) affirms the Federal Governments commitment to the fair and equal treatment of all individuals before the law and expresses the policy that the United States will not promote race and sex stereotyping. 2. In accordance with reference (e) and to ensure the DON is in compliance with references (a) through (d), effective immediately: a. The DON shall suspend all civilian and military personnel training relating to diversity and inclusion. b. I delegate my authority to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (ASN (M&RA)), currently Performing the Duties of the Under Secretary of the Navy (PTDO UNSECNAV), as our senior Department official responsible to certify that the civilian and military training curricula meet the standard of fair and equitable treatment of individuals, in accordance with reference (b). c. Prior to resuming civilian training, it must be reviewed and cleared by the OPM for compliance with the EO and certified as compliant by the Secretary of the Navy. The ASN (M&RA), PTDO UNSECNAV will submit all requests for preclearance of civilian training to OPM via the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, and certify the training. Further guidance directing the certification process for civilian training is forthcoming by the Office of Civilian Human Resources. d. Any expenditure by the DON on diversity and inclusion training for civilian employees must be approved in advance by ASN (M&RA), PTDO UNSECNAV. e. For military training, the Services are directed not to forward training that is not compliant with the EO. Prior to resuming military training, the Services shall submit their requests for certification to the ASN (M&RA), PTDO UNSECNAV through the Office of the ASN (M&RA). The Services request for training certification shall include the following information: (1) Course name. (2) Course description, syllabus, and agenda, as available. (3) Whether the training is mandatory. If so, who or what directs this mandatory course. (4) Approximate number of Service Members trained. (5) Frequency of training. (6) Location of training. (7) Approximate cost per training session. (8) In addition to above information, annotate Service representative (General/Flag Officers serving at the grade of O-9 or above) that reviewed and certified the content of all military diversity and inclusion training request are compliant with the EO. f. Diversity and Inclusion training for military personnel shall not resume until certified by ASN (M&RA), PTDO UNSECNAV. g. Each grant issuing organization in the DON shall review its grant programs and identify programs for which, as a condition of receiving such a grant, DON may require the recipient to certify that federal funds will not be used to promote concepts prohibited by the Executive Order. h. Further guidance related to training provided by contractors is forthcoming from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development & Acquisition). 3. My primary points of contact in this matter are Ms. Kimberly Lane, (202) 685 -6210, kimberly.lane@navy.mil for civilian personnel training, and Ms. Heather McIntosh-Braden, (703) 693-4489, heather.mcintosh1@navy.mil, for military training. 4. Released by the Honorable Kenneth J. Braithwaite, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//