UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 012020Z DEC 20 MID200000423373U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 101/20 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/DEC// SUBJ/STANDING WATCH FOR EACH OTHER MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY// RMKS/1. As we approach the final weeks of 2020, I want to thank you for your service this year. Despite the challenges of Coronavirus Disease 2019, you have continued to enable the Navy and Marine Corps to meet its mission. Your ability to adapt and innovate no matter the obstacle is a testament to the dedication and grit that make our Sea Services the most powerful and capable in the world. The recent months have been extra difficult for members of our fleet who, due to the current operating environment, are separated from family. Because of the pandemic, many stateside are limited in their ability to see extended family and friends. In these extraordinary times, we must stand watch for our brothers and sisters, our civilian teammates, and our family members. I urge each of you to take the necessary steps to maintain your physical, psychological, and spiritual resilience and to support those around you in doing the same. Now, more than ever before, we must connect with our fellow Sailors and Marines, our co-workers, friends, and family members. Reach out to someone you have been worried about whether a friend, teammate, or family member. In doing so, you foster the meaningful, close relationships that enhance our daily lives and serve as the foundation of support when we face difficult times. Remember that no matter the challenge, it is our duty to listen without judgment, respond with empathy, and if the situation requires, ask directly if a team member is considering suicide. These day-to-day interactions are our first line of defense in reducing the barriers to help- seeking and in normalizing (and prioritizing) psychological health as a standard part of the maintenance required for high performance. As this challenging year comes to a close, we look forward to a safe, healthy, and successful 2021. To all of our Sailors, Marines, and civilian teammates, I wish you good health now and in the year to come. To those who are deployed this holiday season in defense of our nation, you and your families have our upmost gratitude for your selfless service. Thank you for standing watch. 2. Released by the Honorable Kenneth J. Braithwaite, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//