UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 311726Z MAR 21 MID200000757171U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 021/21 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/MAR// SUBJ/SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS AND PREVENTION MONTH// RMKS/1. April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. 2. This month, and every month, we must work together to focus on the prevention of sexual assault and building a safe environment for our Marines, Sailors, and civilians. It is a personal priority of mine to ensure that we promote a climate of trust, respect and inclusion. Our focus must be on recognizing and stopping destructive behaviors early and consistently, so leaders can take appropriate action. 3. To assist leaders in this effort, we have developed The Watch List: Top Five Signals of Risk for Sexual Assault, a research-driven tool that outlines five of the key destructive behaviors that may increase risk for sexual assault to include sexual harassment, gender discrimination, lack of responsibility and intervention, lack of respect and cohesion, and workplace hostility behaviors. Keep an eye out for these behaviors, and speak up when you see them research proves that these behaviors lead to an increased risk for sexual assault. 4. Information on The Watch List is currently available at https ://portal.secnav.navy.mil/orgs/sapro/SitePages/home.aspx or by reaching out to office_don_sapro.fct@navy.mil. During Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, we call attention to this critical tool. Further, the behaviors outlined in The Watch List align with the Defense Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS) and can be used to assess results of the force-wide command climate survey underway during April 2021. 5. For those Marines and Sailors who experience sexual assault, we stand ready to provide assistance. The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program provides eligible adult sexual assault victims the opportunity to formally report these crimes and receive supportive services. Our SAPR Victim Advocates and Sexual Assault Response Coordinators are also able to provide resources and confidential reporting options. 6. Confidential assistance is also available 24/7 from the Department of Defense Safe Helpline at (877) 995-5247 or www.SafeHelpline.org. Civilian employees can receive assistance 24/7 from the Department of the Navy Civilian Employee Assistance Program at (844) 366-2327. 7. It is on all of us to eliminate sexual assault in our military. An engaged force at all levels is our greatest weapon against sexual assault. We need your commitment to set the tone, model the right behavior, and recognize and immediately address improper behaviors. Sexual assault is wrong and it is a threat to our national security. Protecting Our People Protects Our Mission. 8. Released by the Honorable Thomas W. Harker, Acting Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//