CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 011236Z SEP 23 MID600053309734U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 068/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/SEP// SUBJ/SEPTEMBER 2023 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY (DON) INSIDER THREAT AWARENESS MONTH// RMKS/1. September 2023 is our fifth annual observance of National Insider Threat Awareness Month. This is a time to focus on ways that we can identify, detect, deter, and mitigate insider threats that cause significant damage to national security. This year's theme is bystander engagement. If you see something, say something, and do something to protect the workforce and the Nation. Each year the Department of the Navy (DON) works diligently to prevent witting and unwitting insider threat attacks on our fleet, defense, and Nation. Insider threats are unique and can be difficult to defend against due to granted trust within our organization. 2. Earlier this year, a significant unauthorized disclosure was uncovered in the Department of Defense. This event reminded us of the need for persistent vigilance in protecting against damaging breaches to our Nation's security. This incident highlighted the criticality of leadership and personnel understanding their roles in protecting personnel, resources, and sensitive information from disclosure. The full scope of damages associated with insider threat incidents can take a heavy toll on our national security and organizational morale when we discover one of our own has carried out such an egregious act. 3. Most insider threats develop over time with evidence of concerning actions prior to harmful events. Possible actions and risk indicators may include, but are not limited to, a general disregard for security procedures, seeking access to information outside of their "need to know," attempting to access sensitive areas (where classified information is stored, discussed, or processed), inconsistent working hours (staying late or arriving early), unusual insistence on working in private, and work place violence (physical aggression, verbal abuse, harassment, and intimidation). 4. Early intervention through reporting is crucial. I urge you to educate yourselves on the signs that may indicate a fellow Sailor, Marine, civilian, or contractor is on the path towards becoming an insider threat. If you see something, you must say something, then do something, so positive intervention can take place before a malicious or negligent act happens. In addition to reporting concerning actions to your chain of command, you have the option to make a direct report to the Navy Insider Threat Hub or the Marine Corps Insider Threat Hub. Reports may also be made anonymously. Email tips: (Navy Insider Threat Hub); (Marine Corps Insider Threat Hub). 5. For the DON National Insider Threat Awareness Month 2023, the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy for Intelligence and Security (DUSN I&S) along with the Navy and Marine Corps are hosting a variety of in-person events in the National Capital Region as well as virtual symposiums designed to raise awareness across the DON. Information and registration details for DUSN I&S and Navy events will be provided in a future NAVADMIN. For a complete listing of Marine Corps events visit Insider Threat Program POCs and links to additional insider threat education and awareness resources are listed below: DVIDS (Defense Visual Information Distribution Service) link to Insider Threat Awareness videos and posters: Supplemental materials and training tools on insider threat education and awareness may be downloaded from the Center for Development of Security Excellence at: Toolkit/. DON Insider Threat Awareness Month POCs: - DUSN I&S: Franco Neto, Director, Insider Threat DUSN I&S;; 703-601-0554. - Navy: Arlene Seaward; Navy Insider Threat Program; NIA N72, N2N6;; 703-604-5471. - Marine Corps: Shane Groah; Marine Corps Insider Threat Program;; 703-692-4231. 6. The risk of insider threat actions is higher than ever as our adversaries seek to take advantage of our vulnerabilities through increased targeting of insiders. I challenge each of you to remain vigilant for insider threats. 7. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//