CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 151501Z APR 24 MID600117354002U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 031/24 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/APR// SUBJ/FY-24 NAVY RESERVE LIEUTENANT LINE AND STAFF CORPS SELECTIONS// RMKS/1. I am pleased to announce the following Line and Staff Corps Officers on the Reserve Active-Status list for promotion to the permanent grade of Lieutenant. 2. This message is not authority to deliver appointments. Authority to effect promotion will normally be issued by future NAVADMINs requiring NAVPERS 1421/7 preparation and forwarding of document to PERS-831. 3. Frocking is not authorized for any officer listed below until specific authorization is received per SECNAVINST 1420.2B. 4. For proper alphabetical order read from left to right on each line. The numbers following each name to the right indicate the relative seniority among selectees within each competitive category. Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS Online. Unrestricted Line Melgar Louis 0003 Middlemas Lott Warren IV 0002 Searles James Franklin IV 0001 Medical Service Corps Goldman Natalie Francesca 0002 Griffith Jessica Magat 0004 Hoffstetter Madison Olivia 0001 Ward Jonathan Taulby 0003 Judge Advocate General's Corps Gaeta Andres Velasquez 0001 Garcia Tara Cathleen 0002 Powell Meghan Louise 0003 Nurse Corps Adams Jamie Lea 0016 Arbisi Angelina Marie 0001 Avery Kaylee Lucille Ester 0021 Barden Karla Rene 0005 Butler Cynthia Lynn 0015 Chang Jessica Lisa 0017 Chidiebere Blessing Adanma 0004 Dare Brandon Andrew 0013 Dzurko Zachary Thomas 0019 Ewart Fowles Schnell 0006 Fabunmi Michael Ayorinde 0018 Hankins Tyler William 0014 Henderson Joshua Scott R 0007 Ike Joy Chinenyenwa 0002 Jallow Mamadou Salieu 0012 Lawson Koudahin Boevi Ezosu 0010 Mozinski Justin Felix 0009 Rodriguez Mitchel 0003 Russell Kimberly Elizabeth 0006 Sackett Jordan Gore 0017 Sanford Andrew Byron 0008 West Benjamin John 0020 Williams Jason Robert 0011 Chaplain Corps Bartok James Lewis III 0004 Gil Joel 0007 Loman Thomas K 0006 Manuel Zachary Wayne 0001 Maske Daniel Steven 0002 Pilat Jennifer Elizabeth 0003 Scottghoston Aleenia L 0005 5. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//