CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 021437Z MAY 24 MID600117401874U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 040/24 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/MAY// SUBJ/FY-25 NAVY RESERVE CAPTAIN LINE SELECTIONS// REF/A/DOC/SECNAV/25JAN24// AMPN/REF A IS THE FY-25 NAVY RESERVE CAPTAIN LINE PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS CONVENING ORDER.// RMKS/1. I am pleased to announce the following line officers on the Reserve Active-Status List for permanent promotion to the grade of captain. 2. This message is not authority to deliver appointments. Authority to effect promotion will normally be issued by future NAVADMINs requiring NAVPERS 1421/7 preparation and forwarding of document to PERS-806. 3. Frocking is not authorized for any officer listed below until specific authorization is received per SECNAVINST 1420.2B. 4. For proper alphabetical order read from left to right on each line. The numbers following each name to the right indicate the relative seniority among selectees within each competitive category. Note: An (*) by the name indicates the selectee was merit reordered to the top of the promotion list in accordance with reference (a). Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS Online. Unrestricted Line Adkins William L 0046 Anderson Timothy Willi 0020 Baca Maile Yuen 0019 Bauer Bonnie Rae 0015 Behrens Micah P 0022 Bocchino Michael A 0037 Brkic Josip Ivan 0023 Burel Kevin James * 0003 Cole Cory W 0032 Collins Mark Damon 0027 Conklin Shannon Elizab 0021 Corrado Jonathan Kinca 0060 Craig Kathleen E 0025 Cunningham Kelleigh An 0017 Denyer Darren E 0050 Dewey Taylor B * 0001 Diekemper Joseph 0010 Donabella Christopher 0013 Fong Edward Hsiang Lun 0056 Frampton Irene L 0036 Gilpin Kathleen Marie * 0005 Gow Joel Andrew * 0006 Gray Darby R * 0008 Hans Jordan Nicholas 0058 Harrington John Willia 0042 Hemminger Andrew Gusta 0039 Hickman Steven Paul 0026 Holmes Nathaniel David 0052 Johnson Erick Ralph 0016 Ketchum Jacqueline Mar 0057 King Patrick Thomas 0059 King Ryan M 0043 Lafleur William R II 0038 Lewis Jason M 0048 Lostetter Joshua James 0029 Lucas Brian K 0040 Mahoney Amanda J 0055 Meeuf Ryan W * 0009 Missler James Michael Jr 0047 Monaghan Michael Phill 0014 Nevel Laura M * 0007 Nguyen Anvy 0033 Nguyen Long Tuong 0045 Petrucelli Joseph A I 0030 Pollak William Francis IV 0031 Porco Johnathan D 0035 Porfirio Michael Angel 0034 Quinn Justin Kiah 0049 Reyes Robert Catane 0041 Ritchie Phillip Dean 0028 Romero Matthew James * 0002 Seitz Melissa Ann 0051 Sorenson Gregory E 0054 Tabinga Brian Keith 0011 Truesdell Daniel B 0012 Turner Kathleen Novak 0024 Vanderlinde Andrew Cha 0018 Walker Kathryn D * 0004 Walsh Marilyn A 0044 Willard David John 0053 Unrestricted Line (TAR) Bogan Robert Anthony 0003 Busse Matthew M 0012 Horton Thomas Shane 0010 Johnson Kyle Jesse 0009 Labissiere Christopher 0016 Leggett Heath Correll 0011 Moravan Melissa A Arms 0013 Otten Annie J 0014 Sagona Brian S 0006 Seals Jamis Merjae 0007 Sellers Edwin S * 0002 Sparks Brian Patrick 0008 Stump John Morgan 0004 Tilden James D 0015 Woodward Robert Dougla 0005 Special Duty Officer (Human Resources) Bangham Ryan T * 0001 Special Duty Officer (Human Resources) (TAR) Chinn Michael A 0004 Kim Asa D 0003 Thomas Kyle Brent 0002 Uhlir Shane D * 0001 Engineering Duty Officer James Ronald Leslie 0004 Nagao Reid Hikaru * 0001 Nguyen Chuong Thieu 0005 Pavlovic Erin Kim 0002 Perezsanfeliz Noel Ant 0006 Woodard Daniel Joseph 0003 Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Engineering) Fleming Robert James * 0001 Stewart Joseph John 0002 Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Maintenance) Kirby Noreen Patricia * 0001 Tackitt Patrick Duane 0002 Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Maintenance) (TAR) Lee Byron M * 0001 Special Duty Officer (Public Affairs) Bedy Aaron Joseph * 0001 Cregan Thomas Scot 0002 Melendez Nicolas Anton 0003 Special Duty Officer (Strategic Sealift Officer) Deusanio Vincent Jr 0003 Hahn Eric Thomas 0002 Wright John Travis * 0001 Yesko Stefan Charles 0004 Special Duty Officer (Foreign Area) Choe Sunghwan Terry 0002 Driver Melanie Ann * 0001 Special Duty Officer (Oceanography) Williams Catherine E * 0001 Special Duty Officer (Cryptologic Warfare) Basso Michael Richard 0003 Collins Adam Quentin 0002 Fulkerson Stephen Dale 0004 Pickett Aaron Dell * 0001 Special Duty Officer (Information Professional) Berger Daniel William 0002 Silverstein Jeremy R * 0001 Stimson Jared M 0003 Special Duty Officer (Intelligence) Anderson Kyle Lee 0008 Bergquist Allison M 0010 Brittingham John Macdo 0007 Cole James Bradford 0006 Crawford Greg Allen 0005 Kharkar Gautam Ravi * 0001 Kiersztyn Danielle Hel 0009 Linhardt Clifford Alan 0003 Mcguire Andrew R 0004 Walton John Claiborne 0002 Zecchin Craig A 0011 Limited Duty Officer (Line) Aldridge Scott Frank 0002 Smith Michael Paul * 0001 5. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//