RTTUZYUW RUEWMCS0000 0381918-UUUU--RUCRNAD ZNR UUUUU R 071918Z FEB 14 PSN 291000K12 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// BT UNCLAS//N01020// NAVADMIN 025/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/NAVY UNIFORM REGULATIONS UPDATE// REF/A/DOC/NAVPERS/1JAN03// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/182102ZMAY12// NARR/REF A IS NAVPERS 15665I, U.S. NAVY UNIFORM REGULATIONS. REF B IS NAVADMIN 164/12. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces changes to ref (a). Ref (b) previously announced an update on the availability of Navy Security Badges. 2. Approved uniform policy changes are as follows: a. Navy Working Uniform (NWU) Type II and III Chaplain Corps Staff Insignia. Navy Chaplains serving in units authorized to wear the NWU Type II or III may wear the Chaplain Corps Staff Insignia on the NWU Type II and III. (1) Description. A 1 1/2-inch by 1 1/2-inch matching NWU Type II or III fabric patch with embroidered Chaplain Corps insignia centered on the fabric. The Chaplain Corps insignia shall be embroidered with black thread and positioned upright on the fabric patch. (2) Manner of wear. The embroidered Chaplain Corps Staff Insignia shall be sewn above the blouse rank tab. Placement of the Chaplain Staff Insignia above the rank tab facilitates a single focal point for rank identification and chaplain faith affiliation. (3) Availability. The NWU Type II and III Chaplain Corps Staff Insignia will be available online at www.mynavyexchange.com or via phone at the Uniform Support Center at (1-800-368-4088) in April 2014. b. Navy Expeditionary Supply Corps Officer (NESCO) Insignia. The NESCO insignia is approved for wear by Supply Corps Officers designated with a 310X, 651X, or 751X designator. The NESCO insignia is designated for those assigned to Navy Expeditionary Combat Command or Naval Special Warfare units who have successfully completed the qualification requirements outlined in OPNAVINST 1412.15. (1) Description. A 2 3/4-inch by 7/8-inch gold metal pin showing a Supply Corps oak leaf centered, superimposed on a crossed sword and M16A1 rifle, on a background of ocean swells. A 1 1/2-inch by 1/2-inch metal insignia is available for uniforms requiring miniature medals. (2) Manner of wear is per ref (a), article 5201.2. (3) Availability. The NESCO insignia will be available online at www.mynavexchange.com or via phone at the Uniform Support Center at (1-800- 368-4088) in June 2014. 3. The following commands, in addition to those commands listed in ref (b), paragraph 5 are now approved for deployment and pre-deployment training wear of the NWU Type III: Joint Staff J7 Coalition Warfighting Division United States Central Command Headquarters Military Sealift Command, Central Command Naval Strike Air Warfare Center Helicopter Sea Combat Wing, U.S. Pacific Fleet Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron TWO ONE Detachment Five Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron TWO FIVE Detachment Five Office of Military Commissions Fleet Logistics Support Wing, and all subordinate squadrons Navy Element, Defense Intelligence Agency Department of Defense Inspector General Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa United States Southern Command Navy Information Operations Command, Bahrain In CONUS daily wear of the NWU type III is not authorized for those commands designated for deployment and pre-deployment deployment wear only. 4. Navy Security Forces (NSF) Identification Badge Update. To ensure proper control and authenticity of NSF metal badges, the fourth scroll (line 4) of the badge will be engraved with a four digit number by Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support (DLA-TS) vice the black embossed star, previously announced in ref (b). Metal badges are authorized to be worn on all uniforms. Embroidered badges are authorized to be worn on the Navy Working Uniform (NWU Type I, II, and III) only. a. Deadline for the mandatory wear of the new NSF badges/patches is 1 October 2014. Per ref (b), MAA/Law Enforcement Badges/patches are authorized for wear until 30 September 2014. b. Availability. Procurement of NSF identification badges as stated in ref (b) is revised as follows: NSF identification badges are managed by DLA- TS; embroidered security badges are available for procurement now. Metal security badges are also available now for procurement. Badges may be procured via DLA E-Mall (embroidered badges $5.25 U/I-ea and metal badges $10.49 U/I-ea). (1) Navy Security Forces Badge NSNs are: 8455-01-617-6192 (metal); 8455-01-617-6354 (embroidery). (2) Command Master at Arms Badge NSNs are: 8455-01-617-6194 (metal); 8455-01-617-6358 (embroidery). (3) Correction Specialist Badge NSNs are: 8455-01-617-6200 (metal); 8455-010-617-6360 (embroidery). c. Requisition inquiries can be directed to Ms. Suzanne Marinari, Navy Liaison Office Philadelphia at (215) 737-7954 or suzanne.marinari(at)dla.mil. 5. Uniform policy changes are a direct result of fleet feedback and staffed research. Sailors may submit uniform policy change recommendations via their chain of command to OPNAV (N1). Recommendations should reflect Navy-wide application with an eye towards standardization and uniform policy reduction. Formal endorsements of uniform change proposals are required by each echelon. Uniform change proposals that have fleet-wide impact will be coordinated with Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command and Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet for endorsement. The final endorsement should include the proposal's subject matter expert contact information. Uniform proposals which are not favorably endorsed by the chain of command will not be accepted. Proposals favorably endorsed shall be submitted to the Navy Uniform Matters Office (UMO), OPNAV (N131U), 701 S. Courthouse Rd, Arlington, VA 22204-2164. 6. Illustrations of the newly approved uniform components and insignia will be available for review on the UMO website at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/uniforms/pages/default2.aspx seven (7) days after release of this message. 7. General questions and comments regarding this NAVADMIN should be addressed to the UMO, OPNAV N131U: Mr. Robert B. Carroll, OPNAV N131U, robert.b.carroll(at)navy.mil CMDCM(SW/AW) Rita Carman, rita.carman(at)navy.mil PS1(SW) Andrew S. Lucio, andrew.lucio(at)navy.mil 8. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or incorporated into a revision of ref (a). 9. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #2448 NNNN