RTTUZYUW RUEWMCS0000 0721803-UUUU--RUCRNAD ZNR UUUUU R 131803Z MAR 14 PSN 109091H20 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// BT UNCLAS//N01210// NAVADMIN 056/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/SPRING FY-14 FULL TIME SUPPORT OFFICER TRANSFER AND REDESIGNATION BOARD// REF/A/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/12FEB08// REF/B/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/23JUL07// NARR/REF A IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1001-020, FULL TIME SUPPORT OF THE NAVY RESERVE OFFICER PROGRAM. REF B IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1070-180, OFFICER PHOTOGRAPHS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces convening of the FY-14 Full Time Support (FTS) Officer Transfer and Redesignation Board on 19 May 2014. Applications from qualified Active Component (AC) and Ready Reserve officers will be accepted for this board. Per ref (a), this board will also accept applications from existing FTS officers requesting redesignation into another FTS officer community. 2. Complete application packages and waiver requests must be received NLT 18 April 2014. 3. Eligibility. The FTS program is offering opportunities for active-duty officers on the Active-Duty List as well as Ready Reserve officers on the Reserve Active Status List which includes regular AC, Selected Reserve (SELRES), Voluntary Training Unit (VTU), Reserve Canvassing Recruiters, and SELRES officers serving on active-duty recall orders to transition into the following FTS officer communities to meet immediate manning needs in the year groups (YG) indicated: Community/Designator Available YG FTS SWO (1167/1117) 01 and junior FTS SUB (1127) 02 and junior FTS SPECWAR (1137) 03 and junior FTS EOD (1147) 03 and junior FTS AVIATION (1317/1327) 02 and junior FTS HR (1207) 00 and junior FTS AMDO (1527) 02 and junior FTS SUPPLY (3107) 05 and junior a. All applicants must meet eligibility requirements outlined in ref (a) and the spring FY-14 FTS eligibility criteria document: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/officer/communitymanagers/ reserve/fts/Pages/FTSRedesignationBoard.aspx. Community specific eligibility requirements are described for each designator. General eligibility requirements include projected rotation date (PRD), minimum service requirement (MSR) and Aviation Career Continuation Pay (ACCP) limits as explained below: (1) PRD. Applicants on mobilization or recall orders must have a current PRD NLT 19 November 2015. (2) MSR. Applicants currently under a MSR must have a MSR end date on or prior to 19 May 2016. (3) ACCP. Naval Aviators and Naval Flight Officers currently obligated under ACCP must have an ACCP end date on or prior to 19 May 2015. Obligated service due to ACCP is not waiverable. b. YG eligibility may be adjusted based upon community requirements up until the application due date. The current YG eligibility matrix will be posted on the FTS redesignation website. c. Members who do not meet all eligibility requirements per ref (a) and the Spring FY-14 FTS eligibility criteria document posted on the FTS redesignation board website may submit a waiver request along with their application. Waiver packages shall include member's waiver request and commanding officer's endorsement of the waiver request. This endorsement is separate from any endorsements contained in the member's transfer/redesignation application and shall specifically address the eligibility criterion requiring a waiver. Waiver request procedures and constraints are described in the eligibility criteria document. Waiver request example: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/officer/community managers/reserve/fts/Documents/FTS_Redesig_Waiver_Request_Format.docx. d. Reserve Direct Commission Officers (DCO), limited duty officers (LDOs), and chief warrant officers (CWOs) are eligible for the FTS program. All officers applying to the FTS officer program shall possess a 4 year baccalaureate degree. CWOs who are within six months of completing their baccalaureate degree may apply, but redesignation will not occur until after degree is completed. e. SELRES officers currently serving under temporary recall orders are encouraged to apply if they meet eligibility requirements. f. Subject to other criteria, AC officers with a pending or approved resignation from the AC are eligible and are encouraged to apply. 4. Application requirements and procedures are provided on the FTS redesignation board website listed in para 3a. 5. Per ref (b), applicants should have a current photo in their Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). 6. Upon approval of the board proceedings, the results of the board will be posted on the FTS redesignation board website listed in para 3a. Applicants can expect to see the results posted within 45 days of board adjournment. Selectees have 14 calendar days from the date results are released to accept or decline FTS transfer/redesignation. 7. Points of contact are LCDR Ken White, PERS-92 at (901) 874-4512/DSN 882 or PSC Audrey Dixon, PERS-92 at (901) 874-3130/DSN 882. 8. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 9. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #4875 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED