RTTUZYUW RUEWMCS0000 0731332-UUUU—RUCRNAD ZNR UUUUU R 141332Z MAR 14 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// BT UNCLAS//N01306// NAVADMIN 058/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/INCREASED ENLISTED PERSONNEL DISTRIBUTION AUTHORITY// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/261930ZJUL12// REF/B/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/22APR10// REF/C/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/27APR07// REF/D/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/5NOV10// REF/E/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/8JAN08// REF/F/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/20DEC13// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 230/12, CPO EARLY RETURN TO SEA. REF B IS MILPERSMAN 1306-126, FIRST-TERM PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT POLICY. REF C IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1306-104, PROJECTED ROTATION DATE (PRD). REF D IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1306-101, ENLISTED ASSIGNMENT SYSTEM. REF E IS MILPERSMAN 1306-106, TIME ON STATION (TOS) AND RETAINABILITY/OBLIGATED SERVICE (OBLISERV). REF F IS MILPERSMAN 1306-957, NUCLEAR PROPULSION TRAINING ACTIVITIES.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN cancels ref (a) in it's entirety and announces effective immediately, two distribution policy changes: a. Detailers may write orders directing the detachment or transfer of Sailors up to six months prior to their current projected rotation date (PRD), or as late as six months after their PRD, in order to fill anticipated Fleet vacancies on-time, with a fully trained and qualified relief. b. A Sailor early return to sea (ERS) policy, which authorizes early curtailment of shore duty for Sailors in pay grades E4-E9, less first-term personnel who have reached the 24 month completion mark of their present normal shore tour, in order to fill valid requirements in undermanned ratings or operational requirements at sea. First-Term personnel assignment policy is spelled-out in ref (b). 2. From FY-12 and continuing through FY-14, there has been a concerted effort to improve enlisted Fleet manning and reduce gaps at sea. While the Voluntary Sea Duty Program (VSDP) increased use of Sea Duty Incentive Pay (SDIP) and the Chief Petty Officer ERS policy have made solid progress in improving Fleet manning, there are times when Fleet vacancies and their associated training requirements do not align well with the availability dates based upon the PRD of Sailors in their permanent change of station (PCS) order negotiation window. In addition, the demand to fill critical skills requirements at sea may prompt the early PCS of personnel possessing the prerequisite skill at the 24-month completion mark of their present shore tour. Therefore, this NAVADMIN is provided to inform Sailors of recent changes to refs (c) and (d), which gives Navy Personnel Command increased PRD window authority and the ability to involuntarily curtail shore duty in order to further reduce gaps in Fleet manning. 3. For the purposes of this increased detailing authority, PRDs will not be adjusted and the current Career Management System-Interactive Detailing (CMS/ID) application and detailing policies will remain unchanged. Sailors will still enter their CMS/ID order negotiation window nine months prior to their PRD. However, when they are selected for their next assignment, their orders may direct their transfer earlier or later than the previous -3/+4 PRD window allowed. Therefore, it is important for Sailors to understand that their actual transfer date will be determined by the commencement of training required for the prospective job and the date of the anticipated Fleet vacancy they are being ordered to fill. 4. Enlisted detailers will fill as many high priority E4-E9 sea duty requirements as possible by fully utilizing the authorized transfer window of -6/+6. Involuntary curtailment of shore duty at 24-months will only be used when there are limited Sailors available in the PRD window and there are no excess personnel on sea duty within the geographic area that can be reassigned. a. Only Sailors who have completed at least 24-months of shore duty at the time of transfer will be considered for ERS and then only to meet the most critical operational requirements. b. ERS candidates will be selected based on one or more of the following factors: (1) Length of time on shore, (2) Current or Frocked Paygrade, (3) Fleet experience, (4) Navy Enlisted Classification Codes (NEC) held, (5) Type of previous sea duty, and (6) Remaining obligated service. c. Impact on the Sailors Shore Duty Command's manning and type billet being filled will be evaluated and balanced against at-sea priorities. d. In addition to filling their current pay grade, ERS candidates may be selected to fill vacant requirements within their respective pay band: Supervisor, Journeyman and Apprentice (SJA) (Supervisor E7-E9; Journeyman E5-E6 and Apprentice E1-E4, as directed by the Manning Control Authority (MCA)): (1) CPO Candidates: E8 and E9 pay grades may be chosen to fill vacant E7 and E8 requirements, and E7 pay grade may be chosen to fill vacant E8 requirements. (2) Petty Officer Candidates: May be chosen to fill vacant requirements within their pay band. Any exceptions will be in accordance with MCA guidelines. e. After CMS/ID is set each month, the remaining MCA priority requirements that could not be loaded or advertised, due to insufficient rollers or excess personnel on sea duty in the geographic area, will constitute the ERS requirements list for that month. Based on this requirements list, detailers will generate an ERS candidate list, from the criteria listed in para 4.b. Detailers will notify candidates that they are being considered for an ERS requirement and will annotate this notification in the Sailors' Enlisted Assignment Information System (EAIS) file. Concurrently with the detailer notification to the Sailors, Placement Coordinators will notify the current command of the Sailors' possible early transfer. Both the Sailor and their current command can submit an adverse impact statement created by the Sailors' early transfer within 30 days of their notification. If extenuating circumstances or mission requirements preclude a Sailor from receiving PCS orders in support of ERS, those circumstances must be submitted to PERS-40 in writing, with a command endorsement. PERS-4 is the flag review authority for such cases. Following the 30-day notification period and after consideration of any impact statement submissions, detailers will then select Sailors for the ERS requirements from the candidate list. Once Sailors are selected for ERS, detailers will notify those Sailors accordingly and annotate actions taken within the Sailors' EAIS file. f. The new PRD, for those Sailors issued PCS orders in support of ERS, will reflect the Prescribed Sea Tour (PST) based on their Sea Shore Flow (SSF). g. Sailors who have sufficient retainability remaining on their enlistment contract to execute a return to sea duty PCS, as outlined in ref (e), and who refuse to obligate to their PST will have orders written through the expiration of their current enlistment contract. Sailors who subsequently reenlist or extend will remain at sea to complete their PST or until end of obligated service, whichever is shorter. h. Sailors who fail to OBLISERV and have less than 12 months of retainability remaining on their enlistment contract to execute order, will remain in place until their current enlistment contract has expired. i. Requests to transfer to the Fleet Reserve submitted subsequent to selection for ERS (discussed in paragraph 4.e) by Sailors who have more than one year of contract time remaining may be disapproved. j. High Year Tenure (HYT) requests for those Sailors executing orders in support of ERS duty will receive favorable consideration. k. Nuclear-trained Sailors (NEC 33XX) will continue to be detailed per Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program priorities. Nuclear-trained Sailors who volunteer for instructor duty at nuclear training commands or on submarine tenders will be excluded from the ERS policy. ERS for nuclear-trained Sailors in other billets will be handled on a case basis via request from PERS-403 to OPNAV N133. 5. Additionally, the section of ref (c) containing special procedures for surface nuclear-trained members has been removed. All nuclear enlisted Sailors will have their initial sea tour PRDs set in accordance with PST lengths. This change removes unnecessary administration from the ships, allows for more accurate personnel inventory reports and provides our Sailors with a more accurate PRD upon receipt of orders to their initial conventional nuclear sea tour. This section had set the PRD for surface nuclear-trained Sailors in their initial sea tour to 36 months to support detailing Sailors to the training commands. The requirements in ref (f) provide the necessary guidance to apply for Instructor Duty. 6. To encourage personnel to voluntarily return to sea duty, the following incentives are currently offered: a. VSDP: Geographic choice or stability and C-WAY deferment b. HYT waiver consideration; and c. SDIP for eligible ratings. 7. These changes to our distribution policy are being driven by the need to ensure on-time arrival of the right Sailor, with the right training to Fleet commands. Decisions affecting the careers and lives of our Sailors and their families are not taken lightly. Our aim is to cause the least amount of disruption to the careers and lives of our Sailors and their families, while sustaining Fleet manning and ensuring our Navy remains mission ready across the broad spectrum of maritime operations. 8. Sailors may contact the Navy Personnel Command Call Center in Millington at 1(866) U-Ask-NPC, 1(866) 827-5672 or via e-mail at uasknpc(at)navy.mil with questions. 9. This message will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 10. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0000 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//