RTTUZYUW RUEWMCS0000 0932221-UUUU--RUCRNAD ZNR UUUUU R 032238Z APR 14 PSN 026649K27 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 075/14 MSGID/GENADMIN, USMTF, 2008/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/APR// SUBJ/LESSONS LEARNED COLLECTION EFFORTS FOR MILITARY OPERATIONS// REF/A/DESC:DOC/OPNAV/19MAR2001// REF/B/DESC:LTR/CJCS/04FEB2014// REF/C/DESC:DOC/CJCS/20APR2012// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 3500.37C, NAVY LESSONS LEARNED SYSTEM (NLLS). REF B IS CJCS MEMORANDUM ON LESSONS LEARNED COLLECTION EFFORTS FOR MILITARY OPERATIONS. REF C IS CJCSI 3150.25E, JOINT LESSONS LEARNED PROGRAM. // RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides background, guidance, and coordinating instructions for use of the Navy Lessons Learned System, reference (a). The Navy Lessons Learned System is the singular Navy program for collection, validation and distribution of unit or staff feedback, as well as correction of problems identified and derived from fleet operations, exercises and other miscellaneous events. 2. Lessons, observations, and recommendations from past events are critical to the development of future capabilities, and contribute to safe and effective operations. For this reason, it is imperative that all hands contribute to and leverage the wisdom embedded in our Navy Lessons Learned System. 3. In accordance with references (b) and (c), the Navy Lessons Learned Information System (NLLIS) is now integrated within the Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS), but retains a distinct Navy entry portal through which the Navy Lessons Learned System continues to operate in sync with other services and combatant commanders to provide direct access to lessons learned across the DoD. The Navy portal into JLLIS makes available tens of thousands of observation reports and port visit reports from 1985 to the present. 4. Observations submitted to JLLIS are routinely analyzed and used by services and combatant commanders to improve current and future operations. Following operations, exercises and other miscellaneous events, participating units should submit observations and recommendations utilizing the Navy lessons learned information system online at the following websites: a. NIPRNET https://www.jllis.mil (cac required)/Email: navylessonslearned(at)navy.mil. b. SIPRNET http://www.jllis.smil.mil.Email: navylessonslearned(at)navy.smil.mil. c. Collaboration at sea (siprnet) at Http://www.uar.cas.navy.smil.mil/nwdc/nll/nll.nsf. 5. Elements of a good observation include: a. A detailed description of the observed event that addresses questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how. b. A description of the situation that prompted the submission of the observation. c. A description of options to avoid or alleviate the problem or recommended ways to improve upon existing methods. d. A description of potential risks if recommendations are not adopted. e. Observations are not limited to shortfalls or inefficiencies. Positive observations, innovations, and best practices are also strongly encouraged. 6. Prior to an operation, exercise, port visit or other high interest/complex event, participating units and staffs should take advantage of existing fleet observations and recommendations using built-in search tools and libraries within JLLIS and ensure relevant insights are shared and considered during pre-event planning and preparations. During preparations for an event, commanders should direct subordinates to record observations for later submission into NLLIS. This direction should be reinforced during event execution. 7. Following the completion of an event, commanders should ensure subordinates promptly record and submit lessons learned, observations and recommendations into JLLIS via NLLIS. 8. Point of contact is Captain Dan Brune, Navy Warfare Development Command, Navy Lessons Learned and Analysis Department Head, N5l at (757) 341-4211/DSN 341, or via email; dan.brune(AT)navy.mil. 9. Additional training on the use of NLLIS and collection of observations is available online at the JLLIS website or in person from the fleet lessons learned site representatives located at each of the geographic numbered fleet headquarters. 10. Released by Vice Admiral S. H. Swift, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #6342 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//