RTTZUYUW RUEWMCS0098 1211645-UUUU--RUCRNAD ZNR UUUUU R 011645Z MAY 14 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS//N05758// NAVADMIN 098/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/APR// SUBJ/NAVY RESERVE CENTENNIAL COMMEMORATION PLANNING ORDER// REF/A/CNO/OPNAVINST 5726.8A REF/B/SECDEF/DODI 5500.7R// NARR/REF A IS CNO'S OUTREACH: AMERICA'S NAVY. REF B IS JOINT ETHICS REGULATION// RMKS/1. 3 March 2015, will mark the Centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Navy Reserve. Since the birth of our country Citizen- Sailors served as Navy Militia units until Congressional action officially established a federal Navy Reserve in 1915. They have supported our country in every major conflict. This message provides initial guidance and tasks for the global execution and planning of this important commemoration. 2. In support of reference (a), execute a commemorative event commensurate with the importance of the Navy Reserve Centennial Commemoration (NRCC) for our Navy and nation. 3. Commander's intent: The year-long commemoration will begin with a kick-off ceremony at the U.S. Navy Memorial on 3 March 2015 and continue through December 2015. The goal of this commemoration is to demonstrate pride in the history and heritage of the Navy Reserve and educate the American public, particularly in non-fleet concentration areas, on the value and capabilities of the Navy Reserve. Commemoration activities should welcome neighboring communities, surrounding veteran organizations, civilian employers of Sailors, and prominent civilians when and where able. Although expenditures should reflect today's fiscal environment, the conduct and result of commemorations should instill a richer understanding and a greater appreciation of the U.S. Navy Reserve. All actions shall be consistent with applicable law and policy, to include reference (b). 4. Task: a. The Office of the Chief of Navy Reserve will oversee planning and program development for the NRCC. A NRCC working group was established to support fleet-wide planning to make the anniversary commemorations as meaningful as possible. b. NRCC Will: (1) Develop a strategic communications plan, including public affairs (PA) guidance. (2) Execute a kick-off ceremony at the Washington Navy Memorial on 3 March 2015. (3) Develop a commemoration toolkit for use by the unit commands. (4) Develop a website for the Centennial and post all documents and associated points of contact. (5) Compile a list of lessons learned. c. Navy History and Heritage Command (NAVHISHERITAGECOM) will: (1) Provide manpower/experts as necessary to support the NRCC working group. (2) Provide historical documentation and research for displays, vignettes, and publications. (3) Direct the Navy museum network to feature year-long, temporary Navy Reserve exhibits within their museums. d. Chief of Information (CHINFO) will: (1) Provide manpower/experts as necessary to support the NRCC working group. (2) Inform the active and reserve component public affairs community of the Navy Reserve Centennial campaign. (3) Provide guidance and assistance for the social media plan. (4) Assist with graphics and video service support. (5) Support synchronization of PAO outreach and coordinate with already scheduled events to integrate a multi-media toolkit. e. Commander, Naval Installations Command (CNIC) will: (1) Ensure regional commands provide support for commemorative events to greatest extent feasible. f. Commander, Navy Reserve Force Command (COMNAVRESFORCOM) will: (1) Ensure Commander, Navy Air Force Reserve, Commander, Information Dominance Corps Reserve Command, Regional Reserve Component Commands and Navy Operational Support Commands plan for and commemorate the Navy Reserve Cenntenial beginning 3 March 2015 through December 2015. 5. The Centennial Commemoration toolkit will be available at the NRCC webpage, www.navyreservecentennial.com on August 2014. 6. Command and supporting command relationships: a. Chief of Navy Reserve is the supported Commander. b. NAVHISHERITAGECOM, CHINFO, CNIC and COMNAVRESFORCOM are supporting. 7. Point of Contact. NRCC POC is CDR Cori Parker, (703) 614-7292 (DSN prefix: 224), email: corinne.parker(AT)navy.mil. 8. Released by Vice Admiral S. H. Swift, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0098 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//