RTTUZYUW RUEWMCS0133 1601821-UUUU--RUCRNAD ZNR UUUUU R 091821Z JUN 14 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC// TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC// BT UNCLAS// NAVADMIN 133/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N4/JUN// SUBJ/2013 ADMIRAL STAN ARTHUR AWARDS ANNOUNCEMENT// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/R 271528Z FEB 14// AMPN/REF A IS ADMIRAL STAN ARTHUR AWARD CALL FOR 2013 NOMINATIONS MESSAGE.// POC/CAPT BRUCE MILLER/N413M/ARLINGTON, VA/TEL: (703) 695-4861/EMAIL: BRUCE.M.MILLER1(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. A Flag/SES panel reviewed candidate nominations and selected the 2013 Admiral Stan Arthur Award winners IAW ref A. This award recognizes military and civilian logisticians who epitomize excellence in logistics planning and execution. I am pleased to announce the 2013 Admiral Stan Arthur Award winners: A. The Military Logistician of the Year is LtCol David S. Phillips, USMC, assigned to Naval Air Systems Command. As H-53 Assistant Program Manager for Logistics, he played a critical role in beta testing NAVAIR's maintenance and supply chain management analysis tool. This data analysis tool collected and fused data from nineteen Navy and Defense Logistics Agency databases and provided trending data, measuring current reliability against baseline data. LtCol Phillips' Critical Process Improvement efforts resulted in a projected 30 percent reduction in critical component lead time for H-53E main gearbox housing and more than 40 percent reduction in lead time for main rotor shafts. Additionally, use of age exploration on the H-53E main gearbox resulted in an increase in the service life of this asset from 2000 to 2400 hours and a savings of 3.5 million dollars per year in aviation depot level repair. LtCol Phillips' efforts over the last year provided tangible results and improved joint logistics readiness of United States forces. B. The Civilian Logistician of the Year is Mr. Mark D. Dexter assigned to United States Pacific Fleet. Mr. Dexter, as the Logistics Lead for Financial Improvement Audit Readiness, conceived and spearheaded the development of an integrated plan to improve the United States Pacific Fleet's performance in the Military Standard Requisitioning and Issues Procedures audit program. Mr. Dexter's superior dedication, organizational skills, and technical ability allowed United States Pacific Fleet Financial Improvement Audit Readiness scores to improve from 22.8 to 97.2 percent in less than a year, allowing assertion two months early. Mr. Dexter led the effort in solving the document retention problem facing ships and submarines by rapidly creating a compact scanning and retention system using commercial off the shelf components and software. Mr. Dexter's efforts reduced shipboard workload, improved audit responsiveness, and contributed significantly to a positive financial audit readiness report to the United States Congress. Mr. Dexter's efforts over the last year provided tangible results and have improved Navy's logistics readiness. C. The Logistics Team of the Year is the Naval Aviation Excess Inventory Team from Naval Supply Systems Command. The Naval Aviation Excess Inventory Team developed a first of its kind process to maximize use of existing Navy Working Capital Fund excess inventory at Naval Air Stations in direct support of the Chief of Naval Operations strategic mandate to "Be Ready." Through collaboration across multiple echelons and commands, the team conducted a detailed analysis of multiple logistics procedures used to process referrals and subsequently developed a workable automated Navy Enterprise Resource Planning procedure that was implemented at 21 Naval Air Stations around the globe. During the period March to December 2013, the automated process developed by the team filled 107,000 requisitions valued at 390 million dollars. Furthermore, the team developed, tested, and implemented a program for the Defense Logistics Agency to refer other Services' back orders against the excess Navy stock resulting in readiness improvement to the Joint Warfighter. 2. An awards ceremony, via video teleconference, with ADM Arthur (ret) and the winning members' commands is scheduled for 2 July 2014. The OPNAV POC will contact winning commands to make arrangements for the ceremony. 3. My heartiest congratulations to the winners! Your superlative achievements resulted in substantial and quantifiable benefits to the United States Navy and enhanced the logistics profession. BRAVO ZULU! 4. Released by VADM P. H. Cullom, OPNAV N4.// BT #0133 NNNN