RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0184 2271306-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 151257Z AUG 14 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N09// TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 184/14 SUBJ/JUDICIOUS USE OF COMMAND COINS AND PRESENTATION ITEMS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N09/AUG// REF A/MSG/161134ZMAY13// REF B/DOC/ASN FMC/25MAR14// REF C/DOC/VCNO/6JAN14// REF D/DOC/SECDEF/30AUG93// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 128/13, COMMAND COINS RESTRICTION. REF B IS ASN (FM&C) BUDGET GUIDANCE MEMORANDUM BG 13-3B. REF C IS VCNO 2014 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT GUIDANCE. REF D IS DOD 5550.07R, JOINT ETHICS REGULATION.// RMKS/1. Reference (a) suspended authority to purchase presentation items (command coins or other items given as awards such as plaques, ball caps, etc.) during a sequestered fiscal environment. Since that time, Congress has passed a budget and an appropriations act. The following guidance is consistent with reference (b), which requires budgetary program execution to proceed on a judicious basis. Commanders must balance the need to formally recognize excellence in performance of duty with the continuing imperative to conserve scarce fiscal resources. 2. Reference (a) is hereby cancelled. Authority to expend appropriated funds (APF) is reinstated subject to existing law and policy and the following additional guidelines. a. APF Presentation Items. Use of APF is authorized to purchase presentation items (e.g. command coins, plaques, ball caps, etc.) to recognize outstanding performance, specific achievement, or a unique achievement contributing to unit effectiveness. These items will normally be presented during officially organized and announced unit and/or individual recognition ceremonies. Examples include (without limitation): Sailor or Civilian of the Quarter/Year, Outstanding PRT, etc. Presentation items may also be presented to individuals on an impromptu basis in recognition of superior achievement. b. Command Coins. Navy leaders shall ensure judiciousness concerning APF funded command coins. These coins may not be presented solely as mementos, to improve morale, as tokens of appreciation, or to recognize expected service. Personally funded items (including personalized items) may be used for this purpose if in good taste. c. Leaders at all levels shall ensure the acquisition and use of APF funded presentation items are properly documented consistent with the requirements of reference (c). Specifically, command coins provided as presentation items must be properly accounted for in a written record that includes the name of the individual to whom the coin was presented, the date of presentation and the specific performance or achievement warranting the award. Immediate superiors in the chain of command shall ensure audits are conducted as appropriate in accordance with reference (c). d. Authority to acquire and present APF funded command coins is limited to the Chief of Naval Operations; Vice Chief of Naval Operations; Director, Navy Staff (DNS); Chief of Naval Personnel; Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy; and officers serving as unit Commanders. e. The limitations above do not apply to items purchased with ORF funds or items purchased prior to the issuance of reference (a). Such expenditures must comply with other applicable regulations including the limits of reference (d) on gifts to seniors. 3. Exceptions to the above limitations may be requested from DNS via the chain of command. 4. Reference (c) is modified in accordance with this NAVADMIN. 5. Released by Admiral Michelle Howard, VCNO.// BT #0184 NNNN