UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 021855Z SEP 14 PSN 379017H27 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN NAVADMIN 202/14 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/FY-15 GENERAL MILITARY TRAINING SCHEDULE// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/SEP// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/14NOV13// AMPN/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1500.22G, GENERAL MILITARY TRAINING PROGRAM// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN represents a significant change in reductions to the General Military Training (GMT) program for FY-15, and should be read in its entirety. In response to fleet feedback and recommendations from our command triads, we've reduced requirements for FY-15 GMT and placed more flexibility in the hands of commanding officers, by providing training options in ways they find most relevant. 2. Informed by this feedback, and led by our Flag/Senior Executive Planning Board for Training, with contributions from U.S. Fleet Forces Command and many others, we've consolidated separate alcohol, drug, and tobacco topics into a single, integrated lesson. We've also eliminated anger management as a stand-alone course. Finally, we will deliver personal financial management GMT using financial topics selected by command leadership vice a *one-size- fits-all* GMT lesson. In upcoming years, we'll continue to add flexibility and streamline content in order to return training time back to commands and devolve more authority to command triads, who best know what training their crews need most. As we strive to improve, fleet feedback is essential - and we welcome your suggestions. 3. For FY-15, commands should use the standardized training materials available via the Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) GMT page and Navy eLearning for web based lessons. All training listed on the NKO GMT page is mandatory for FY-15. a. *Category One* training must be conducted as face-to-face, instructor-led sessions provided at the command level. Commands shall utilize senior leadership, such as chief petty officers and command training teams to deliver Category One training. Commands are encouraged to leverage local subject matter experts and collateral duty officers to compliment the standardized training content. FY-15 Category One training will include the following lessons: (1) Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Awareness (2) Equal Opportunity/Sexual Harassment/Grievance Procedures (3) Hazing Policy and Prevention (4) Personal Financial Management (5) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Awareness (6) Stress Management (7) Suicide Awareness and Prevention b. Per reference (a), *Category Two* topics comprise the remaining annual GMT requirements where instructor led, face-to-face delivery is not mandated. There were 15 separate Category Two training lessons which, through the efforts mentioned in paragraph 2 above, have been reduced to 12 for FY-15. For most of this Category Two training, where multiple delivery methods are available, unit commanders have flexibility to choose between command-delivered face-to-face sessions, individually completed web-based training sessions, or a combination of the two methods. 4. The NKO GMT web page is a living document that is updated regularly and remains the primary resource for any changes to related training requirements or revised training availability. To access this web page, go to NKO at https://www.nko.navy.mil. Once logged into NKO, select the *GMT* option under the *Personal Development* menu item to access the Navy*s GMT page. The GMT planning calendar is prominently displayed and provides recommended months for training topic delivery that coincide with national and Navy-wide communication themes. Use of the calendar as a GMT planning tool is highly encouraged to reinforce topic visibility and improve overall training effectiveness, but delivery schedules are ultimately determined by the command. Specific directions for enrollment in web-based lessons via Navy eLearning are also provided on the NKO GMT web page. 5. Individually-completed web-based training is automatically recorded and tracked in the individual*s electronic training jacket. Command-delivered training completion is recorded in the Fleet Management and Planning System (FLTMPS) via the learning event completion form. Detailed instructions are available online at https://ntmpsweb.ncdc.navy.mil/Fltmps, by contacting the support office at (866-438-2898), and posted on the NKO GMT page. 6. Our efforts to review and streamline training requirements continue into FY-15 where the intent is to potentially combine specific training topics into larger themes (destructive behaviors, for example) and reduce reporting requirements where possible. In addition, we are in the process of upgrading multiple training lessons to eliminate basic slide presentations and replace them with video vignettes and other advanced training techniques. For additional information, contact the Center for Personal and Professional Development via e-mail at gmt.distribution(at)navy.mil. 7. This NAVADMIN is canceled for record purposes on 30 September 2015. 8. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #5523 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//