UNCLASSIFIED// REROUTE DETECTED ROUTINE R 022044Z SEP 14 PSN 374591H29 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN NAVADMIN 203/14 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/OVERSEAS/REMOTE DUTY SCREENING POLICY CHANGE// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/SEP// REF/A/DOC/BUMED/23JUN06// REF/B/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/25SEP09// REF/C/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/10NOV09// REF/D/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/3DEC09// REF/E/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/13APR10// NARR/REF A IS BUMEDINST 1300.2A, SUITABILITY SCREENING, MEDICAL ASSIGNMENT SCREENING AND EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY MEMBER PROGRAM (EFMP) IDENTIFICATION AND ENROLLMENT. REF B IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1300-300, OVERSEAS/REMOTE SERVICE GENERAL INFORMATION. REF C IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1300-302, SUITABILITY AND SELECTION FOR OVERSEAS SERVICE. REF D IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1300-304, SUITABILITY FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT SCREENING AND REPORTING. REF E IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1300-308, TOUR LENGTHS AND TYPES. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces changes to the overseas screening process. The current process of starting overseas screening after receipt of permanent change of station (PCS) orders, delays Sailors and families from completing overseas screening in a timely manner. These delays have negatively impacted operational manning. When a service member and/or dependent(s) are found unsuitable for overseas assignment within a 90-day window of the expected date of arrival (EDA), the billet becomes gapped until a suitable replacement can be found. 2. Effective immediately, the new process will require the service member to complete the overseas screening process with service member*s command and medical treatment facility (MTF) prior to the release of the service member*s PCS orders. In addition to making order release contingent on the completion of overseas screening, this new process requires that the screening/transferring command track and report completion/suitability of a member within a specified time frame, outlined below. 3. Once an enlisted service member is accepted by the Career Management System/Interactive Detailing (CMS-ID) for an overseas/remote CONUS assignment, the command, the command*s immediate superior-in-command and type commander will be notified by Commander, Navy Personnel Command (NPC) (PERS- 4) via a letter of intent (LOI) to commence the overseas screening. The LOI will require the screening to be completed within the timeframe outlined in paragraphs 3c and 3d. a. For officers and enlisted not detailed by CMS-ID, the notification process will start when the orders have been proposed. These service members will still be required to complete the screening within the timeframe outlined in paragraphs 3c and 3d. b. Official orders will not be released by NPC until final command notification has been received showing the member and dependent(s) (if applicable) are suitable for the overseas/remote CONUS assignment. c. Sailors without officially documented dependent(s) will be given 30- days from the day the transferring command receives the LOI to complete the screening process. If the screening process is not completed and suitability determination is not reported by the transferring command within the time allotted, the proposed orders will be canceled, making the service member subject to needs of the Navy assignment without further negotiation. If a delay in submitting the required forms and notification is outside of the member*s control, request for waivers can be submitted to NPC (PERS-4). d. Sailors with dependent(s) will be given 30-days from the day the transferring command receives the LOI to complete the screening process for themselves. These service members will be given 60-days from the day the transferring command receives the LOI to complete the screening process for their dependent(s). If the service member*s or dependent(s) screening process is not completed and suitability determination is not reported by the transferring command within the time allotted, the proposed orders will be canceled, making the service member subject to a needs of the Navy assignment without further negotiation. If a delay in submitting the required forms and notification is outside of the member*s control, request for waivers can be submitted to NPC (PERS-4). 4. Once notified by NPC (PERS-4) via LOI, the service member, with the assistance of the transferring command, will contact the servicing MTF immediately to obtain an appointment for overseas screening for themselves and their dependent(s), as applicable. Service member and command interviewer must complete PART I of the Report of Suitability for Overseas Assignments (NAVPERS 1300/16) prior to reporting to any medical/dental/educational screening appointments. If a waiver is required after completion of PART I of NAVPERS 1300/16, the waiver must be approved prior to beginning the medical/dental/educational screening. Medical screening will be in accordance with (IAW) reference (a). a. The MTFs are committed to prioritizing appointments for overseas screening to reduce delays and meet the expected timelines. Commands must ensure that these appointments are met. Transferring commands must take an active role with the service member to address issues such as proximity to the MTF, the need to obtain any civilian health records, or dependents who are physically separated from the service member. The screening MTF suitability screening coordinator (SSC) will keep the transferring command informed via secure messaging (such as encrypted e-mail) of any potential delays to the timeframes outlined in paragraphs 3c and 3d. b. The medical screening forms must be completed and reviewed to ensure the Sailor and their dependents* medical/dental/educational needs can be met. The screening SSC will forward a screening inquiry via secure messaging to the gaining SSC or medical officer of the operational platform if there are any medical/dental/educational needs to ensure the gaining location has the capabilities to meet the individual*s needs. Screening inquiries will occur when any shaded block is marked on Part 1 or 2 of the Medical & Dental Overseas Screening Review for Active-Duty or Dependent (NAVMED 1300/1) or there are any concerns about the current capabilities at the gaining location. The gaining SSCs will provide a written recommendation of approval/disapproval to the screening SSC within seven business/duty days of receipt of suitability inquiries. c. A Special Education/Early Intervention Summary (DD Form 2792-1), must be completed for each dependent child and turned into the screening MTF SSC. In addition, the individualized family service plan (IFSP) and/or individualized education program (IEP) for children receiving early intervention or special education must be submitted to the screening SSC. The screening SSC will forward the completed DD Form 2792-1 and accompanying IFSP/IEP to the gaining SSC as part of the screening inquiry if the child is receiving early intervention or special education services. The screening SSC will forward the DD Form 2792-1 and IEP to the regional Department of Defense education activity special education coordinator via secure messaging, who will provide a response to include the availability of special education services. d. Doctors, dentists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants designated to perform the screening and designated independent duty corpsmen (service members only) will conduct the medical screening immediately and provide the results to the SSC. The SSC submits the package to the MTF commanding officer (CO), officer in charge (OIC), or director for administration for suitability recommendation of service member and family members. Screening of service member shall not be delayed in order to screen the service member with the dependent(s). e. The MTF CO, OIC, or appointed representative reviews the screening package (to include responses from any suitability inquiries) and makes a suitability recommendation on the NAVPERS 1300/16 PART II. f. The SSC returns the signed NAVPERS 1300/16 to the service member to submit to the transferring command. 5. Once the suitability determinations (for member and/or dependents) are made by the co, command representatives must log into BUPERS Online (BOL) and input the status (ships may still utilize naval message when connectivity issues exist). a. Once a suitable determination is submitted via BOL, the service member*s order routing process will continue and be released based on current release authorizations. b. Waiver for extensions of the 30-60 day requirement to complete the process will require extensive justification, must be submitted prior to the 30-60 day requirement and will be reviewed for approval by NPC (PERS-4). 6. The intent of this process improvement is to accelerate the overseas screening process to ensure that overseas/remote CONUS billets are filled in a timely manner and reduce operational gaps. However, the accuracy of the screening is of the utmost importance and must be monitored. When a condition is identified on the NAVPERS 1300/16 or NAVMED 1300/1, that requires contact with the gaining command, area commander, staff judge advocate or MTF, this process must be expedited while protecting all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and/or Personally Identifiable Information IAW applicable guidelines. 7. Points of contact: Navy Personnel Command Customer Service Center, at 1- 866-u-ask-NPC (1-866-827-5672) or via e-mail at UASKNPC(at)navy.mil. 8. Additional information on changes to reference (b) through (e), Frequently Asked Questions and a LOI may also be found at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/support/distribution/pages/overseasscreening.aspx. 9. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until reference (b) through (e) has been revised. 10. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #3905 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//