UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 052047Z SEP 14 PSN 433328H23 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS SUBJ/ORDER TO UPDATE NAVY FAMILY ACCOUNTABILITY AND ASSESSMENT SYSTEM PERSONNEL CONTACT INFORMATION// NAVADMIN 207/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/SEP// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/01MAR11// AMPN/REF A IS OPNAVINST 3006.1, PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY IN CONJUNCTION WITH CATASTROPHIC EVENTS// RMKS/1. THIS NAVADMIN announces the semi-annual update/verification of personal information in the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS) by all Navy military and civilian personnel. NFAAS is the system utilized by the Navy to account for personnel and their families during widespread natural or manmade disasters. Accurate contact information of personnel and family members is required to facilitate a quick and accurate muster of personnel in affected areas. Per reference (a), updates of personal information will be verified as current by 1 April and 1 October each year. 2. Applicability. This message applies to all Navy personnel, uniformed (active and reserve) and civilian and OCONUS contractors per the following: a. It is required for all military personnel to update and verify contact information and all categories of dependents. b. It is mandatory for non-bargaining unit civilian employees to update their contact information. However, providing dependents information is voluntary. Failure to provide dependent information may exclude them from receiving potential benefits, if applicable. c. At this time, bargaining unit civilian employees are encouraged to provide their contact and dependent information on a voluntary basis, until union notification and subsequent impact and implementation bargaining takes place (when applicable). 3. Echelon II commanders and all regional commanders will ensure widest dissemination to all subordinate and tenant commands and detachments for action as required. All commanding officers (CO)/ officers-in-charge (OIC) will ensure timely and accurate updates of Navy member and family member contact information as stated above. COs/OICs will also contact the human resources office to request applicable union notifications. This requirement also includes OCONUS contractors (must enter associated Unit Identification Code). A report of those commands not in compliance with this NAVADMIN will be provided to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations for review. All personnel may logon to NFAAS and update/verify contact information as required. 4. Additionally, each command will institute policies requiring personnel to update their NFAAS data during the check-in and check-out process as standard practice. Military members/dependents must also update NFAAS in any instance in which they make a permanent change of address. Civilian non-bargaining unit employees must update their contact information and are encouraged to update their dependents information on a voluntary basis whenever there is a change. Civilian bargaining unit employees are encouraged to update their information whenever there is a change. 5. For military and civilian members to update contact data, utilize the NFAAS site at https://navyfamily.navy.mil. Log in and update member information under the "my info" tab "contact information" section. Update family member information under the "my info" tab "family member info" section. Edit member and family member information as necessary and verify as current. All family members enrolled in the exceptional family member program must be identified as such. 6. The NFAAS site can also be accessed from any android, Iphone or blackberry mobile device*s web browser. Although the application uses the same URL address as the NFAAS website, when accessed via mobile device, the site will be optimized to allow easy viewing and navigation. The following limited capabilities are available via the mobile web application: a. Update sponsor contact information b. Enter evacuation location information c. Allow users to muster d. Allow users to complete a needs assessment 7. Commands can validate contact information has been verified by using the personnel tab in NFAAS and use the "export to excel" option. Column N contains the date the contact information was last updated. 8. A tool is available in NFAAS to allow commands to "pull" personnel into their UIC. This prevents information from incorrectly remaining in a previous UIC and not being accounted for in the current command within NFAAS. 9. Points of contact: a. NFAAS help desk/SPAWAR at (866) 946-9183 or via e-mail at nfaas(at)spawar.navy.mil. b. Navy Personnel Command emergency coordination center at (877) 414-5358 or via e-mail at NPC.CAT.Captain(at)navy.mil. c. NFAAS program manager at (202) 433-9360 or via e-mail at allison.rose(at)navy.mil. 10. This NAVADMIN is canceled for record purposes on 2 October 2014. 11. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #8025 NNNN