UNCLASSIFIED// REROUTE DETECTED ROUTINE R 261734Z SEP 14 PSN 984890K38 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS SUBJ/JANUARY 2015 E7 NAVY-WIDE EXAMINATION AND FY-16 ACTIVE AND FULL TIME SUPPORT E7 SELECTION BOARD CYCLE 226 (CORRECTED COPY)// NAVADMIN 222/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/SEP// REF/A/DOC/BUPERS/02NOV07// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/03JUN09// REF/C/MSG/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/052044ZMAR13// REF/D/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/061346ZAUG10// REF/E/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/252221ZJUN10// REF/F/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/131544ZDEC07// NARR/REF A IS BUPERSINST 1430.16F, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE. REF B IS OPNAVINST 1220.1D, CHANGING OR REMOVING PRIMARY NAVY ENLISTED CLASSIFICATION CODES FOR NUCLEAR PROPULSION PLANT OPERATORS. REF C IS ALNAV 015/13, PERSONNEL SECURITY INVESTIGATION SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS. REF D IS NAVADMIN 259/10, NAVAL SPECIAL WARFARE ALTERNATIVE FINAL MULTIPLE SCORE IMPLEMENTATION IN FY-11. REF E IS NAVADMIN 215/10, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND ADVANCEMENT GUIDANCE FOR INDIVIDUAL AUGMENTEE SAILORS. REF F IS NAVADMIN 336/07, ADMINISTRATION OF THE NAVY-WIDE ADVANCEMENT EXAM FOR SAILORS IN IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, AND THE HORN OF AFRICA.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides guidance for administration of the January 2015 E7 Navy-Wide Advancement Examination and the FY-16 Active and Full Time Support (FTS) E7 Selection Board Cycle 226. a. It is the responsibility of the candidate and command to ensure that the candidate*s official military personnel file (OMPF) is up-to-date and any discrepancy impacting the eligibility of the candidate, to include being in the correct competitive group, is identified to PERS-802/812 prior to board convening. The authoritative source to determine if a candidate is selection board eligible or not is the profile sheet. Because eligibility status can change without direct notification, candidates should verify their profile sheet on a continuous basis up to the board convening date. b. Communication to the board must originate from the individual Sailor and must be accompanied under the candidate*s signed letter to the board (LTB). Information received that is not under a signed LTB or not received by Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Customer Service Center (CSC) by the established deadline will not be presented to the board. 2. Timeline a. 15 January 2015: Administration of exams for USN/USNR (Active), (FTS). b. 28 February 2015: Individual Augmentation (IA) evaluations used for time-in-rate (TIR) waivers must have an ending date by this date and must be available to the board. c. 17 April 2015: FTS board candidates changing rating must be in their new rating by this date to be considered for selection in the new rating. d. 27 April 2015: LTB for FTS E7 selection board eligible candidates must be received at NPC CSC. e. 18 May 2015: FTS (Reserve) E7 selection board convenes. All eligibility requirements, to include any waivers, must have final approval prior to this date. f. 22 May 2015: Active Component (AC) board candidates changing ratings must be in their new rating to be considered as a candidate in the new rating. g. 1 June 2015: LTB for AC selection board eligible candidates must be received at NPC CSC. h. 22 June 2015: AC E7 selection board convenes. All eligibility requirements, to include any waivers, must have final approval prior to this date. 3. Eligibility Criteria a. Candidates must meet the eligibility requirements outlined in chapter 2 of reference (a). b. Terminal Eligibility Date (TED) for cycle 226 used to compute the TIR is 1 January 2016. The minimum TIR date must be on or before l January 2013. c. TIR waivers of early promote candidates must be on or before 1 January 2014 and the evaluation must be available to the board. d. High Year Tenure (HYT) date or approved HYT waiver must be on or after 1 September 2015. e. Commissioning Programs. Candidates who have been selected for Seaman to Admiral (STA-21), Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program (MECP) and Medical Service Corps (MSC) in-service procurement programs remain eligible for advancement consideration. Selection to any other officer commissioning program renders candidates ineligible and those examinations must be invalidated by their commands. Per reference (b), nuclear candidates will be assigned NEC 3359/3389 upon transfer of a nuclear propulsion plant operator to a non-nuclear billet at sea or ashore, or to duty under instruction including special college education programs. Therefore, nuclear candidates transferred to a STA-21 duty station will not be selection board eligible. f. Security Clearance. Candidates in a rating requiring a security clearance must have a favorable investigation adjudication issued by the Department of Defense Central Adjudication Facility or the commanding officer*s interim clearance must have been granted before 1 January 2015. Refer to reference (c) for additional guidance. Once Sailors have a clearance they must maintain that clearance eligibility. If for any reason a clearance is denied or revoked, an exam is not authorized until a new clearance is granted. Rates requiring a security clearance are AC, AE, AG, AO, ATI, ATO, AWF, AWO, AWR, AWS, AWV, AZ, CTI, CTM, CTN, CTR, CTT, EOD, ET, FC, FT, GM, HT, IC, IS, IT, ITS, LN, MA, MC, MN, MT, ND, OS, QM, SB, SO, STG, STS, and YN, as well as all nuclear and submarine ratings. g. Branch Class (BRCL) and Special Program Indicator (SPI) code: BRCL 32 with a blank SPI code is an invalid Navy accounting status. Commands should take action to have this corrected for Sailors reflecting no SPI code. Sailors in this status will be invalidated. h. Naval Special Warfare (NSW) personnel. Per reference (d), the NSW alternative final multiple score (AFMS) will be used to determine selection board eligibility for Special Warfare Operator (SO) and Special Warfare Boat Operator (SB) ratings. See reference (d) for further explanation. i. Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel. To be eligible for advancement to E7, Sailors must hold the senior EOD Technician Naval Enlisted Code (NEC) 5335, or the Master EOD Technician NEC 5337 prior to the E7 board convening date. Commands must verify and invalidate examination results for those selection board eligible Sailors that fail to meet these qualifications. j. Navy Diver (ND) personnel. To be eligible for advancement to E7, Sailors must hold the first class diver NEC 5342, prior to the E7 board convening date. Commands must verify and invalidate examination results for those selection board eligible Sailors that fail to meet these qualifications. k. Nuclear Trained Personnel (1) To be eligible for advancement to E7, submarine Sailors in nuclear ratings must hold a supervisor NEC (3363, 3364, 3365, 3366) prior to the E7 board convening date. Additionally, these personnel must have qualified as Engineering Watch Supervisor (EWS). Acceptable documentation of EWS qualification includes an evaluation with EWS in block 29 or a letter from the Sailor*s command forwarded to the board via the Sailor*s LTB. Commands must verify and invalidate examination results for those selection board eligible Sailors that fail to meet these qualifications. (2) Surface Sailors in nuclear ratings must hold a supervisor NEC (3393, 3394, 3395, 3396) prior to the E7 board convening date. Additionally these personnel must have qualified as EWS or Propulsion Plant Watch Supervisor. The same acceptable documentation applies as submarine Sailors in nuclear ratings. l. Candidates must meet special requirements (citizenship, security clearance, medical, etc.) for certain ratings as outlined in paragraph 204 of reference (a), prior to the regular exam date. m. Evaluations used to compute performance mark average (PMA) must be inclusive of period 1 January 2012 * 31 December 2014. For additional guidance on computing PMA, refer to chapter 3 of reference (a). Refer to reference (e) for use of concurrent evaluations for specific IA/Global Support Assignment (GSA) tours for PMA computation and to establish eligibility for early promote TIR waivers. Only E6 evaluations are to be used for PMA computation. If a service member does not have an evaluation during the period specified, prepare a special evaluation with 31 December 2014 in block 15. n. Canvasser recruiter personnel are ineligible for advancement to E7. 4. Exam Ordering a. Deploying commands can order exams up to six months prior to the scheduled exam date. Refer to reference (f) for IA Sailors. b. CTI/CTN/CTR SCI exam web ordering dates can be found on the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) website at https://neasos.cnet.navy.mil. (1) Educational Services Officers (ESOs) must verify TIR eligibility lists on the NEAS website for initial exam ordering. (2) Additional exams are ordered via message or in message format via e-mail to sfly_cryptologic.products(at)navy.mil following the guidelines in chapter 4 of reference (a). Commands must include their Department of Defense activity address code account number, point of contact (POC), and the number of exams required. Commands requesting the forwarding of exams should include the forwarding command as an info addressee on the message. The deadline for additional orders is 29 September 2014. The deadline for substitute exam orders is 31 January 2015. c. Exam web ordering for non-SCI exams have begun. ESOs must verify TIR eligibility lists on the NEAS website during the following time periods: (1) Initial TIR lists will be available until 9 November 2014. (2) Additional TIR lists will be available 10 November 2014 to 7 December 2014. (3) Exams required after the TIR list has closed are ordered via message or in message format via e-mail to sfly_N321_order(at)navy.mil following the guidelines in chapter 4 of reference (a). Ensure a POC is included in the message. d. Substitute exams should be kept to a minimum. Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC) is the approval authority for all substitute exams. Deadline for ordering substitute examinations is 31 January 2015. 5. General Examination Information a. Examination will be administered per chapter 6 of reference (a). Do not administer cycle 226 examinations prior to 15 January 2015 unless specifically authorized by PERS-812. b. Refer to reference (f) regarding examination options for Sailors who are pending deployment to, or are deployed and operating in Iraq, Afghanistan, or the Horn of Africa. Commands must submit the command letter of transmittal in accordance with reference (a). The in-theatre selection board eligibility waiver is not an automatic process. c. Authorized materials during examination administration, only those materials specifically identified and listed in chapter 6 of reference (a), this NAVADMIN and the general examination verbatim instructions are authorized for use during examination administration. d. Navy Counselor (NC) Recruiter examinations. Administer Navy Career Counselor (Recruiter) (NCCR) examinations to the NC*s holding the 2186 NEC. Administer Navy Career Counselor (Counselor) (NCCC) examinations to all other NCs. e. Aviation Electronics Technician (AT) examinations: Administer Aviation Electronics Technician (Intermediate) (ATI) examinations for intermediate maintenance personnel and Aviation Electronics Technician (Organizational) (ATO) examinations for organizational maintenance personnel. To ensure the best possible candidates are selected for chief petty officer, beginning with cycle 226 E7 selection board, ATI and ATO board eligible personnel will be merged into one selection pool. Personnel will continue to be tested via two separate examinations. f. Air Traffic Controllers (AC) must possess a valid FAA 7220-1 ATCS certificate and meet requirements established in NAVMED P-117. g. Aerographer*s Mate (AG) must complete the Aerographers Mate Class C-1 course and hold the 7412 NEC. h. Nuclear Electronics Technician (ETN), Nuclear Electricians Mate (EMN), and Nuclear Machinists Mate (MMN) examinations: (1) ETN, EMN, AND MMN candidates will take nuclear-specific rating examinations. (2) Nuclear Surface and Submarine candidates with take the same examination. i. The ET rating has separate exams for ETR, ETV and ET. The MM rating has separate exams for MME, MMW, and MM. Administer the appropriate examination IAW applicable NEC: (1) Non-Nuclear Electronic Technicians (ET) Examinations: ETR - NEC 14BH, 14HH, 14RO, 14TO, 14CM, 14TM, 14EM, 14RM ETV - NEC 14NM, 14NO, 14NV, 14SM, 14TK, 14XM, 14NP, 14GM, 14XO NOTE: ET surface - Administer the ET examination. (2) Non-Nuclear Machinists Mate (MM) examinations: MME - NEC 4230, 4231, 4234 MMW - NEC 4232, 4233, 4235 NOTE: MM Surface * Administer MM examinations. j. If an exam is administered in error, the command must request to invalidate IAW reference (a), paragraph 610. 6. Competitive Groups. USN candidates in the following ratings are separated into the following competitive groups: a. CS, LS, and YN GROUP 1 - Submarine GROUP 2 - All others b. CTI GROUP 1 - Middle East/North Africa GROUP 2 - East/Far East GROUP 3 - Latin/South America GROUP 4 - Eastern Europe c. EMN, ETN, and MMN GROUP 1 - Submarine GROUP 2 - Surface d. FC GROUP 1 - Non-AEGIS GROUP 2 - AEGIS e. MU GROUP 1 - Premier Band GROUP 2 - Fleet Band 7. Exam administration and answer sheet return a. Refer to the exam verbatim at https://www.nko.navy.mil/group/navy-advancement-center for exam administration and answer sheet return. b. ESO*s must check the exam tote board on the NEAS website at https:/neasos.cnet.navy.mil/neas/public/toteboard.aspx to ensure answer sheets have been received and processed. Answer sheets that are in error will not be counted until they have scanned successfully. c. Substitute examinations must be administered within seven days of receipt. d. A detailed discrepancy list will be maintained on the NEAS website. Refer to reference (a), chapter 7 for guidance on correcting discrepancies. 8. Examination Results a. Results will be provided online via bupers on-line (BOL) to authorized command representatives prior to the release of the profile sheets. b. Commands must verify their exam status verification report (ESVR) and submit a message to NETPDTC (N321), Info PERS-81, requesting invalidation for candidates no longer eligible or no longer recommended for advancement. Withdrawal of advancement must be documented per reference (a), paragraph 721.b. 9. Records review and communication with the E7 Selection Board a. Communications to the board must originate from the individual Sailor and must be accompanied under the candidate*s signed LTB. Information received that is not under a signed cover letter or not received by NPC CSC by the established deadline will not be presented to the board. b. The time and date LTB*s are received in the NPC CSC (central standard time) inbox is the time and date used for deadline verification. Although late LTB*s may be accepted by the NPC CSC, they will not be presented to the board. Third party correspondence is any communication to the board which is not accompanied by the candidate*s signed LTB and will not be permitted. This supersedes reference (a). c. All LTB*s should be on plain white paper, paper clipped (no staples, binders, folders or tabs) and submitted under signed cover letter to the president of the board. Candidates must verify that the correct board number is on their signed cover letter. Board numbers are 336 for FTS and 360 for AC. d. LTB*s must contain the Sailor*s full name and full social security number. Additionally, this information must be affixed and legible on all enclosures submitted. FTS E7 Letters must be addressed to: Navy Personnel Command Customer Service Center President FY-16 Reserve E7 Selection Board #336 (FTS) 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055 Active E7 Letters must be addressed to: Navy Personnel Command Customer Service Center President FY-16 Active E7 Selection Board #360 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055 (1) Address for e-mailing encrypted LTB*s is cscselboard(at)navy.mil. E-mailed LTB*s must be encrypted to protect personally identifiable information (PII). Trouble with file encryption or certificate issues does not justify a late LTB. (2) If the candidate is unable to send an encrypted e-mail, they may utilize the safe access file exchange (SAFE) website at https://safe.amrdec.army.mil/safe to transmit their LTB to cscselboard(at)navy.mil. In order for the LTBs to be considered by the board, the NPC CSC must receive the e-mail notification of the file upload from SAFE before the LTB deadline. e. Certified or registered mail is not advised due to delays in handling. f. Candidates are authorized to submit more than one LTB, vice waiting until the deadline to submit one all-inclusive LTB. Although multiple LTB*s are authorized, candidates should not duplicate previously sent information. The E7 selection board will review all necessary information per policy and this NAVADMIN as outlined in chapter 12 of reference (a). g. The LTB deadline still applies to candidates who gain eligibility after the LTB deadline and before the convening date. If a candidate is working to fix an eligibility issue and expects to be selection board eligible prior to the board convening date, they may submit a LTB prior to the deadline. 8. Additional information regarding this cycle will be posted on the NEAS website or at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/boards/ activedutyenlisted /pages/cposelectionboards.aspx or http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/boards/reserveenlisted/pages/ cposelectionboards.aspx. Record review and correspondence submission guidance is provided at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/ boards/activedutyenlisted/pages/generalinformation.aspx. 9. Official results will be announced by NAVADMIN. Selectee profile sheets will be published by NETPDTC within 30 days of NAVADMIN release. 10. Points of Contact. a. NPC Customer Service Center at 866-U-ASK-NPC/866-827-5672 or via e- mail at UASKNPC@NAVY.MIL b. SCI Exam Questions and Orders: 850-473-5874/5867, DSN 753 c. Exam Orders, Records, and Discrepancies: 850-473-6148, DSN 753. 11. For further information visit the NKO (exam verbatim, advancement manual, and other related documents) website at https://www.nko.navy.mil/group/navy-advancement-center. 12. This message will remain in effect until canceled or superseded, whichever occurs first. 13. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. MORAN, N1.// BT #2389 NNNN