UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 021355Z OCT 14 PSN 923373K27 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 227/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N4/ SUBJ/CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS INTEGRATED VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT, CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM ASSESSMENT, AND MISSION ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT-NAVY(PILOT) SCHEDULE FOR SELECT NAVY COMMANDS DURING FISCAL YEAR 2015// REF/A/DOC/DODI 2000.16/31OCT2006// REF/B/DOC/OPNAVINST 3300.53C/26MAY2009// REF/C/DOC/DEPT OF DEFENSE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT BENCHMARKS /1JAN2013// REF/D/DOC/DODI 3020.45/21APR2008// REF/E/DOC/DODI(DRAFT)/22APR2014// NARR/REF A IS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) ANTITERRORISM STANDARDS. REF B IS THE NAVY ANTITERRORISM PROGRAM. REF C IS THE DOD VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT BENCHMARKS. REF D IS THE DCIP MANAGEMENT GUIDE FOR ALL DOD ACTIVITIES. REF E IS THE DRAFT DOD MISSION ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT GUIDE. POC/CDR A. L. SCHREIBER/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N462/LOC: ARLINGTON, VA/ TEL: (703) 695-5526, ANDREA.SCHREIBER(AT)NAVY.MIL AND MR ERIC HAMMETT/ OPNAV N46/ LOC: ARLINGTON, VA/ TEL: (703) 695-5521, ERIC.HAMMETT(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN promulgates the list of Navy commands scheduled to receive a Chief of Naval Operations Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (CNOIVA), Critical Infrastructure Program (CIP) Assessment, or Mission Assurance Assessment-Navy (Pilot) (MAA -N(P)) during Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15). 2. These assessments help prevent and/or reduce the impact of a terrorist attack and assist Commanding Officers in meeting their antiterrorism and force protection (AT/FP) responsibilities. a. IAW Ref A, para 2, Navy commands requiring an antiterrorism program will undergo a higher headquarters integrated vulnerability assessment every three years. b. Certain Navy commands have been selected to receive CIP assessments based on critical missions and assets. c. Since DoD and Navy are replacing integrated vulnerability and CIP assessments with multi-functional MAA-N in the near future, Navy will conduct MAA-N(P) at two Navy commands. The MAA-N(P) assessments will be preceded by an MAA-N(P) Pre-Site Survey (PSS) which is critical to the development of the command and tenant missions decomposition process. 3. FY15 Assessment schedule by date, location and type: 6-10 Oct 2014 NAVSUPPACT Bahrain CIP 17-21 Nov 2014 NAS Whidbey Island CNOIVA 17-21 Nov 2014 NAVSTA Guantanamo CIP 1-12 Dec 2014 NAVBASE Kitsap CNOIVA 1-12 Dec 2014 Port Of Jebel Ali CIP 1-12 Dec 2014 Port Of Fujairah CIP 8-12 Dec 2014 NAS Key West MAA-N(P) PSS 26-30 Jan 2015 NAVSUPPFAC Diego Garcia CIP 2-13 Feb 2015 JBPHH Pearl Harbor CNOIVA-CIP 23-27 Feb 2015 NAS Key West MAA-N(P) 2-6 Mar 2015 NAVSTA Everett CNOIVA 9-13 Mar 2015 FAIRECONRON THREE DET Travis AFB CIP 20-24 Apr 2015 NAS Oceana CNOIVA-CIP 4-15 May 2015 NAVBASE Guam CIP 4-8 May 2015 NAVHOSP Pensacola CNOIVA 18-22 May 2015 NAVBASE Coronado CNOIVA 1-5 Jun 2015 NAVSUPPACT Hampton Roads MAA-N(P) PSS 8-12 Jun 2015 NAVSUPPACT Bethesda CNOIVA-CIP 15-20 Jun 2015 Washington Navy Yard CIP 13-17 Jul 2015 JBAB Washington DC CNOIVA-CIP 20-31 Jul 2015 NCTAMS PAC DET Puget Sound CIP 10-15 Aug 2015 NAVSUPPACT Hampton Roads MAA-N(P) 10-21 Aug 2015 NAVCOMTELSTA Jacksonville CIP 7-11 Sep 2015 NAF El Centro CNOIVA 4. Conduct of Assessments: a. Commands scheduled for CNOIVA, CIP or MAA-N(P) Assessments have received or will receive a letter 60-90 days prior to the on -site assessment date identifying specific information and logistics support required for the Assessment Team. b. At a minimum, each team requires: (1) Working space with 24 hour access, a LAN or DSL cable connection with Internet access and storage for a small quantity of confidential classified material. (2) Hardcopies of the Antiterrorism (AT) Plan; Plans for Response to Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction; Disaster Preparedness Plan; previous Joint Security Integrated Vulnerability Assessments and CNOIVA reports; Security Department post or guard force orders and Standard Operating Procedures; and a Base Map that delineates buildings and streets. (3) A 15-passenger van for a windshield tour. (4) An in-brief on the first day of the Assessment for the team to provide the Installation Commanding Officer and staff an overview. (5) Access to personnel responsible for the following functional areas: anti-terrorist operations, security operations, structural engineering, infrastructure engineering, and operational readiness. (6) If a CIP Assessment is scheduled, provide contact information for the Defense Critical Infrastructure POC. (7) An out-brief for the Installation Commanding Officer and staff. The out-brief will present options for the Installation Commanding Officer to consider in pursuing improvements to force protection and to formulating budget submissions. c. The formal Assessment Report will be forwarded to the Command within 90 days of completion. The report will list findings, including vulnerabilities, dependencies, single points of failure , and remediation/mitigation recommendations. 5. Background: a. CNOIVA (1) Using a vulnerability-based assessment, the CNOIVA determines a command*s ability to deter and/or respond to terrorist incidents. (2) The CNOIVA evaluates the consequences of terrorist acts in terms of a command's ability to accomplish its mission. Vulnerability-based assessment methodology reviews site -specific characteristics, mission, threat analyses, security plans, procedures, threat and disaster response capabilities, and other specific command concerns. (3) IAW Ref B, Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Security Training, Assessment and Assistance Teams (STAAT) conduct the CNOIVA assessments using Ref C. b. CIP (1) The CIP assesses a command*s ability to support mission requirements and identify supporting infrastructure vulnerabilities (e.g., electric power, communications, fuels, transportation) and dependencies. (2) The CIP reviews site-specific characteristics, mission and infrastructure plans, projects, procedures and response capabilities. (3) The Mission Assurance Division (MAD) at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division conducts CIP assessment using Refs D and E. c. MAA-N Pilot (P) (1) MAA-N(P) is Navy*s approach to the proposed Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Mission Assurance Assessment. (2) The MAA-N(P) combines several assessments into a single assessment and minimizes operational and logistical impacts to the Command, reduces cost, and maximizes effectiveness of the Assessment Team via information-sharing and identification of vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies across multiple program areas to include critical infrastructure, anti-terrorism, emergency management , physical security and cyber operations. (3) NCIS STAAT and MAD will conduct the MAA-N(P) using Refs D and E. 6. Any changes to the schedule in para. 3 must be coordinated with message POCs. 7. Released by VADM P. H. Cullom, N4.// BT #5055 NNNN