UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 022145Z OCT 14 PSN 928684K37 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 229/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/OCT// SUBJ/2014 ARMY-NAVY GAME SPIRIT SPOTS// POC/MR. DAMON MORITZ/CHINFO OI-2/TEL: (703) 614-9154/ E-MAIL: NAVYMEDIA(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This year's Army/Navy game is scheduled for Saturday, 13 December 2014 at M&T Bank Stadium (Baltimore). CBS Sports will televise the game and will once again accept "Go Navy, Beat Army" video spots from the Navy and Marine Corps team to be considered for broadcast during the game. Please note that CBS generally only airs one spirit spot from each service and that is selected at their discretion. Advanced notice of use by CBS is not possible. Other videos may be played on stadium jumbotron displays at the game organizer's discretion. a. The Navy Office of Information and Defense Media Activity will push selected spots to a variety of media outlets, flagship web and broadcast platforms and social media sites prior to the game to help generate esprit de corps and as a way of highlighting our naval forces. (1) Requirements and best practices: (a) All spots must be submitted from a Navy or Marine Corps activity and release is embargoed until 8 December 2014. (b) Include the submitting command's name and location and include a "Go Navy, Beat Army" theme. (c) Commands are also encouraged to include the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO's) tenets: warfighting first, operate forward, and be ready. Avoid use of Navy or military jargon or acronyms. (d) Do not submit group/command/formation shout outs in which the group is shouting a message. (e) Experience has shown that submissions most likely to be successful in broadcast or social media sites are those with clean clear audio and exhibit enthusiasm, humor, creativity, and motivation. (f) Inclusion of Naval Academy graduates, unique locations, forward deployed locations and underway scenes are highly encouraged. (g) Spots cannot include copyrighted or sensitive material or music, make any official or implied endorsements or present commands or the Navy in a negative light. (h) Spots should be broadcast quality in one of the following file or tape formats: 1. Files should be at least 8 mb/s but no more than 100 mb/s and in mxf, mpeg, wmv, mp4, mov or avi file formats. M4v, flv and swf files are not accepted. 2. Tapes/media are accepted, but efforts should focus on electronic transmission. Accepted tape/media formats are: cd/dvd, xdcam or hdv. First-generation tapes only. 3. All submissions must be in high definition (1920x1080 or 1280x720). (i) If intended for CBS, spots must be no more than 30 seconds in length, however spots intended for social media or other web-only outlets shall not be longer than two minutes. (j) Use high quality Navy branding graphics available for use at: http://extensis.cnrc.navy.mil/graphics.htm and enter the branding products page. (k) Submit only ready-to-air spots. Neither CBS nor the Navy Office of Information will edit submissions. (l) Frame shots according to rules of good composition (avoid talking heads with no bodies) and avoid distracting backgrounds and inadvertent commercial product placement. (m) Good audio quality and sharp focus are paramount. Poor audio quality is a primary reason for rejection. Check for over modulated audio, weak audio, unclear voices or background noise prior to submitting. 2. Support from Navy Public Affairs Support Elements (NPASE), Defense Media Activity detachments or broadcast detachments are permissible on a not-to- interfere with operational requirements basis. 3. Commands are to send original, broadcast quality footage by electronic means, express shipment or fastest method available to the Navy Office of Information (OI-2). Submissions must be received before 30 November 2014. Late submissions are not accepted. Please consider shipping times for overseas and deployed units. Send to: U.S. Navy Office of Information, Attn: Damon Moritz, 1200 Navy Pentagon, RM 4B514, Washington, DC, 20350-1200. Uploads via the Navy Imagery Server or Fast File Transfer (FFT) are also accepted. Contact navymedia(at)navy.mil with subject line "army-navy transmission request" for file transfer information. 4. Request widest possible dissemination of this message. This is an excellent means of highlighting Navy teamwork and the spirit of our Sailors and Marines forward deployed around the world. Go Navy, beat Army. 5. Released by Vice Admiral S. H. Swift, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #8318 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//