UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 171638Z OCT 14 PSN 865610H26 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 243/14 SUBJ/TRANSITION GOALS, PLANS, AND SUCCESS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/OCT// REF/A/DOC/DOD/15AUG13/NOTAL// REF/B/DOC/DOD/7APR14/NOTAL// REF/C/DOC/BUPERS/20APR09// NARR/REF A IS THE INTERAGENCY STATEMENT OF INTENT AMONG THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, UNITED STATES OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, UNITED STATES SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, REDESIGNED TRANSITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR SEPARATING SERVICE MEMBERS. REF B IS THE MILITARY LIFE CYCLE TRANSITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (MLC TAP) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. REF C IS NAVPERS 15878K, BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL CAREER COUNSELOR HANDBOOK WHICH PROVIDES GUIDANCE ON CAREER DEVELOPMENT BOARDS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the fifth in a series of new updates for Transition Goals, Plans, and Success (GPS) and specifically addresses implementation of the Transition Military Lifecycle (MLC) model as directed by references (a) and (b). 2. The Transition MLC model is designed to introduce portions of Transition GPS curriculum early and throughout the career of service members prior to pre-separation counseling or attending the mandatory Transition GPS courses. Sailors will also be introduced to the Career Readiness Standards (CRS), which are a standardized set of milestones each member must meet prior to separation. For more specific guidance on CRS, go to: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/career/transition/Pages/TAP.aspx. 3. The new MLC aligns key transition activities with pre-determined *touch points* throughout the career of Sailors. For enlisted personnel, the career development board (CDB) will be the primary means to implement MLC. For officers, mid-term counseling will be utilized as these same *touch points* to discuss MLC topics, in addition to normal performance counseling. Leveraging the current career development processes allows us to incorporate facets of the CRS into the MLC without creating a new program or requiring an additional process. The scheduled periodic reviews within the CDB process, or mid-term counseling, ensure the Navy will cover Transition GPS at the key *touch points* described in paragraph 4 below, and will benefit service members who decide to separate or retire by ensuring they are well-prepared and more marketable to the civilian sector. Reference (c) is under revision to incorporate transition topics and will provide career counselors the information and tools needed to incorporate MLC into CDBs at the required key *touch points*. Information to assist career counselors administer the MLC portion of the CDB, in addition to a guide for officers conducting mid-term counseling is located at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/career/transition/Pages/TAP.aspx. 4. Key MLC *touch points* include entry level boot camp or accession training, first duty station (Active Component) or first home station drill weekend (Reserve Component), reenlistment, subsequent duty stations, 18 months prior to separation (pre-separation counseling, Transition GPS) and Capstone (90 days prior to separation). 5. MLC topics addressed at key *touch points* include Servicemembers Group Life Insurance election, eBenefits Registration, Individual Career Development Plan, Budget Preparation/Personal Finance, Active-Duty VA Benefits, Military Occupational Crosswalk (credentialing and certification opportunities), Off-Duty Voluntary Education, Continuum of Service (Reserve Affiliation), GI Bill transferability/VA Home Loan/Education Benefits. 6. Points of contact are Mr. Tom A. Albert, N170C, at (901) 874-4254/DSN 882, or via e-mail at tom.albert(at)navy.mil, or Mr. Perry Christiansen, at (901) 874-4372/DSN 882 or via e-mail at perry.christiansen(at)navy.mil. 7. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 8. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #8101 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//