UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 281205Z OCT 14 PSN 175621K22 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS R 281205Z OCT 14 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN UNCLAS NAVADMIN 249/14 SUBJ/SURFACE NAVY ASSOCIATION OLD TAR AWARD// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N9/OCT// RMKS/1. This message solicits nominations for the Surface Navy Association's "Old Tar" Award. 2. The "Old Tar" Award was established by the Surface Navy Association (SNA) in 1996 to recognize the active duty Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) with the earliest date of qualification. The award is a replica of the statue "the Chief" which stands at the Navy Memorial in Washington, DC. The statuette is mounted on original planking from the USS CONSTITUTION and remains in the sacred custody for display by the "Old Tar" as long as he/she serves on active duty. The statuette is shifted upon retirement to the next "selected" recipient. 3. The current "Old Tar" is FCCM Thomas E. Ward, who will retire in January 2015. 4. The criteria for the "Old Tar" award is: active duty ESWS with the earliest date of qualification as received by the SNA before the announced closing date. New nominations will only be accepted if the date is equal to or earlier than 8 November 1985. Nominations may be submitted in the form of a certified true copy of Page 4 or an ESWS certificate. Nominations received after the closing date that are of an earlier date of qualification of the selected award winner will receive a letter of recognition only. In the event of more than one nominee having the same ESWS qualification date, the recipient will be determined first by the most time at sea, and secondly, by the pay entry base date. If a candidate is qualified in more than one warfare specialty area, their primary designation must be Surface Warfare. 5. The change in custody of the "Old Tar" statuette is recognized at the SNA's annual symposium held in January in Washington, DC. A replica of the chief statuette is presented to the new "Old Tar". The replica presentation serves to renew knowledge of the recognition, and as a reaffirmation of faith by the SNA nationally that becoming an ESWS is, was, and will remain important. The replica previously provided to the retiring *Old Tar* is for his/her retention for life with a "very well done". 6. It is requested that all nominations be sent directly to the SNA via mail at 6551 Loisdale Court, Suite 222, Springfield, VA 22150 or via email to awards(at)navysna.org. Due date for the receipt of nominations is 15 November 2014. 7. Released by Vice Admiral J.P. Aucoin, Deputy CNO, Warfare Systems(N9).// BT #4716 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//