UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 041706Z NOV 14 PSN 951423H24 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS //N05000// NAVADMIN 255/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N00/NOV// SUBJ/UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS BIRTHDAY 2014// 1. Congratulations to the men and women of the United States Marine Corps as you celebrate your 239th Birthday on 10 November 2014. 2. Over the last 239 years, Marines and Sailors have served together as Shipmates through countless missions around the world. Together, the Navy- Marine Corps Team has formed an integrated and cohesive team, the mightiest sea-going force the world has ever known. 3. The men and women of the United States Navy are proud to serve with the United States Marine Corps. You have always been ready to provide power projection from the sea as we successfully fulfill the mandate to be where it matters, when it matters. Happy 239th Birthday to you and your Families! Semper Fidelis. 4. Released by the Chief of Naval Operations.// BT #2337 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//