UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 181855Z NOV 14 PSN 018317H20 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 261/14 SUBJ/ACTIVE-DUTY PROMOTIONS TO THE PERMANENT GRADES OF CAPTAIN, COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT, AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICERS IN THE LINE AND STAFF CORPS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/NOV// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/11JUL11// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/28FEB12// REF/C/DOC/SECNAV/15DEC05// REF/D/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/23JUL07// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 6110.1J, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF B IS OPNAVINST 1811.3A, VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT AND TRANSFER TO THE FLEET RESERVE OF MEMBERS OF THE NAVY SERVING ON ACTIVE DUTY. REF C IS SECNAVINST 1920.6C, ADMINISTRATIVE SEPARATION OF OFFICER. REF D IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1070-180, OFFICER PHOTOGRAPHS.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to the following officers on their promotion to the ranks indicated in this message. This NAVADMIN is the authority for effecting permanent officer promotions on the dates indicated. Columns read name and designator. PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CAPTAIN SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 25 JUNE 2014 DOR/EFF DATE 1 DECEMBER 2014 Abrahamson Todd A 1310 Amidon Andrew D 1110 Cho Hyunmin Wesley 2100 Cunningham Donald Scott 1310 Debrine Jeffrey Dale 1310 Hearther William Andrew 1310 Lacoste Eugene Douglas 1120 Lowery John Lee 1440 Middleton George W 2100 Ramirez Dale Dan 2900 Williams Donna Marie 2200 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO COMMANDER COMMANDER LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 25 JUNE 2014 STAFF 31 JULY 2014 DOR/EFF DATE 1 DECEMBER 2014 Barrett Jeffery Allen 1510 Choi Kenny K 2100 Dang Tuan Quoc 1820 Davis Demarius 1810 Diaz Andres 3100 Dise Paul A 6330 Fox Jason D 1310 Green John T 1130 Hays Mary Katey 1110 Hicks Danielle Villalobo 2300 House Kelly Wayne Jr 3100 Hutchinson Cynthia A 2900 Jones Ahmik L 2100 Keen James Allan 1200 Klosterman Andrew T 1310 Lee Ricky Wallace Jr 6390 Majoris Robert Paul 1310 Mueller Arthur August II 1440 Nance Lawrence Dean 1310 Neal Jeffrey David 2200 Ojo Olaitan Fadeke 2300 Petersen Deryk Bart 1120 Platten Andrew B 1120 Ryan John W 1110 Sand Mark Wayne 1310 Selph Benjamin Joseph 1120 Stinespring Benjamin Mic 1310 Tilley Drake H 2100 Varona David Christopher 1830 Vonstpaul James J 1110 Wanger Michael John 5100 Wroe David P 1110 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT COMMANDER SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 22 SEPTEMBER 2012 DOR/EFF DATE 1 SEPTEMBER 2013 Daniel Emad Habib 2100 LIEUTENANT COMMANDER LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 31 JULY 2014 STAFF 17 SEPTEMBER 2014 DOR/EFF DATE 1 DECEMBER 2014 Banazwski Brian Joseph 1460 Barrett Kevin Ross 1810 Berry Mason Wight 1310 Cobb Brandon J 1120 Cohen Jordan M 1110 Davis Christopher John 2900 Eppel Carla Louise 2200 Fasano Michael R 6280 Felix Joseph Samuel 1200 Fisher Ryan Austen 6450 Flanagan Jason A 1110 Forero Giovanni 3100 Gall Aaron J 1120 Gillis Robert J Jr 1120 Gorney Charles W 1820 Gray Darby R 1310 Gray John E 1110 Harding Joshua Ryan 3100 Hathaway Christopher Ste 1310 Hiebenthal Colleen Tamar 2100 Hiscock Kyle W 1110 Hughey Clayton J 1120 Hurd William Robert 1810 Jackson Michael 1110 Johndreau Stephen Wade 2200 Johnston Carter L 1800 Jones William Powell 1310 Kehoe John Edward 2100 Kendel Michael Lewis 1120 Kennedy Kevin J 1320 Kessler Michael William 1120 Klosterman Keith F 1310 Koetter Nicholas J 1310 Krupa Konrad Radoslaw 3100 LoftusWilliams Jocelyn E 2500 Mahoney Paul J 1140 Mcneil Richard Curtis 6400 Mildenhall Scott 6390 Molina Sheila Renee 1830 Nolen Mack T Jr 1110 Nosek Robert Michael 2300 Panagos Colette Marie 1520 Prince Matthew Gene 4100 Raffel Lida Pardue 1110 Rasco Richard Alexander 1130 Rickert Kerry Nelson 1310 Roman Irina 2300 Stengel Michael 1310 Tring Visong 2100 Walson Lavell Bernard 5100 Whalen Allyson Edith 2900 Williams Lawrence Lee Jr 2100 Wright Joshua L 1120 Zielechowski Steven 1110 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT DOR/EFF DATE 1 APRIL 2014 Lee Kenneth Jung Ho 1110 DOR/EFF DATE 1 DECEMBER 2014 Alderson Megan Jeanne 2900 Alsup Travis Christopher 1310 Ammerman Anthony William 1320 Aucoin Daniel Timothy 1310 Baker Elana Marie 3100 Ballantyne Bryan Jeffrey 1110 Bankhead Andrew James 1110 Bocian Margaret Clare 2300 Bond Travis Alexander 1310 Brayman Courtney Kieta 1110 Britton Scott Clark 1110 Burcham Andrew Ryan 1320 Burman Damon Lamont 2500 Busiek Robert Allen 5100 Caccamo Jason Paul 2500 Carrigan Molly Gale 1110 Choi Yong Ngu 1110 Covelle Alexander Charle 1320 Decker Joseph Edward Rob 1310 Degrassi David Alessandr 1320 Desormier Casey Patrick 1110 Dorman James Eugene 1170 Drago Keith Gaines Jr 2500 Driscoll Thomas Joseph J 2300 Duch Michael Corey 1320 Dunkle Iain Scott 1520 Fitzgerald Matthew David 2900 Galligan Edward Joseph 1830 Gammarano Christopher Da 2300 Garlington Andrew Christ 1110 Garman Kurt Nelson 1310 Godfrey Chelsea Rochelle 2900 Good Brendan Henry 2300 Haffarnan Erin Angeline 2900 Hall Brian Joseph 1310 Hall Steven Lenard 1830 Headrick Meagan Anne 2900 Hook Michael Jon 1110 Horne Jonathan David 1320 Inzirillo Joseph Jerome 5100 Jensen Jamie Lynn 2500 Johnson Jennifer Lynn 2500 Keesee Michael Baron 1320 Keiley Joseph Philip 1650 Kelly Brendan Marc 1310 Knecht Shea Banning 1320 Kreek Patrick Arnold 1320 Lawrence Olufemi Samuel 1310 Lundy Daniel Lawrence 1830 Matlock Matthew Evan 1390 Mccarthy Patrick Thomas 1310 Monroe Marya Catherine 1110 Nelsen Brent Charles 1310 Netherton Thomas Walter 1310 Nichols William Justin 1310 Nicolas Anthony Steven 1320 Parrish Nicholas Stephen 1310 Phillips Thomas Griffin 1110 Picker Adam Davis 2300 Pitzel Benjamin Francis 1110 Post Joshua Earl 2500 Ramer John Duross 1110 Ray Ashley Vanessa 2300 Richey Eric Joseph 3100 Rider Rachael Elizabeth 2500 Roaf Joshua Michael 1110 Root Joshua Lynn 2500 Ross John Thomas II 1820 Rowntree William Burgess 1110 Ryan David Matthew 1110 Sammons Alicia Renee 2300 Sangster Cherie Michelle 1110 Schatz Jochelle Albano 1110 Scholes Bradley Dean 1320 Scott Bryan Justin 1320 Siladi Jonathan Frederic 2500 Silverman Joseph Beryl N 1390 Siple Christopher Steven 1830 Steiner Jeffrey Charles 1110 Stubblefield Curtis Ryan 2300 Sulpizio Hadley Mae 2300 Taylor Christopher Melvi 1820 Terry Roger Dennis II 1170 Thomas James Frederick 1810 Torres Andre Richard 1310 Vandenberg Aaron Robert 1460 Virden Michael Steven 1110 Voelkel Nathan Edward 2900 Walters Daniel Joseph 1320 Welborn David Benjamin 1520 Whitfield Nadege 2300 Wishnie Eric Burgess 1110 Workman Stephen Jennings 1810 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-5 DOR/EFF DATE 1 DECEMBER 2014 Sabella Frank Diego 7111 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-4 DOR/EFF DATE 1 DECEMBER 2014 Andros Timothy Wayne 7201 Astorga Cesar 7331 Broussard Carl Joseph 7131 Collier Albert Lawrence 7331 Glenn Brian David 7151 Hodges Vincent Edward 7531 Koller Dwight Stanley 7401 Peele Gregory Scott 7321 Robison Milton Wallace 7451 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-3 DOR/EFF DATE 1 DECEMBER 2014 Baldwin Marc Albert 7441 Ballard Fanandus Hayes 7331 Burton Demetrius Damon 7521 Delgado Felipe Belgira J 7511 Fournet Daniel Eric 7401 Johnson Willie Hugh II 7401 Jones Kevin Marquette 7161 Jordan Anthony Rashon 7441 Mauricio Raymond 7131 Mcdaniel Shane Martell 7441 Necessary Shaun Charles 7331 Renner Ryan Gordon 7171 Walker Jeffrey Lamond 7521 Young Chana Lee 7121 2. If a selected officer does not decline his or her promotion in writing prior to his or her projected date of rank (noted above in paragraph 1), that officer is considered to have accepted the promotion on the date indicated. An officer who chooses to decline his or her promotion must submit the declination in writing to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806), prior to the effective date indicated above. Limited duty officers declining appointment to lieutenant will be reverted to enlisted status within 90 days of projected promotion date. 3. The commanding officer (CO), the Secretary of the Navy or his designee, has the authority to delay projected appointments. Upon the exercise of a delay, the officer shall be notified in writing before the effective date of the appointment, and not be tendered the appointment. The delay authority will immediately forward the recommendation to delay with supporting documentation to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-83), copy to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806). 4. COs are reminded of their responsibility to ensure the officers they are promoting are mentally, physically, morally and professionally qualified. Per reference (a), officers are ineligible for promotion if they have failed the most recent physical fitness assessment. COs shall verify the promoting officer's information in the physical readiness information management system (PRIMS) to ensure compliance with reference (a) and delay the officer*s promotion in accordance with paragraph 3 if required. 5. Prepare a Delivery of Temporary/Permanent Appointment (NAVPERS form 1421/7) (Rev 10-13). Use this NAVADMIN as reference (a). Use section 624 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b), for permanent lieutenants and above. Use section 578 of title 10, U.S.C. 578 as reference (b), for chief warrant officers. Use sections 624 and 5589 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b), for limited duty officer promotion to lieutenant. Limited duty officer appointment to lieutenant is a permanent appointment; acceptance of the appointment is acceptance of permanent appointment as a limited duty officer. Mail the completed form to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806). 6. Officers should review reference (b), for minimum time-in-grade requirements for purposes of voluntary retirement. Full time support officers and those officers temporarily on active duty anticipating release from active duty under reference (c), may accept promotion without incurring any additional active- duty obligation. 7. New photographs are required for all officers within three months after acceptance of promotion. See reference (d), for specific requirements. 8. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #6238 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//