UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 111747Z DEC 14 PSN 669620K29 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 275/14 SUBJ/GUIDANCE FOR BYSTANDER INTERVENTION TO THE FLEET TRAINING// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO/WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC/ REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/021827ZOCT14//AMPN/REF A IS NAVADMIN 228/14, BYSTANDER INTERVENTION TO THE FLEET (BI2F) TRAINING// RMKS/1. Based directly on Sailor feedback and lessons learned from our Sexual Assault Prevention and Response efforts, new Bystander Intervention to the Fleet (BI2F) training has been created and began this fall. BI2F training will be completed no later than 30 September 2015. As this training will bridge several topic areas, the fraternization, hazing, physical readiness, and sexual health General Military Training (GMT) requirements for FY-15 have been eliminated. BI2F will count for these GMT lessons. 2. Background. Building on our core value of courage, BI2F is peer-led training designed to prevent destructive behaviors and promote an environment of professionalism, respect, and trust. 3. Training. Training will be delivered to all active and reserve Sailors by certified command facilitators (CF) selected by their individual commands. Designated CFs will be trained by Master Mobile Training Teams (MMTT) from the Center for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) and will then deliver the interactive video and facilitated face-to-face (F2F) sessions in small groups (8-30 personnel) to their peers within the command. Peer-to-peer training is a critical element of BI2F designed to encourage open, honest dialogue among those of similar age and experience level. a. Recommended peer groupings: Commanding officers should define the peer group audiences within their command to maximize the consistency of age, experience, and background among group members and select facilitators from each group to deliver this peer-level training. Suggested peer groupings are junior level: E5 and below; mid-level: E6-E8/O1-O3; and senior level: E9/O4 and above. b. Each command BI2F session will be facilitated by two CFs who fall within the same peer group as the training audience. Commands may designate multiple command facilitators per peer group as command size warrants. The success of BI2F training depends on the selection of exemplary and dynamic CFs who have the ability to actively engage Sailors while delivering the BI2F course materials. 4. BI2F training and delivery a. Active Component (AC): (1) Primary method: Facilitated F2F discussion by MMTT - certified CFs. b. Reserve Component (RC): (1) Primary method: Facilitated F2F discussion by MMTT - certified CFs. (2) Navy Operational Support Centers (NOSC) and Navy Reserve Commissioned units will designate CFs in accordance with the above guidance. NOSC and commissioned unit CF will then deliver BI2F training to assigned subordinate reserve unit personnel. (3) Non-commissioned reserve units may send personnel to CF certification training and conduct BI2F training independently within their unit, subject to prior coordination with the servicing NOSC. 5. Documentation. Completion of BI2F training should be documented locally and available for echelon II commanders to verify as part of their regular audit and spot check procedures. a. New accession Sailors who completed BI training at "A" School (CPPD- BI-3, all 3 sessions) and reported to their first operational command after 1 November 2014 are exempt from receiving BI2F training at the discretion of their commanding officer. 7. Resources. Commands may access Navy BI2F training information via the NPC 21st Century Sailor webpage (http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/support/21st_century_sailor/pages/default.aspx). The BI2F training webpage will contain up-to-date policy information, training materials, CF training schedules and locations, and FAQs. 8. Action required: a. All commands shall: (1) Ensure at least two CFs are identified for each command peer group and attend CF certification training. Register for CF certification training online at https://esams.cnic.navy.mil/esams_gen_2/loginesams.aspx. Select the training registration option at the bottom of the webpage and then follow directions to access BI2F CF training schedules. (2) Deliver and document BI2F training as explained above. b. Joint commands shall ensure the Navy Element Commander executes BI2F training for all assigned Navy personnel per this NAVADMIN. 9. BI2F TF points of contact are CAPT Patricia A. Enright, BI2F TF Chief of Staff, at (757) 492-5623/DSN 492-5623 or via e-mail at patricia.enright(at)navy.mil or CDR Heath L. Marcus, BI2F TF Deputy Chief of Staff, at (757) 492-5640/DSN 492-5640 or via e-mail at heath.marcus(at)navy.mil. 10. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 11. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #1398 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//