UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 161753Z DEC 14 PSN 707977K37 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 276/14 SUBJ/NOVEMBER 2014 LATERAL TRANSFER/REDESIGNATION SELECTION BOARD RESULTS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DEC// REF/A/DOC/CONGRESS/7JAN11// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/24DEC05// REF/C/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/22AUG02// REF/D/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/31MAY05// NARR/REF A IS TITLE 10, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTIONS 531, 532, 533, AND 5582. REF B IS OPNAVINST 1210.5, LATERAL TRANSFER/REDESIGNATION AND AUGMENTATION OF OFFICERS IN THE NAVY. REF C IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1212-010, LATERAL TRANSFER AND CHANGE OF DESIGNATOR CODES OF REGULAR AND RESERVE OFFICERS. REF D IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1212-030, REDESIGNATION OF REGULAR PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY LIMITED DUTY OFFICERS. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the results of the November 2014 Lateral Transfer/Redesignation Board. They are grouped by the community for which they were selected. Unrestricted Line Officer * Special Warfare (Training) * 1180 Hunter Harold 1830 Restricted Line Officer - Human Resources Professional * 1200 Allen Nicholas Ryan 1110 Benjamin Jeanine F 1110 Carter Leah Petrovn 1320 Freeman Luke Daniel 1110 Giller Daniel Simon 1110 Mamaril Emmanuel E 1110 Pacholk Abaigeal S 1110 Tippins Nikita Danielle 1110 Walker Daniel James 1110 Unrestricted Line Officer * Pilot (Training) * 1390 Hulsey Austin Kizer 1520 Restricted Line Officer - Engineering Duty Officer (Training) - 1460 Blyskal Raymond D 1220 Cox Shaun A 1110 Crisman Ryan D 1120 Crosby Bryan David 1110 Cross Paul Jason 1110 Devisser Kristopher K 1110 Fernandez Jose Manuel 1120 Fosu Akwasi 1110 Garlington Kevin M 1110 Kingsland Michelle M 1110 Lusk Joshua Lyn 1120 Miller Douglas O 1110 Parker Benjamin Wade 1210 Russon Ryan M 1210 Williams Shaun Edward 1110 Restricted Line Officer - Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer - 1510 Albert Jennifer D 1310 Alemar Antonio 1320 Burfield Erica Ann 1320 Carmody Barry F Jr 1310 Carpenter Silas Owen 1320 Ciccocioppi John D 1320 Derks Maureen Marlowe 1320 Orthner Karl S 1310 Reed Randall Gary 1320 Reynolds Walter Allen 1300 Tennille Tyler R 1310 Thiessen John L 1300 Restricted Line Officer - Aerospace Maintenance Duty Officer - 1520 McArthur Andrei L 6330 Special Duty Officer * Public Affairs - 1650 Fontenot Kristina R 1110 Gardner David Michael 1110 Gibson Christina M 1110 Moore Richard Curtis 1110 Rieger Rochelle A 1110 Sears Christina H 1110 Special Duty Officer * Foreign Area Officer * 1710 Bruce Jason Kendall 1320 Bruno Mark Joseph 3100 Coillot Richard J 1110 Connolly Bartholomew 1310 Crazybull Christopher W 1110 Cunningham William F 1120 Devito Michael J Jr 6320 Fagan Billy Kenneth 1320 Garcia Jorge Federico 1110 Johnson Jada Elata 1110 Kane Paul Declan Jr 1120 Lee Chester III 1110 Mailer Chloe D 1110 Panjeti Sainath P 1110 Robertson Jason Ryan 1830 Ross Tonja W 1320 Rowland Charles William 1310 Schindler Carlson E 1120 Sonoda Sean M 1320 Stevens Sean C 1310 Thornbury Scott M 1320 Tunnell Leah M 1310 Wrona Jacquelinemar W 1830 Information Dominance Corps - Meteorology/Oceanography * 1800 Ingram Alonzo Jr 6460 Lenz Paul William 1120 Information Dominance Corps * Information Warfare - 1810 Alvarez Miles Gene 6440 Fink Nathan D 3100 Handbury Colleen P 1110 Jones Tracy 6440 Rawls Robert A 1110 Virden Robert David 6440 Wilkening Julieanne K 1320 Information Dominance Corps - Information Professional * 1820 Brummer Fred Eugene 6120 Carlsen Jacob Alan 6420 Covington Jeffrey T 1320 Geiszler Max M 1110 Henry Lindsey III 6420 Johns Seneca Ryan 1110 Morgan Lawrence L Jr 6420 Pino Maximiliano III 6420 Information Dominance Corps - Intelligence * 1830 Laraway Kristen Marie 1110 Martin James Elliott 1110 Roberts James Daniel 3100 Medical Service Corps Officer * 2300 Burton J Taylor 1300 Cutler Darren Wesley 1120 Debons Virginia E 1320 Knock Evan Lloyd 1310 Rimes Nicholas Page 1210 Supply Corps Officer * 3100 Benavidez Rommel Laylo 6510 Edwards Paul Anthony 6510 Hinds Anthony Learie 6510 Miller Sand Denise 6510 Civil Engineer Corps Officer * 5100 Gill Jeremiah David 1210 Maxim John Nicholas 1210 2. The Lateral Transfer/Redesignation Board is extremely competitive. Each record that is presented to the board is carefully reviewed and the best and fully qualified are chosen. 3. Quota constraints for junior year groups (08 through 12) were especially tight, thus the demand signal far exceeded the supply pool. Many quality applicants were identified by the board but could not be selected due to quota constraints of either the outgoing community or the gaining community. Applicants who were not selected this year should apply again while sustaining superior performance and bolstering their record for desired communities. 4. As always, competition for redesignation was keen and every community had a pool of highly qualified candidates. Eligible officers not initially selected, and who did not specifically request not to be reviewed by communities other than their first or second choice, were subsequently reviewed by all other communities. Those officers tentatively selected for communities not initially requested will be notified via official correspondence and offered the opportunity to redesignate. 5. This message is not authority to deliver change of designator letters to the selectees. Officers who are promotion selectees should contact their current detailer to discuss redesignation timing. Commander, Navy Personnel Command (COMNAVPERSCOM)(PERS-803), upon notification by COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS- 4) that the selectees have been made available to their new communities, will forward redesignation letters to selectees or appointment acceptance and oath of office (NAVPERS 1000/4), as applicable. Officers who are not promotion selectees and who are not under orders can expect assignment to a new billet appropriate to their new designation when notified by COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-4). If an officer is currently under orders and transfers prior to notification by COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-4), member must execute orders under current designator and must complete 12 months at the new assignment, unless a shorter tour is prescribed (tours in excess of one year will be with the concurrence of the gaining community), prior to redesignation. 6. The following are exceptions to the above: a. Surface Warfare (11XX) Officers who are under orders to department head school may not lateral transfer until completion of initial department head tour. b. Aviation Officers (131X and 132X) shall not be permitted to lateral transfer until completion of active-duty service obligation, expiration of aviation career continuation pay contract, or planned rotation date, whichever is later. c. Selectees for (151X) who are presently designated 131X or 132X and have not completed a second sea tour or aviation department head tour may be delayed, assignment to (151X) billets until the completion of an applicable second sea and or aviation department head tour, as determined by COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-43). 7. Commanding Officers shall: a. Ensure officers selected for promotion within their current community do not accept redesignation before their promotion date. b. Notify COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-803) within 30 days of release of this message of any selectee that does not desire to accept transfer/redesignation. 8. The next Lateral Transfer/Redesignation Board will be held on 1 June 2015. Applications must be received by 3 April 2015. Previous applications are not retained; non-selectees from previous boards must submit a new application for consideration. A future NAVADMIN will stipulate all of the eligibility requirements and application procedures per references (a) through (d). 9. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until 31 July 2015. 10. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1. BT #5930 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//