UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 172037Z DEC 14 PSN 716116K22 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS SUBJ/SELECTED RESERVE RECRUITING, ENLISTMENT, AND AFFILIATION BONUS PROGRAM// NAVADMIN 278/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN is effective immediately and applicable to all Selected Reserve (SELRES) New Accession Training Enlistment Bonuses, SELRES Prior Service Enlistment Bonuses, and SELRES Prior Service Affiliation Bonuses. 2. Providing appropriate incentives to recruit and retain enough skilled personnel to meet the Navy*s requirements is a vital part of supporting a total force strategy and maintaining combat readiness. 3. Eligibility Determination and Bonus Application Procedures. a. Recruiters and the Career Transition Office shall: (1) Determine a Sailor's eligibility for affiliation or enlistment bonuses per the policy documents found at: https://private.navyreserve.navy.mil/cnrfc/n-codes/n1/cnrfc_n112. For assistance in determining eligibility, contact Commander, Naval Reserve Force (N11) Incentive Program Specialists at (757) 444-3637/ DSN 262, (757) 322-2646/6722/DSN 262 or via e-mail at CNRFC_Bonus_Shop(at)navy.mil. (2) The complete written agreement for bonuses is located in the Reserve Bonus Application Module (RBAM). RBAM is the only authorized method for completing enlisted bonus written agreements and may be accessed via the Navy Reserve Homeport at https:// private.navyreserve.navy.mil/cnrfc/n- codes/n1/cnrfc_n112/rbam. 4. Point of contact is Mr. Jim Johnson, CNRFC (N1C21), at (757) 322-2245/DSN 262 or via e-mail at james.p.johnson(at)navy.mil. 5. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 6. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #7540 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//