UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 231427Z DEC 14 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS SUBJ/NOTICE OF CONVENING FY-15 CHIEF DEFENSE COUNSEL FOR MILITARY COMMISSIONS AND LEGAL COUNSEL TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF (CJCS) SELECTION BOARDS// NAVADMIN 282/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC// RMKS/1. This announces the notice of convening date for subject selection boards as 2 March 2015. The following list indicates the name, active-duty list number, and date of rank of the senior and junior officers on the active-duty list, who are eligible for consideration as of the date of this NAVADMIN. Sr Eligible * Modzelewski, M. 010214-50 1 JUN 03 Jr Eligible * Costello, T. 012543-00 1 OCT 12 Officers who have served in any of the following organizations are excluded from consideration by the FY-15 Chief Defense Counsel for Military Commissions selection board: (1) Office of the Convening Authority for Military Commissions; (2) Office of the Chief Prosecutor for Military Commissions; (3) Military Commissions Trial Judiciary; and (4) United States Court of Military Commissions Review. 2. The following guidance is provided: these selection boards will recommend two officer*s for appointment, one as Legal Counsel to the CJCS and the other as Chief Defense Counsel for Military Commissions. The boards will consider judge advocates from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. No weight will be given to branch of service or source of commission. 3. Eligible officers not wanting to be considered by these boards are strongly encouraged to submit a request to the President of the FY-15 Chief Defense Counsel for Military Commissions and Legal Counsel to the CJCS selection boards as directed below, indicating the desire that their record not be considered. Such request may be submitted via email to (Pers- 4416B) (CDR Heather Watts, JAGC, USN) at the email listed in para 7 below. Officers submitting requests not to be considered will not be eligible and their records will not be presented to the boards for consideration. 4. The officer selected as Legal Counsel to the CJCS should have significant joint experience, defined as: having completed at least one year in the grade of O-4 through O-6 on the joint staff, a combatant command, the Office of Secretary of Defense, a Joint Task Force (JTF), or a Defense Agency. Other significant joint duty while assigned to a JTF may be calculated cumulatively, including assignments to joint individual augmentation (IAa)/overseas contingency operations (previously referred to as Global War on Terrorism support assignment) billets. 5. A summary of each eligible officer*s joint duty experience will be considered by the board. The joint duty experience summary form will be provided to individual eligible officers by SEPCOR. All eligible officers who do not request non-consideration must populate the joint duty experience summary document and submit to (Pers-4416B) (CDR Heather Watts, JAGC, USN) via email NLT 16 January 2015. 6. Upon approval by the President of the United States, the officer selected will be appointed to the permanent grade of brigadier general or rear admiral (lower half). 7. Only eligible officers may communicate with a selection board. All correspondence must arrive not later than 16 January 2015 and shall be addressed to: Navy personnel command (Pers-4416B) Attn: CDR Heather Watts, JAGC, USN 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055-4416 Fax: (901) 874-2679 E-mail: heather.watts(at)navy.mil If you are sending a letter via fedex use the following address: Navy Personnel Command (Pers 4416B) Attn: CDR Heather Watts, JAGC, USN Bldg 791, Room B112 5750 Commitment Loop Millington, TN 38055-4416 Written communication may call to the attention of the board any matter concerning himself/herself which the officer considers important. The written communication may include, as enclosures, correspondence from any individual concerning the eligible officer. Correspondence not originated by the eligible officer, including endorsements to the officer's letter and letters written on behalf of that officer, must contain a written acknowledgement by the eligible officer that he or she desires such correspondence be presented to the board. Correspondence without such acknowledgement is considered third party correspondence and will be returned. Classified correspondence will not be accepted. 8. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//