UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 081301Z JAN 15 PSN 854179K34 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO ZEN/CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 008/15 SUBJ/NAVAL AIRCREWMEN MECHANICAL (AWF)/NAVAL AIRCREWMEN AVIONICS (AWV) INITIAL TRANSITION GUIDANCE FOR MARITIME PATROL AND RECONNAISSANCE AIRCRAFT (MPRA) COMMUNITY// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JAN// REF/A/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/21JUL12// REF/B/DOC/BUPERS/02NOV07// NARR/REF A IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1910-102, SEPARATION BY REASON OF CHANGES IN SERVICE OBLIGATION (ACTIVE DUTY AND INACTIVE NAVY RESERVIST). REF B IS BUPERSINST 1430.16F, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE.// RMKS/1. After much fleet coordination, the Airboss and I have agreed on a policy for AWF/AWV Sailors accompanying the transition from P-3C Orion to P-8 Poseidon that allows us to meet mission, make transition possible, and provide these Sailors with viable *stay Navy* options. 2. The policy outlined below is effective immediately and applies to active component P-3 AWF/AWV Sailors in Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Codes 8251 and 9402. a. Affected Sailors will contact their rating detailer one year from their Projected Rotation Date (PRD) or at the squadrons* transition conference, whichever occurs first. b. If there are valid vacancies within the Sailor*s TMS, the Sailor will choose from those orders via Career Management System Interactive Detailing (CMS/ID). If the rating detailer does not forecast available billets in community TMS, the Sailor will be offered billets to another TMS if there are valid vacancies. If there are valid vacancies and a Sailor does not desire to crossdeck to the available TMS, the Sailor*s record will be flagged for separation at soft expiration of active obligated service (SEAOS). Paygrade and NECs will be managed by rating detailer and BUPERS-3 in order to optimize advancement opportunity while maintaining sufficient experience in each TMS. c. If there are no valid Aircrew billets within the Sailors rating, the Sailor will be given the choice of a lateral rating conversion, or the Sailor may request an early separation per reference (a). Conversions will be requested via PERS-811E conversions desk. Requirements for the Enlisted Personnel Action Request (NAVPERS 1306/7) and conversion package may be found at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/career/enlistedcareeradmin/Pages/AcduConv.aspx. Separation will take place at PRD or SEAOS, whichever occurs first. (1) Sailors with less than 17 years of service who choose to laterally convert may choose up to four ratings in order of preference on the NAVPERS 1306/7. Sailors who desire conversion to their original source rating will indicate on the NAVPERS 1306/7 that the rating they are requesting is their previous source rating. Sailors are encouraged to select ratings that are open or balanced, in order to enhance their selection and advancement opportunity. (2) Sailors with 17 years of service or greater will be converted to their original source rating. d. Sailors selected for direct conversion to a requested rating will be converted upon approval and remain in place in a flying status (due to their existing aeronautical rating) until their current PRD. Converted Sailors will retain Career Enlisted Flight Incentive Pay (CEFIP) eligibility until transferred from their current command. Converted AWF/AWV Sailors will be eligible to compete for advancement in their new rating immediately upon conversion. Sailors approved for conversion via *A* school will transfer to *A* school at PRD and will remain an AWF/AWV until successful *A* school graduation and will compete for advancement in new rating upon *A* school graduation per reference (b). Sailors converted to new ratings via this NAVADMIN, or C-WAY, will retain the authority to wear the Aircrew insignia. e. Sailors not selected for a requested rating will be offered one or more ratings based on the needs of the Navy. Sailors may elect to convert to the new rating offered, or elect an early separation per reference (a). Sailors electing early separation will be separated at their current PRD or EAOS, whichever comes first. f. Those P-3 AWF/AWV Sailors who sign a page-13 non-volunteering from the Aircrew program will not be subject to this NAVADMIN. Non-volunteers will be offered one or more ratings for which they qualify based on needs of the Navy. 3. CNAF has initiated a Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications and Occupational Standards (NEOCS) proposal to determine the viability of sustaining the AWF/AWV ratings or return to the previous aviation maintenance rating Aircrew model. The Navy uses NEOCS to conduct in-depth analysis for any actions taken concerning enlisted personnel planning, manpower management, training, advancement, promotion, distribution, and assignment. The NEOCS package will be drafted by Spring 2015 with a decision expected in FY16 followed by a NAVADMIN that will provide specifics on NEOCS results. 4. Manning levels across each of the affected communities require strong leadership oversight, coordination with community managers (BUPERS-3/OPNAV N13), and enlisted distribution (PERS-40) to maintain personnel levels sufficient to achieve operational readiness. Taking care of our Sailors in these uniquely skilled ratings is of primary importance and emphasis. A team effort is required to navigate any transition disruptions. 5. Points of contact are CAPT Bruce *Des* Deshotel, Head Enlisted Community Manager (ECM), at (901) 874-3496/DNS 882 or via e-mail at bruce.deshotel(at)navy.mil; and CDR Donald Gaines, Deputy ECM, at (901) 874- 2980/DSN 882 or via e-mail at donald.l.gaines(at)navy.mil. 6. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #5215 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//