UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 201953Z JAN 15 PSN 499072H31 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO ZEN/CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 014/15 SUBJ/SEXUAL ASSAULT INCIDENT RESPONSE OVERSIGHT (8-DAY) REPORT// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JAN// REF/A/DOC/DOD/30SEP14// REF/B/DOC/SECNAV/8AUG13// REF/C/DOC/DOD/28MAR13// REF/D/DOC/OPNAV/29DEC06// REF/E/DOC/DOD/25JAN13// REF/F/DOC/DOD/23AUG04// REF/G/DOC/OPNAV/25APR08// REF/H/DOC/DOD/21AUG07// REF/I/DOC/OPNAV/4OCT11/NOTAL// NARR/REF A IS DIRECTIVE-TYPE MEMORANDUM (DTM) 14-007**SEXUAL ASSAULT INCIDENT RESPONSE OVERSIGHT (SAIRO) REPORT*. REF B IS SECNAVINST 1752.4B, SEXUAL ASSAULT PREVENTION AND RESPONSE. REF C IS DODINST 6495.02, SEXUAL ASSAULT PREVENTION AND RESPONSE (SAPR) PROGRAM PROCEDURES. REF D IS OPNAVINST 1752.1B, SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIM INTERVENTION (SAVI) PROGRAM. REF E IS DODINST 5505.18 CH1, INVESTIGATION OF ADULT SEXUAL ASSAULT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. REF F IS DODD 6400.1, FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAM (FAP). REF G IS OPNAVINST 1752.2B, FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAM (FAP). REF H IS DODINST 6400.06, DOMESTIC ABUSE INVOLVING DOD MILITARY AND CERTAIN AFFILIATED PERSONNEL. REF I IS OPNAVINST F3100.6J CH-2, SPECIAL INCIDENT REPORTING (OPREP-3 PINNACLE, OPREP-3 NAVY BLUE AND OPREP-3 NAVY UNIT SITREP) PROCEDURES.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN directs Fleet-wide implementation of the Sexual Assault Incident Response Oversight (SAIRO) (8-day) Report, required by law, which accounts for actions taken, or in progress, to provide the necessary care and support to the victim of an assault, verify referral of the allegation of sexual assault to the appropriate Military Criminal Investigative Office (MCIO), and to provide initial notification to the service member*s chain of command as required by reference (a). The SAIRO (8-day) Report is a one-time Situational Report (SITREP) required within eight calendar days following the initial OPREP-3 Navy Blue or OPREP-3 Navy Unit SITREP for an adult sexual assault. The SITREP format mandated by this NAVADMIN is an interim measure pending the release of a fillable form. The fillable form will be available later this year and will replace the SITREP format imposed by this NAVADMIN. 2. Effective immediately, the SAIRO (8-day) SITREP is required when an adult sexual assault is reported involving a service member victim or a service member alleged offender (including reserve component members who were performing active service or inactive duty training during the time of the assault) per reference (b). This requirement only applies to unrestricted reports made to a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), Deployed Resiliency Counselor (DRC), or Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Victim Advocate (SAPR VA) and to independent investigations initiated by the MCIO per references (c) through (e). A SAIRO (8-day) SITREP is not prepared for sexual assaults involving Family Advocacy Program cases, consistent with references (f) through (h). 3. An individual, one-time SAIRO (8-day) SITREP is required for each victim involved, regardless of affiliation, status or location of the victim or alleged offender. Per reference (a), the SAIRO (8-day) SITREP is required for all unrestricted reports of sexual assault incidents, including incidents (being reported at the present time) that occurred before the enlistment or commissioning of the service member victim, with the understanding that some alleged offender information may not be accessible or available. 4. The eight-day requirement begins upon initial notification and resultant initial OPREP-3 Navy Blue or OPREP-3 Navy Unit SITREP of any of the below: a. An unrestricted report is made to a SARC, DRC, SAPR VA, or Unit SAPR VA (UVA) via a Victim Reporting Preference Statement (DD Form 2910). The SARC will contact the victim*s commanding officer (CO) within 24 hours, or 48 hours if there are extenuating circumstances in deployed environments. This requirement does not affect the preexisting requirement for the SARC to contact the installation CO per references (c) and (d). b. The victim elects to convert a previously filed restricted report to an unrestricted report via DD Form 2910. c. The MCIO notifies the CO that an independent investigation has been initiated by the MCIO. 5. For a SAIRO (8-day) SITREP triggered by an unrestricted report of sexual assault, the SARC will be responsible for providing all victim information and the MCIO will provide the incident data and investigation information. For a SAIRO (8-day) SITREP triggered by an independent MCIO investigation, the MCIO will be responsible for providing the available information. Incident data shall not be acquired through a command-directed investigation which is prohibited for sexual assaults in accordance with (IAW) references (a) through (e). At a minimum, the CO preparing the SAIRO (8-day) SITREP will provide preliminary information of the incident with the understanding that some victim or alleged offender information may not be accessible or available. 6. Restrictions. Privacy is of the utmost importance. Information contained in the SAIRO (8-day) SITREP shall not be requested from the victim and such information shall be limited in distribution to personnel with an official need-to-know while ensuring control of sensitive information. Personally identifiable information (PII) shall not be included. The SARC will report non-PII concerning sexual assault incidents (without information that could reasonably lead to personal identification of the victim or the alleged offender). For example, depending on the size of the unit or the gender make-up of the unit, it may not be appropriate to include gender, rank, or grade. 7. Reporting Responsibility. Without disclosing protected communications and victim confidentiality, the SAIRO (8-day) SITREP will be prepared and submitted by the CO with input from the SARC and the MCIO (e.g., NCIS) IAW reference (a) and as follows: a. In reports involving a service member victim or a service member alleged offender, the following will be responsible for submitting the SAIRO (8-day) SITREP: (1) The CO of the victim and alleged offender if the victim and alleged offender are assigned to the same command. (2) The CO of the victim if the victim and the alleged offender are assigned to different commands. (3) The first O-6 or above Immediate Superior in Command (ISIC) in the chain of command if the CO is the alleged offender. b. The CO of the victim involving a service member victim and a non- service member alleged offender. c. The CO of the alleged service member offender involving a civilian victim will prepare and submit a SAIRO (8-day) SITREP containing available information. 8. Notification requirements. In addition to notification requirements in reference (i), the SAIRO (8-day) SITREP will be sent to the below listed individuals: a. The installation CO, if such incidents occurred on or in the vicinity of a military installation. b. The chain of command of the victim and/or alleged offender, up to and including the first Flag officer. c. The ISIC of the service member alleged offender if the alleged offender is a CO or Flag officer. 9. The SAIRO (8-day) SITREP will be submitted no later than eight calendar days following the initial OPREP-3 Navy Blue or OPREP-3 Navy Unit SITREP required by reference (i). At a minimum, the CO preparing the SAIRO (8-day) SITREP will provide preliminary information of the incident, with the understanding that some victim or alleged offender information may not be accessible or available. 10. Report format requirement. The SAIRO (8-day) SITREP will include the following specific information in the GENTEXT/INCIDENT IDENTIFICATION AND DETAILS section of the OPREP-3 Navy Blue or OPREP-3 Navy Unit SITREP required by reference (i): a. Victim information (non-PII) provided by the SARC. (1) Victim gender, duty status, service affiliation, assigned command, grade, and current geographic area where the victim is assigned and resides. If not a service member or Department of Defense (DoD) civilian employee, the SAIRO (8-day) SITREP shall indicate if the victim is a military dependent, DoD contractor, foreign national, or non-government civilian. (2) The date the victim was referred to the SARC, SAPR VA, or UVA. (3) If an unrestricted report of sexual assault was made to a SARC, DRC, or SAPR VA and date when the DD Form 2910 was completed by the SARC, DRC, SAPR VA, or UVA. (4) SAPR advocacy services of a SARC, DRC, SAPR VA, and UVA offered if the victim is a service member, adult military dependent, or otherwise eligible for SAPR services: (a) Confirmation that the SARC entered information into the Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database within 48 hours, or 96 hours if in a deployed environment with connectivity issues. (b) A description of any circumstances in the response that adversely affected the command*s ability to address the victim*s needs (e.g., timeliness, sensitivity, obstacles to care, coercion, retaliation, or reprisal, if any) if the victim accepted SAPR services. The SARC will include any victim input provided with documented victim consent for disclosure of privileged communications per reference (c). The SARC will confirm that the victim was informed of the ability to speak to a Victims* Legal Counsel (VLC) before providing consent for release of privileged information. (c) A summary of SAPR services offered. (d) The date for the Sexual Assault Case Management Group meeting scheduled to provide oversight of the case as outlined in references (b) and (c). (5) Healthcare information, excluding PII or individually identifiable health information protected under references (c) and (d), including the following if the victim is a service member or otherwise eligible for healthcare at a military treatment facility: (a) The date the victim was offered medical care, (b) The date the victim was offered mental health care, (c) The date the victim was offered a Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) at the appropriate location based on eligibility requirements. If a SAFE was not offered or was unavailable, explain why. (6) The following information if the victim is a service member or an adult military dependent: (a) The date the safety assessment of the victim was conducted. (b) If there was a need to assemble a High-Risk Response Team. (c) The date the victim was given information regarding military protective orders and civilian protective orders. (d) If military protective orders or civilian protective orders were issued IAW reference (c). (e) A description of the safety measures taken for the victim if the event(s) happened in a deployed environment or concerns exist regarding the victim’s safety. (7) The following additional information if the victim is a service member: (a) The date the victim was given information regarding expedited transfers. (b) If the victim requested an expedited transfer and, if so, it*s processing status, including the date it was received. (c) The date when the victim was informed of Navy*s VLC program and provided contact information for a VLC. (d) The date the victim was notified that the VLC is the victim’s attorney, not the prosecution, and will provide the victim with confidential legal advice and representation. b. Incident data and investigation information (non-PII) provided by the MCIO. (1) The MCIO case file number. If there is no MCIO case number, indicate why and include the investigating jurisdiction notified and the date of the notification. Information from civilian law enforcement may not be available. (2) The date that the victim was provided a copy of an Initial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime (DD Form 2701). (3) Alleged offender gender, duty status, service affiliation, assigned unit, grade, and current geographic area where the alleged offender is assigned and resides. If not a service member or DoD civilian employee, the SAIRO (8-day) SITREP shall indicate if the alleged offender is a military dependent, DoD contractor, foreign national, or non-government civilian. (4) Most serious sexual assault offense alleged in the investigation. (5) Location where the alleged sexual assault offense occurred (e.g., on an installation, while ship is underway, etc.). Additional details should also be provided if available (e.g., barracks, ship*s berthing, off base housing, shower). (6) The date and time of the alleged sexual assault offense. (7) The date the alleged sexual assault offense was reported to the MCIO, including the organization notified (e.g., NCIS). (8) If the alleged service member offender was temporarily transferred or removed from an assigned billet, if applicable. (9) Any other relevant information (excluding investigative details) pertaining to the alleged offender. c. The name, command, and contact information of the Judge Advocate General consulted. d. Additional non-PII comments, if any, provided by the CO responsible for submitting the SAIRO (8-day) SITREP. 11. This NAVADMIN does not supersede the requirement for monthly report updates and follow-up/final OPREP-3 Navy Blue or OPREP-3 Navy Unit SITREPs required by references (d) and (i). The SAIRO (8-day) SITREP will not delay immediate reporting to the appropriate SARC and MCIO, nor will it delay or replace required OPREPs for serious incidents or operational reporting. 12. Point of contact: LCDR Steven Smiraldo, OPNAV N172, (703)604-1204/DSN 664- 1204 or via e-mail at steven.smiraldo(at)navy.mil+0 13. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 14. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #8850 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//