UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 272056Z JAN 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 024/15 SUBJ/OPNAVINST 7220.8 REVISION// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JAN// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/090001ZMAR10// REF/B/DOC/DOD/7000.14-R/1JUN14// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 084/10, FY-10 SURFACE WARFARE OFFICER CRITICAL SKILLS BONUS PROGRAMS. REF B IS DOD 7000.14R, FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REGULATION VOLUME 7A: MILITARY PAY POLICY - ACTIVE DUTY AND RESERVE PAY.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the revision of OPNAVINST 7220.8. OPNAVINST 7220.8 has been revised and will no longer be used for new applications. OPNAVINST 7220.8 will be used for administrative purposes only. The Surface Warfare Officer Continuation Pay (SWOCP), per reference (a), will be referred to as revised junior critical skills retention bonus (RJCSRB), and involves a commitment to two Department Head tours (or one fleet-up Department Head tour as determined by Navy Personnel Command (PERS-41), in exchange for monetary incentives totaling between $55K to $75K as determined by the specific years commissioned service point at which the officer enters into the contract. 2. Since inception, Surface warfare officer (SWO) Special and Incentive (S&I) pay incentives have been instrumental in enhancing retention of SWOs bearing critical skills that directly foster our Navy’s total force strategy and combat readiness. These monetary incentives help ensure sufficient retention to meet critical inventory milestones throughout the SWO career path. In order to ensure all SWO S&I pays are aligned with the most recent SWO retention trends and Unrestricted Line Force Management initiatives, all SWO monetary incentives are reviewed annually and tailored accordingly. 3. SWO Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB) Program. Reference (a) is applicable to both active-component personnel and full-time support SWO personnel. While subsequent paragraphs will address SWOCP, Junior CSRB, LCDR CSRB and Senior CSRB individually, the following general summary is provided: a. New SWOCP contracts will no longer be accepted. Existing SWOCP contracts will continue as delineated herein, in accordance with OPNAVINST 7220.10A. b. Junior SWO CSRB will continue to be offered as delineated herein. c. LCDR SWO CSRB will be unchanged. d. Existing Senior CSRB contracts will continue as delineated herein. 4. Recoupment/Repayment. SWOs who received SWOCP commit to remain on active-duty as SWOs and agree to accept continuation on active duty through their SWOCP service obligation. Repayment policy is governed by 37 U.S.C. *373, and reference (b). 5. Action. Commanding officers will invite eligible and qualified SWOs to submit RJCSRB applications to Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS-311), in accordance with reference (a). Commanding officers must ensure that the information provided in an officer*s application is complete and accurate, that the officer meets eligibility requirements, and that no action against the officer is pending that may result in the officer being ineligible for RJCSRB. 6. Point of contact is Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS-311), at (901)-874- 3173/DSN 882. 7. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 8. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//