UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 291321Z JAN 15 PSN 568586H38 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 025/15 SUBJ/UPDATED GUIDANCE FOR THE INCLUSION AND COMMAND REVIEW OF INFORMATION ON SEX-RELATED OFFENSES IN PERSONNEL SERVICE RECORDS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JAN// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1202029ZAUG14// REF/B/DOC/PUBLIC LAW 113-66/26DEC13/NOTAL// REF/C/DOC/USD(P&R)/20MAY14// REF/D/DOC/DOD/28MAR13// REF/E/DOC/OPNAV/29DEC06// REF/F/DOC/OPNAV/22DEC09// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 189/14, INCLUSION AND COMMAND REVIEW OF INFORMATION ON SEX-RELATED OFFENSES IN PERSONNEL SERVICE RECORDS. REF B IS PUBLIC LAW 113- 66, NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT (NDAA) FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014. REF C IS A MEMORANDUM FOR SECRETARIES OF THE MILITARY DEPARTMENTS, REGULATIONS ON INCLUSION AND COMMAND REVIEW OF INFORMATION ON SEX-RELATED OFFENSES IN PERSONNEL SERVICE RECORDS. REF D IS DOD INSTRUCTION 6495.02, SEXUAL ASSAULT PREVENTION AND RESPONSE (SAPR) PROGRAM PROCEDURES. REF E IS OPNAVINST 1752.1B, SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIM INTERVENTION (SAVI) PROGRAM. REF F IS OPNAVINST F3100.6J, SPECIAL INCIDENT REPORTING (OPREP-3 PINNACLE, OPREP-3 NAVY BLUE, AND OPREP-3 NAVY UNIT SITREP) PROCEDURES.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN supersedes and cancels reference (a). It does not impose a new requirement. It provides updated guidance and changes the *effective from* reporting date for certain sex-related offenses per references (b) and (c). Changes to reference (a) are: a. Submission timeline of Sexual Offense Accountability Record, (NAVPERS 1070/887) to a member’s Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) is increased from two business days to five business days from adjudication of non-judicial punishment (NJP) or at the completion of the appeal process and from two business days to five business days from adjudication of a court- martial. b. Commanders, commanding officers (CO), and officers in charge (OIC) are directed to conduct a review and submit NAVPERS 1070/887 for all personnel within their command who were convicted at court-martial or awarded NJP for any sex-related offenses listed in paragraph 6 since 26 December 2013. c. Further amplification of these updates are found in paragraphs 5 and 8 respectively. 2. Reference (b) requires: a. The inclusion of disposition information on certain sex-related offenses in the personnel service records of service members. b. The mandatory review of each service member*s personnel record notation of those sex-related offenses by commanders, COs, and OICs of the service members. 3. The purpose of including disposition information on certain sex-related offenses in personnel service records is to alert commanders, COs, and OICs of members in their commands who received a court-martial conviction or NJP for these offenses to reduce the likelihood that repeat offenses will escape the notice of commanders, COs, and OICs. 4. Per references (b) and (c), commanders, COs, and OICs shall submit and file NAVPERS 1070/887 in a member*s OMPF where it will remain for the duration of his or her career. 5. NAVPERS 1070/887 will be used to annotate the OMPF of any service member who is convicted at court-martial or awarded NJP for sex-related offense(s), listed in paragraph 6 below, regardless of recommendation for retention or separation from the naval service. The NAVPERS 1070/887 will be submitted within five business days of action being determined/adjudication of NJP or when the appeal process has been completed and five business days of adjudication at court-martial using the e-Submission (e-SUB) application on BUPERS Online (BOL) for those with e-Sub access. Commands without e-SUB access will mail NAVPERS 1070/887 to: Commander Navy Personnel Command PERS-313 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055-3130 NAVPERS 1070/887 will be filed in the service member*s OMPF under field code 91 (FC 91). Once the OMPF is updated, NAVPERS 1070/887 will be available for commanders, COs, and OICs to review using the OMPF command view application on BOL. 6. Commands will document sex-related offenses on NAVPERS 1070/887 to include: violation of Articles 120, 120a, 120b, 120c, or 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ); or an attempt to commit any of these offenses punishable under Article 80 of the UCMJ. 7. In the Navy, the term punitive administrative action, as delineated in references (b) and (c), is limited to punishments imposed by court-martial or NJP (e.g., punitive letters of reprimand). Therefore, the punitive administrative action option in NAVPERS 1070/887 is not applicable and should not be used. 8. No later than 2 March 2015, commanders, COs, and OICs shall submit NAVPERS 1070/887 for any service member who was convicted at court-martial or awarded NJP for any sex-related offense listed in paragraph 6 above since 26 December 2013. If a service member has since transferred, it is the responsibility of the losing command to complete the NAVPERS 1070/887 for the service member, regardless of recommendation for retention or separation from the naval service. 9. Commands will review the OMPF of all permanently assigned and newly transferred personnel no later than 3 April 2015 to determine if any service member has any documented FC 91 entries. Commanders, COs, and OICs are required to review all documents in FC 91 for all newly reporting personnel within 30 days of checking onboard. In order to identify these documents in a member*s record, the OMPF can be sorted by form number NAVPERS 1070/887 or by FC 91. 10. NAVPERS 1070/887 is a fillable form and is available online at the following website: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/ reference/forms/Pages/default.aspx. 11. These requirements do not supersede any requirements for reporting or processing NJP or court-martial actions as required by the MILPERSMAN, requirements for reporting incidents of sexual assault stipulated in references (d) through (f), or requirements to submit the Sexual Assault Disposition Report (NAVPERS 1752/1). 12. Point of contact is LCDR Christopher Labissiere, OPNAV N17, at (703)604- 6989/DSN 664 or via e-mail at christopher.labissie(at)navy.mil. 13. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 14. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #4227 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//