UNCLASSIFIED/ PRIORITY PR 301610Z JAN 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 027/15 SUBJ/2015 DEFENSE MAINTENANCE AWARDS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/JAN// REF/A/DOC/DODI 1348.30/27NOV2013// REF/B/DOC/OPNAVINST 5305.9B/09MAY2013// NARR/REF A IS THE DOD INSTRUCTION, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MAINTENANCE AWARDS PROGRAM. REF B IS THE OPNAV INSTRUCTION FOR THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MAINTENANCE AWARDS PROGRAM.// POC/DAN SCHRADER/CIV/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N43C1/TEL: 703-695-4925//E-MAIL: DANIEL.L.SCHRADER(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Maintenance Awards Program acknowledges maintenance excellence by formally recognizing field-level military units responsible for outstanding achievements in maintenance management and production. SECDEF presents six Service-wide maintenance awards annually to the most outstanding large, medium, and small Department of Defense (DoD) maintenance organizations. One of these six winners is then recognized as the best of the best and is awarded the SECDEF Phoenix Trophy. 2. Competitive Categories: A. Large: 1000 or more authorized personnel B. Medium: 301-999 authorized personnel C. Small: up to 300 authorized personnel 3. All active and reserve component field-level commands and units responsible for organizational and intermediate-level maintenance on weapons systems and/or equipment belonging to their own unit, or to other units, are eligible to compete. Examples of eligible activities include ships, squadrons, Fleet Readiness Centers, Naval Stations, etc. A component of a command such as a repair department of a submarine base may be nominated if that component is assigned a Unit Identification Code (UIC) distinct from the command as a whole. The preponderance of unit staffing shall be comprised of uniformed U.S. military personnel and may also include DoD civilians. The 2015 SECDEF maintenance award competitive period covers fiscal year 2014. The 2015 awards will be presented at a formal ceremony at a date to be announced. 4. Echelon II commanders shall review and screen nominations from their respective commands and may submit up to two SECDEF field level maintenance award nominations per category to OPNAV(N4). OPNAV(N4) will evaluate the nominations and forward two nominees per category to SECDEF for award consideration. 5. Each nomination package shall be submitted in .pdf format on a CD and include a separate high resolution image file of their unit logo (minimum of 300 DPI JPG file). Please pay special attention to the requirements outlined in ref (a) with regards to the ten (10) page limitation for the nomination packages and the three weighted evaluation factors for field-level units. Additionally, it is imperative that Navy packages highlight accomplishments exceeding an established baseline above the normal. Follow on messages will announce Navy nominees and SECDEF field level maintenance award winners. 6. Nomination packages shall be submitted IAW references (a) and (b) to Mr. Dan Schrader and post marked no later than 13 March 2015 to the following OPNAV N43 Address: Chief of Naval Operations (N43) Attn: Mr. Dan Schrader 2000 Navy Pentagon, RM 2E268 Washington, DC 20350-2000 7. Released by VADM P. H. Cullom, OPNAV N4.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//