UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 021817Z FEB 15 PSN 592069H31 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 030/15 SUBJ/TRANSITION GOALS, PLANS, SUCCESS NAVADMIN #6, RESERVE COMPONENT GUIDANCE// MSGID/GENADMIN CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/092023ZNOV12// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/282212ZFEB13// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/261811ZJUL13// REF/D/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/292356ZJAN14/NOTAL// REF/E/MSG/NRFC NORFOLK VA/111912ZJAN13// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 334/12, TRANSITION GOALS, PLANS, SUCCEED. REF B IS NAVADMIN 053/13, UPDATED REQUIREMENTS FOR TRANSITION GOALS, PLANS, SUCCEED. REF C IS NAVADMIN 187/13, ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE FOR TRANSITION GOALS, PLANS, AND SUCCESS. REF D IS NAVADMIN 021/14, GUIDANCE FOR TRANSITION GOALS, PLANS, AND SUCCESS. REF E IS NAVRESFOR 004/13, TRANSITION GOALS, PLANS, SUCCEED (T-GPS).// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN is the sixth in a series to announce new updates for Transition Goals, Plans, Success (GPS) and provides updated guidance to reserve component (RC) Sailors and the active and reserve commanders they support. References (a) through (e) provide previous guidance. 2. The Veterans Opportunity to Work Act of 2011 mandates Transition GPS attendance for all personnel released from title 10 active-duty periods of 180 days or more. Department of Defense policy requires eligible personnel, including qualifying RC personnel, to: a. Receive pre-separation counseling and complete the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Checklist for Deactivating/Demobilizing National Guard and Reserve Service Members (DD Form 2648-1). b. Attend the Department of Labor Employment Workshop (DOLEW); c. Attend Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits briefings; d. Complete the Service Member*s Individual Transition Plan Checklist (DD Form 2958). Transition GPS requirements will be completed prior to the end date on RC Sailor mobilization/active-duty for special work (ADSW)/active-duty for training (ADT) orders of 180 days or more. RC personnel will complete Transition GPS requirements utilizing the services available from their Navy Reserve Activity (NRA)/Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC), Navy Mobilization Processing Site (NMPS), and supported command as indicated below. Specific responsibilities are assigned based on the type of active- duty orders the RC Sailor is completing. Orders are categorized as either mobilization, outside continental United States (OCONUS) ADSW, continental United States (CONUS) ADSW, or ADT. ADSW orders to Hawaii or Alaska will follow CONUS ADSW guidance. A standard operating procedure with detailed guidance and instructions to ensure Transition GPS compliance can be found at http://www.public.navy.mil/BUPERS-NPC/CAREER/TRANSITION/pages/TAP.aspx. 3. Commander, Navy Installations Command N9/Fleet and Family Support Center will ensure Transition GPS quotas are available for eligible RC personnel. 4. Departing a. RC Mobilization (1) NRA/NOSC Command Career Counselor (CCC) or the Transition Officer (TO) will complete pre-separation counseling and DD Form 2648-1 with RC personnel prior to mobilization. The CCC or TO will upload DD Form 2648-1 to the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) no later than the ready load date (RLD). The NRA/NOSC commanding officer (CO) must verify completion of these actions prior to the RLD. (2) NMPS will verify NRA/NOSC completion of pre-separation counseling and DD Form 2648-1 in DMDC. b. OCONUS ADSW (1) NRA/NOSC CCC or the TO will complete pre-separation counseling and upload DD Form 2648-1 with RC personnel prior to OCONUS ADSW. (2) NMPS will verify NRA/NOSC completion of pre-separation counseling and DD Form 2648-1 in DMDC. c. CONUS ADSW (1) NRA/NOSC has no Transition GPS requirements prior to departure for CONUS ADSW orders. (2) NMPS has no Transition GPS requirements prior to departure for CONUS ADSW orders. (3) Supported command will complete pre-separation counseling and upload DD Form 2648-1 with RC personnel during the period of ADSW. Supported command CO will ensure all Transition GPS requirements are completed prior to the end of ADSW orders. d. ADT (1) NRA/NOSC has no Transition GPS requirements prior to departure for ADT orders. (2) NMPS has no Transition GPS requirements prior to departure for ADT orders. (3) Supported command will complete pre-separation counseling and upload DD Form 2648-1 with RC personnel during the period of ADT. Supported command CO will ensure all Transition GPS requirements are completed prior to the end of ADT orders. 5. Returning a. RC Demobilization (1) NMPS will ensure required RC personnel attend the entire Transition GPS course. NMPS will initiate and upload the DD Form 2958 for final action by NRA/NOSC. For those personnel exempt from the DOLEW component, NMPS will document the exemption, complete and upload DD Form 2958 to DMDC. (2) NRA/NOSC CO will verify DD Form 2958 has been completed, signed, and uploaded into DMDC. b. OCONUS ADSW (1) Supported command CO will determine RC personnel Transition GPS desires at least 60 days prior to end date of orders, document it on the DD Form 2958, and upload to DMDC. Guidelines on the length of NMPS I-stops are either 10 working days (excluding weekends and holidays) for NMPS processing and Transition GPS execution or five working days for NMPS processing with a DOLEW exemption. Supported command will coordinate with PERS-46 to ensure adequate time at NMPS is allotted in orders. Early coordination is required to ensure a Transition GPS quota is available. (2) NMPS shall ensure documentation of Transition GPS course completion or DOLEW exemption on DD Form 2958. (3) NRA/NOSC CO will verify DD Form 2958 has been completed, signed, and uploaded into DMDC. When requested, NRA/NOSC will assist RC Sailors with local VA and Department of Labor (DOL) services. c. CONUS ADSW (1) Supported command CO will ensure all Transition GPS requirements are completed prior to the end of ADSW orders. The supported command CCC will coordinate with supporting agencies in accordance with Navy guidance on DD Form 2958 or when a Sailor desires additional assistance before the end date of orders. (2) NMPS has no Transition GPS requirements at the completion of CONUS ADSW orders. (3) NRA/NOSC CO will verify if the Capstone DD Form 2958 has been completed, signed, and uploaded into DMDC. NRA/NOSC will report to the Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command (CNRFC) N15 personnel who did not complete all Transition GPS requirements while on active-duty orders. When requested, NRA/NOSC will assist RC Sailors with local VA or DOL services. d. ADT (1) Supported command CO will ensure all Transition GPS requirements are completed prior to the end of ADT orders. The supported command CCC will coordinate with supporting agencies in accordance with Navy guidance on DD Form 2958 or when a Sailor desires additional assistance before the end date of orders. (2) NMPS has no Transition GPS requirements at the completion of ADT orders. (3) NRA/NOSC CO will verify DD Form 2958 has been completed, signed, and uploaded into DMDC. NRA/NOSC will report to CNRFC N15 personnel who did not complete all Transition GPS requirements while on active-duty orders. When requested, NRA/NOSC will assist RC Sailors with local VA or DOL services. 6. Points of contact are Mr. Tom Albert, OPNAV N170C, at (901) 874-4254/DSN 882, or via e-mail at tom.albert(at)navy.mil, Mr. Perry Christiansen at (901) 874-4372/DSN 882 or via e-mail at perry.christiansen(at)navy.mil, or LCDR Dustin Engel, OPNAV N0951K1, at (703) 614-7294/DSN 224, or via e-mail at dustin.engel(at)navy.mil. 7. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 8. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #4171 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//