UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 061305Z FEB 15 PSN 623268H27 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO ZEN/CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 035/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/JAN// SUBJ/2015 NAVY COMMUNITY OUTREACH PLAN// REF/A/DOC/OSD/11DEC14/NOTAL// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/21DEC12// REF/C/RMG/COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA/271316Z AUG 14// REF/D/DOC/OSD/08OCT14/NOTAL// NARR/REF A IS SECDEF FY15 STRATEGIC PUBLIC AFFAIRS OUTREACH PLAN. REF B IS OPNAVINST 5726.8A, OUTREACH: AMERICA*S NAVY. REF C IS GUIDANCE ON RESERVE COMMUNITY OUTREACH ACTIVITIES IN AN INACTIVE DUTY TRAINING STATUS IN SUPPORT OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 NAVY RESERVE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. REF D IS OSD MEMORANDUM ISSUING GUIDANCE FOR COMMUNITY OUTREACH IN LOCAL AREAS FOR FY15. POC/ROB NEWELL/CIV/CHINFO/LOC: WASHINGTON, DC/TEL: (703) 614-1879/EMAIL: ROBERT.D.NEWELL(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. Per reference (a) this NAVADMIN issues implementation guidance and tasks support for the Navy's community outreach plan for 2015. 2. Background. Community and public outreach is a crucial activity that reinforces trust and confidence in the Navy and its people, and increases the American public understanding of the Navy and its importance to national security and prosperity. An effective outreach program is particularly vital to the Navy due to the concentration of our bases and assets along America*s coasts, and lack of exposure to the vast majority of middle America. Reference (b) sets forth responsibilities for the Navy*s community outreach program. Following two years during which outreach programs have been severely curtailed due to budget limitations imposed by sequestration, reference (a) authorizes the services to resume outreach activities to meet Community outreach objectives in a sustainable, fiscally-responsible manner. 3. The following outreach programs are authorized for Calendar Year 2015 (CY15) and the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16). a. Fleet Weeks. Reference (a) approves the Navy for the execution of eight Fleet Weeks: New Orleans, LA; New York City, NY; Port Everglades, FL; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; Portland, OR; Los Angeles and San Diego, CA. Tasking and responsibilities for these events will be provided separate correspondence by the cognizant operational and regional commanders. b. Navy Weeks. Reference (a) approves the Navy for 12 Navy Weeks in 2015: Bossier-Shreveport, LA, April 27*May 3; Quad Cities, IA, May 4-10; Rhode Island, May 25*31; Rockford, IL, June 1-7; Cheyenne, WY, July 13-19; Fargo, ND, July 20-26; Indianapolis, IN, Aug 10-14; Kansas City, MO, Aug 17- 23; Detroit, MI, Aug 24-30; Salt Lake City, UT, Sept 7-13; Oklahoma City, OK, Sept 21-27; and Atlanta, GA, Oct 26-Nov 1. (1) Per reference (b), the Navy Week program is a requirement, led by the Navy Office of Community Outreach (NAVCO). It is also a top Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) outreach priority. As such, the following commands and activities will support the 2015 Navy Week campaign to the maximum extent possible within operational and budgetary constraints: (a) Naval Special Warfare Command and Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (COMNAVCRUITCOM) will make the Navy Parachute Team available depending on venues, opportunities and funding. (b) Navy Expeditionary Combat Command will make expeditionary units (divers, EOD teams, riverine or Seabees) and their equipment available. (c) Air Force (AIRFOR), Surface Force and Submarine Force will support with Sailors assigned to ships and submarines with namesake city or state ties. For cities where more than one namesake unit has a relationship, NAVCO will coordinate with Type Commands (TYCOMs) to determine the most feasible assignment. AIRFOR will also support with hometown Sailors from non-deployed aircraft carriers. (d) Per reference (c), Reserve Force will support with Naval Operational Support Center Sailors and other resources as coordinated with NAVCO Navy Week planning leads. This support is particularly critical and germane in 2015 during the Navy Reserve Centennial commemoration. (e) Bureau of Medicine and Surgery will support with Navy medical professionals, equipment or displays as appropriate. (f) Office of Naval Research will participate with personnel and assets participating in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) events. (g) AIRFOR will support with aircraft and aircrew participation, when possible, leveraging the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Naval Aviation Sponsorship Program. (h) The Navy Music Program will support with regional bands. (i) Naval Education and Training Command and Naval Service Training Command will support with participation from NROTC units. (j) USS CONSTITUTION will support with Sailors, equipment and displays. (k) U.S. Fleet Forces Command and the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) N45 will support with environmental personnel and displays. (l) COMNAVCRUITCOM will support with Navy Recruiting District's (NRD)/Navy Recruiting Station Sailors, with specific numbers of Sailors and days of participation coordinated separately between each participating NRD and Navy Week planning team. Understanding the unique mission of the STEM tour, the cognizant NRD will determine whether an appropriate venue exists for the STEM tour during each Navy Week. (m) Navy commands and units within a reasonable distance of Navy Week cities will support with home town Sailors, other personnel and equipment, as coordinated with Navy Week planning teams. (n) Blue Angel performances will provide the foundational event for Navy Weeks in Bossier-Shreveport, LA, Quad Cities, IA, Rhode Island, Rockford, IL, Fargo, ND, Kansas City, MO, Detroit, MI and Atlanta, GA. c. Naval Aviation Outreach. Naval Aviation outreach is particularly effective, in that it has the unique ability to bring a primary warfighting platform to inland markets. Reference (a) has authorized the following: (1) A full 36-show schedule for the Blue Angels. (2) 25 shows for the Navy Parachute Team. (3) 6 Navy-hosted air shows/open houses in El Centro, CA; Corpus Christi, TX; Oceana, VA; Ventura County, CA; Jacksonville, FL; and Pensacola, FL. These air shows are authorized to have aerial demonstrations by aviation assets that are organic to the installation. (4) 20 TACAIRDEMO performances at Chief of Information (CHINFO)- approved civilian air shows not featuring the Blue Angels. (5) 10 aircraft static displays at CHINFO authorized civilian air shows not featuring the Blue Angels or a TACAIRDEMO. Additionally: (a) Navy aircraft executing training missions involving cross- country flights are permitted to conduct static displays at military-hosted open houses and air shows when, as part of the mission, a layover is required. These events will not count against the ten approved static displays referenced in para 3.C.(5) above. (b) Local assets from sister military services may fly to a local military installation to serve as a static display during a military-hosted open house or military-hosted air show. (6) 40 flyovers, equally divided between east and west coast aviation assets, at CHINFO-authorized events. The following procedures will apply when requesting a flyover in 2015: (a) Requests will be submitted to NAVCO via form DD2535. Point of contact is Mr. Ian Lundy, (901) 874-5803, aviationsupport(at)navy.mil. (b) NAVCO will make an event eligibility determination IAW established criteria as set forth in Department of Defense and Navy regulations. (c) NAVCO will evaluate the return on investment in terms of audience reach, media coverage potential, audience size, recruiting priorities, Gallup data, Chief of Naval Personnel diversity priority markets, previous naval aviation support and Flag Officer/Congressional/ other high-level interest in support. (d) In coordination with Naval Aviation TYCOMs, CHINFO will own the final decision regarding authorization for support. (e) Due to the limited number of authorized Naval Aviation outreach events in 2015, dispersion of assets is paramount. As such, there should never be more than one Naval Aviation asset at a single venue. (7) Military services retain operational authority over support for funeral and memorial service flyovers, which are not considered community outreach events, and therefore, not affected by reference (a). d. Continental United States port visits. From an outreach perspective, there is no more effective means to showcase the Navy*s capabilities and its talented Sailors than allowing Americans to visit a ship or submarine. As such, 11 port visits for outreach have been approved to Mobile, AL; Charleston, SC; Boston, MA; Savannah, GA; Eastport, ME; Bristol, RI; Philadelphia, PA; Rockland, ME; Gloucester, MA; Malibu, CA; and Santa Barbara, CA. Other port visits conducted primarily for training or operational purposes (e.g. those made to Newport, RI in support of Surface Warfare Officers School) are not accounted for among the 11 approved. e. Executive Engagement Visits. Reference (a) approves dedicated outreach travel for non-governmental organization, civic and executive outreach. NAVCO will run the Navy*s Executive Outreach Visit program for Flag Officers and Senior Executive Service civilians for the purpose of conducting multi-day outreach engagements in U.S. cities. NAVCO will coordinate itineraries for participating Navy leaders, to include engagements with corporate executives, government officials, education leaders, civic groups, veterans organizations and media. Point of contact is Mr. Todd Martin, (901) 874-5805, todd.martin(at)navy.mil. f. Ship and submarine namesake crew visits. One of the most effective means to connect Americans with their Navy is through strong and enduring namesake unit relationships. In addition to the requirements specified for the Navy Week program referenced in para 3.B. above, reference (a) approves an undetermined number of visits by crewmembers of ships and submarines with namesake ties to their namesake city or state. Units should staff requests for such visits via their chain of command to their cognizant TYCOM for approval. NAVCO is available to assist in the development of itineraries for namesake crew visits. Point of contact is LCDR Tim Page, (901) 874-7048, timothy.c.page(at)navy.mil. g. Navy Band tours and performances. Reference (a) approves the fall, spring and summer tours for the Navy*s premier bands, the use of operational funding for regional band outreach travel and performances, and participation in the International and Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic. h. Navy Birthday and Historical Observances. Funding has been approved under reference (a) for commands and activities to commemorate the Navy Birthday, Battle of Midway and other historical observances. i. Community Outreach in Local Areas for FY15. Per reference (d), the following is authorized with respect to outreach in local areas: (1) Commanders are encouraged to engage in and support local community outreach efforts with speakers, musical units, ceremonial assets, and ground equipment static displays. Aerial demonstrations, civic leader travel using aircraft, and aircraft static displays must be included and identified in reference (a). (2) Commanders also are authorized to support local community outreach efforts at a cost up to $5,000 per single event without seeking an exception to policy for events not included in reference (a). All other support for events that would expend DoD funds should be executed within the Military Service guidelines that are captured in reference (a). (3) The precise definition of a local area is determined by the commander and dependent on the geographic layout of an installation; however, as a general guideline for the purpose of FY15 community outreach, a local area may be considered to be within 150 miles of an installation or any travel that can be completed to and from in a single business day. 4. All modifications beyond the scope of reference (a) require approval by Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs. Requests for an exception to policy must be forwarded through CHINFO. 5. Released by Vice Admiral S. H. Swift, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #6647 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//