UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 241725Z FEB 15 PSN 726258H30 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 044/15 SUBJ/ACTIVE-DUTY PROMOTIONS TO THE PERMANENT GRADES OF CAPTAIN, COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT, AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICERS IN THE LINE AND STAFF CORPS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/11JUL11// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/28FEB12// REF/C/DOC/SECNAV/15DEC05// REF/D/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/23JUL07// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 6110.1J, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF B IS OPNAVINST 1811.3A, VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT AND TRANSFER TO THE FLEET RESERVE OF MEMBERS OF THE NAVY SERVING ON ACTIVE DUTY. REF C IS SECNAVINST 1920.6C, ADMINISTRATIVE SEPARATION OF OFFICER. REF D IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1070-180, OFFICER PHOTOGRAPHS.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to the following officers on their promotions to the ranks indicated in this message. This NAVADMIN is the authority for effecting permanent officer promotions on the dates indicated. Columns read name and designator. PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CAPTAIN CAPTAIN LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 25 JUNE 2014 STAFF 25 JUNE 2014 DOR/EFF DATE 1 MARCH 2015 Boone John Daniel 1310 Boyer Leslie W III 1310 Grohe Edwin John Jr 1310 Holtzclaw Suezane L 2100 Massie Richard Neil 1120 Moon John Phillip 2200 Nadeau Michael J 1110 Palmer Adam D 1120 Sanders Wesley S 1510 Schorn Brian G 3100 Tamayo Sally G 2100 Timmens Eric Reed 2300 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO COMMANDER SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 25 SEPTEMBER 2013 DOR/EFF DATE 1 SEPTEMBER 2013 McNabb Gregory S 2100 COMMANDER LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 25 JUNE 2014 STAFF 31 JULY 2014 DOR/EFF DATE 1 MARCH 2015 Albus Michael Bevan 1310 Allen Charles R 1800 Basford Kenneth Ross 2900 Bense Daniel S 1320 Burkett Brandon J 1110 Chaney Michael Burnell 4100 Clawson Alissa N 1820 Crawford Frederick H 3100 Crosby Lewis T 1650 Dolby John Edward III 1310 Furco Joseph John 1310 Geiger Phillip George 2100 Griesenbeck John Stephen 2300 Hall Brian Eugene 1310 Johnson Sonovia L 2100 Klapiszewski Joseph 6410 Moffat David Mcburney 1310 Moore Corey A 1310 Morgan Christopher Kenne 1310 Oravec Joseph John 1440 Parker Austin L 2100 Reeves Andrew Thomas 1810 Reyes Richard Rodriguez 1710 Robbins Kelly Michael 1830 Sadrack Craig R 6400 Sprague Martin Eugene II 1120 Stone Seth Anthony 1130 Suffridge Calvin Buford 2200 Swanbeck William Bradley 1120 Tharp Matthew James 1320 Wilson Roy Lee Jr 1120 Wolf Ian Preston 2500 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT COMMANDER LIEUTENANT COMMANDER LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 31 JULY 2014 STAFF 17 SEPTEMBER 2014 DOR/EFF DATE 1 MARCH 2015 Actkinson John Ira 1110 Bartowitz Jeremy David 1310 Blackwood Robert Charles 1310 Boyd Marshall Thomas 1130 Browne Nathan Jose 1310 Butala Zachary David 1310 Ciaravino Vincenzo J III 5100 Cohen Adam 1310 Custard Jennifer Lynn 3100 Deshazo Matthew Wesley 2300 Dixon Larie Aleciabrandy 1460 Flynn Peter Charles 1110 Foster Joseph Martin 1110 Grubbs Thomas David 2200 Guice Selma Jr 6110 Harman Karen Beth 2300 Healy Ryan F 1830 Hill Timothy Joseph II 2100 Holladay Matthew Paul 1310 Hyder Paul Allen 4100 Ide William Warren 2100 Imhoff Patrick Joseph 1310 Ivey John Curtis 1110 Jolley Phillip Charles 1110 Jones Mark Anthony 6120 Keiser Kelly A 1820 Kepner Paul Matthew 1310 Law David Sisen 2100 Lefavore Ronald Franklin 6420 Logan Lauren Beth 2900 Long Bryan Edward 2100 Luebkert Michael Roebuck 1310 Massie James G III 1110 Michael Nathaniel David 1310 Miller Travis Wayne 1130 Osman Jamal Mohamed 3100 Rasmussen Allen Daniel 2200 Richards Brian Charles 1200 Rogers Darren John 1810 Seavey Jonathan Glover 2100 Smith Justin Bradford 1110 Smith Kellen L 1310 Stampfli Nicholas B 2500 Thompson Matthew Gates 1310 Toohey Neil Joseph Jr 1310 Truong Brian 1310 Turner Terry Lynn II 1120 Upshaw James M 1460 Vides Marco Renato 6490 Washburn Hunter Davis 1110 Wehmeyer Jason J 1110 Werner Rachel Leigh 2200 White Ahmon Rashad 2900 Williams Jeffrey Alan 1830 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT DOR/EFF DATE 1 JUNE 2014 Amaya Christian R 1180 Brunsman Joseph Edward 1110 Hanson Erik Richard 1120 DOR/EFF DATE 1 MARCH 2015 Alvarez Carlos Andres 2300 Amason Erik Thomas 1130 Arterberry James Decours 1110 Becker Roberta Susann 1110 Bergen Daniel Paul II 1130 Bluhm Loren Arthur 1310 Bowen Zachary Glenn 1320 Burke Robert Terrance 1110 Burns Carrie Michelle 2300 Cacciapuoti Michael Jame 1310 Carter Halcott Richardso 4100 Carter John Scott 1310 Chamis Peter Angelo 1130 Cho Daniel 1110 Claflin Dennis Lloyd 1830 Collins Travis Anthony 1110 Comer Reece Edward III 5100 Conlin Gayler Bronson 1110 Conway Brendan Michael 3100 Coppage Mikal Anthony 1830 Cornell Anna Margaret 1110 Cruz Russell 3100 Curtis Michael Andrew 3100 Cutler Joel Duane 5100 Decker Andrew Scott 1110 Duenas Christopher Alexa 1320 Edelman Paul Thomas 1810 Edson Mark Nicholas 1310 Entsminger Grant Edward 1110 Escobar Luis Carlos 3100 Evanoff Ryle Lee 1310 Gonzalez Ivan Camilo 1110 Harvie Matthew Anderson 5100 Hehn Jenna Marie 1200 Helvey James Chrisman 1310 Jacobs Brett Robert 3100 Jeronimus Keith Willem 1310 Johnson Abigail Beth 1830 Johnson Steven Maxwell 1390 Jones Keith Matthew 1110 Kelley Matthew Paul 3100 Kressen Jason William 1110 Leone Mary Whitt 5100 Lewis Michael Freeman 1120 Livingston Tucker Michae 3100 Mansilla Joshua Joseph 3100 Marshall Insong 1320 Maryan Broward Clark 3100 Mazzella Kevin Anthony 1310 McClay Daniel Patrick 1110 McKenna Thomas James 1310 McLaury Benjamin Daniel 3100 Mielnik Elyse Frances 1110 Moe Paul Sheehy 1110 Mullen Ryan David 1110 Nault Ryan Medric 1310 Neal Ashton Marie 2900 Parkinson Andrew Bjorn 1830 Parsons Nicolas R 1310 Peterson Mark Allan 1830 Reed Lindsey Nichole 2900 Reid Dustin Bryan 1110 Rennegarbe Adam James 1320 Renninger John Patton 1130 Robinson Bradley Godwin 1110 Rodriguez Nicholas Lee 2900 Schulte Justin William 1210 Shultz Gregory Michael 5100 Smith Kyle Stanford 1130 Snoke Joshua Heth 1830 Sterner Danielle Carroll 2300 Stickfort Derek John 1110 Stopchick Andrew Michael 1110 Stringer Kyle Timothy 1310 Suabedissen Karl John 1310 Swaim Angelica Futrell 1110 Thompson Nicholas Edward 5100 Tinnel Jason Ross 1370 Vadala Timothy Patrick 3100 Wadsworth Ryan Douglas 2900 Weaver Chad Allen 5100 Westerman Logan M 1110 Yang Arthur 1110 Yun William Haedong 5100 Zanitsch Sara Ann 1110 LIMITED DUTY OFFICER PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT DOR/EFF DATE 1 MARCH 2015 Abeasi Macbride Joshuaky 6412 Adams Patrick Ryandaniel 6402 Barton Benjamin Shelby 6362 Bennett Scott Wesley 6122 Brea Hector Rafael 6132 Chapman Jalonie Aponte 6412 Coleman James R 6262 Coughlin Brian Charles 6312 Croslin Jeffery Bruce 6182 Delgado Yuniel 6332 English John Phillip 6402 Fitzpatrick Cory Daniel 6492 Gagum Travis Sintell 6422 Gaither Aaron Dwayne 6332 Gibson Shannon Diane 6392 Gomez Andrew Joseph 6512 Harvey Brian Andrew 6332 Hazelbaker Jeremy Elijah 6422 Huckaby Paul Gregory 6402 Hullaby Keisha Ann 6182 Kiger Denie Ray 6462 Knights Nicholas Lyndon 6292 Lamonica Anthony Francis 6162 Meeks Jason Wayne 6412 Okimura Christopher Dere 6512 Powell Donna Kay 6112 Price Francisco Allen 6412 Reed Matthew Daniel 6162 Scanlan Paul Gregory 6332 Simmons Bruce Stefan 6492 Talbert Sharef Hassan 6422 Taylor Adrienne Christin 6442 Taylor James Haskell III 6262 Taylor Reico Ortez 6492 Tiongco Ernesto Bacani 6512 Tokarski Adam 6402 Traylor William Jefferso 6182 Ventura Jason Michael 6402 Walton Christopher Steph 6532 Wright Lashonda Shenise 6132 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-5 DOR/EFF DATE 1 MARCH 2015 Norris Terry Lee 7111 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-4 DOR/EFF DATE 1 MARCH 2015 Brown Roland Cecil Jr 7491 Burns Andrew Kenneth 7531 Delacruz Jonathan John 7521 East William Brantley 7111 Frando Ferdinandnestor Q 7521 Go Bienvenido Riamon 7131 Jones Sean Owen 7411 Nabors Eric Jon 7201 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-3 DOR/EFF DATE 1 NOVEMBER 2013 Hall Malcolm Dexter 7421 DOR/EFF DATE 1 JUNE 2014 Gamper Jeffrey Allan 7531 DOR/EFF DATE 1 MARCH 2015 Anglin Richard Jonathan 7531 Baxter Sidney II 7401 Beichter Dane Alberthenr 7441 Carr Carl Jerry II 7321 Degraw Robert John 7331 Dunbar John Clark IV 7361 Gonzalez Erik Reinaldo 7321 Habr Patrick Nathaniel 7321 Hayner Brian Holt 7331 Hicks Ivie Michael 7321 Hubbard William Douglas 7361 Juba Joseph Theodore II 7331 Lapp Richard Anthony III 7121 Muenchrath Jeffrey Andre 7321 Myles Telly Barnard 7411 Nicola Thomas Francis Jr 7401 Okuna Vaughn Edward 7441 Salaam Laila Rasheda 7421 Spangenburg Michael Dway 7361 Tidwell Cory Jarrod 7431 Weaver Robert Travis IV 7361 Weinman Mark Alexander 7151 Williams Ryan Douglas 7321 Worsham Carey Anthony 7521 2. If a selected officer does not decline his or her promotion in writing prior to his or her projected date of rank (noted above in paragraph 1), that officer is considered to have accepted the promotion on the date indicated. An officer who chooses to decline his or her promotion must submit the declination in writing to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806), prior to the effective date indicated above. Limited duty officers declining appointment to lieutenant will be reverted to enlisted status within 90 days of projected promotion date. 3. The commanding officer (CO), the Secretary of the Navy, or his designee has the authority to delay projected appointments. Upon the exercise of a delay, the officer shall be notified in writing before the effective date of the appointment, and not be tendered the appointment. The delay authority will immediately forward the recommendation to delay with supporting documentation to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-83), copy to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806). 4. COs are reminded of their responsibility to ensure the officers they are promoting are mentally, physically, morally and professionally qualified. Per reference (a), officers are ineligible for promotion if they have failed the most recent physical fitness assessment. COs shall verify the promoting officer's information in the Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS) to ensure compliance with reference (a) and delay the officer*s promotion in accordance with paragraph 3 if required. 5. Prepare a Delivery of Temporary/Permanent Appointment (NAVPERS form 1421/7) (REV 10-13). Use this NAVADMIN as reference (a). Use section 624 of title 10, U.S. Code (U.S.C.) as reference (b), for permanent lieutenants and above. Use section 578 of title 10, U.S.C. 578 as reference (b), for chief warrant officers. Use sections 624 and 5589 of title 10, U.S.C. as reference (b), for limited duty officer promotion to lieutenant. Limited duty officer appointment to lieutenant is a permanent appointment; acceptance of the appointment is acceptance of permanent appointment as a limited duty officer. Mail the completed form to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806). 6. Officers should review reference (b), for minimum time-in-grade requirements for purposes of voluntary retirement. Full time support officers and those officers temporarily on active duty anticipating release from active duty under reference (c), may accept promotion without incurring any additional active-duty obligation. 7. New photographs are required for all officers within three months after acceptance of promotion. See reference (d), for specific requirements. 8. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #2924 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//