UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 251916Z FEB 15 PSN 744284H29 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 049/15 SUBJ/FY 2015 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AUDIT// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N09/FEB// 1. The FY 2015 financial audit of the Navy*s Schedule of Budgetary Activity (SBA) is now underway. A private sector accounting firm, Cotton & Company, is performing the audit. Over the next year, these professionals will look at how well we execute the Navy’s business processes and manage its funds in meeting our fiduciary responsibility to Congress and the public. 2. You will be expected to show how each dollar you receive is used and that every transaction is properly documented. Transactions will be sampled by the auditor for completeness, accuracy and consistency. Our daily financial performance will be reflected in the auditor*s overall public opinion of the strength of U.S. Navy financial operations in meeting mission requirements. 3. Commanders shall ensure full cooperation with the auditors and efficiently respond to their requests for information and documentation. In addition, leaders will review their commands’ progress in making prescribed changes to business systems and processes to promote financial auditability. Changes should be expedited wherever possible. Our mutual challenge is to bring the same discipline to our business operations which we apply to our seagoing operations. Where you have oversight of financial and business processes your personal involvement is essential so that we not only achieve audibility success but remain good stewards of the American public’s dollars. 4. The Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) will meet with me and the commanders of major commands periodically throughout this fiscal year to review SBA audit progress. These meetings will include metrics on performance (e.g., timeliness, accuracy, etc.) and corrective actions across Navy commands required to bring organizations into full compliance with financial audit standards. 5. Commanders should be aware that financial statement audits, along with periodically released assets, are now part of our standard business practice. 6. Released by the Vice Chief of Naval Operations.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//