UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 262207Z FEB 15 PSN 757738H37 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 051/15 SUBJ/2015 AMERICAN LEGION SPIRIT OF SERVICE AWARD// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/FEB// POC/TODD MARTIN/MR./NAVCO/LOC: MILLINGTON, TN/TEL:(901) 874-5805/ EMAIL:TODD.MARTIN(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. For the 15th consecutive year, the American Legion will present its Spirit of Service Award, which recognizes outstanding volunteer community service, to an enlisted member from each branch of the Armed Forces. The award will be presented by the National Commander, Michael Helm, at the American Legion's national convention in Baltimore, Maryland, 28 August - 3 September 2015. 2. Eligibility. Nominees must be E-5 or below, may be active or reserve, and must be outstanding military professionals. The main criterion of the award is the level of off-duty, volunteer community service that the Sailor performed within calendar year (CY) 2014. Previous winners of this award are not eligible. If chosen as the recipient, the awardee is expected to attend the convention. 3. Travel and lodging. Within CONUS, the American Legion will provide travel and lodging expenses for the individual winner only. 4. Nominations. Nomination packages must contain four elements: the Commanding Officer's (CO) nomination; a description of the volunteer service performed during CY 2014; a biography of the Sailor; and a high resolution photograph of the Sailor. a. CO nomination. CO's may nominate one Sailor from their command. Nominations must be on command letterhead and indicate the CO's confidence in the Sailor's professionalism and as a representative of the Navy; validity of the volunteer efforts during CY 2014; and a commitment to facilitate their nominee's attendance at the national convention, if selected. Endorsements are not required. b. Volunteer efforts. Description of volunteer efforts during CY 2014 must include quantitative data such as hours, days, or months spent on off duty volunteer community service. This description may be provided in either narrative or bullet format. c. Nominee biography. If chosen as the award recipient, the biography will be used in the American Legion's magazine and convention program. The biography should include hometown information as well as professional highlights and qualifications. d. High-resolution photograph. A photo must also be included for use in the publications. The biography and photo should be similar to those commonly associated with CO biographies. 5. Nomination submission. Nominations must be received by 30 April 2015 to meet the Legion's deadline. Nominations may be submitted electronically (preferred) to the point of contact or hard copy to the following address: Navy Office of Community Outreach (NAVCO) Attn: Spirit of Service Award 5722 Integrity Drive (456-3) Millington, TN 38054-5045 6. Selection process. NAVCO will consolidate all nominations, organize a ranking board, and recommend the top candidates to the American Legion, which will make the selection. NAVCO will inform the winner and also notify those not selected. 7. Released by Vice Admiral S. H. Swift, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #1724 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//