UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 061345Z MAR 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 057/15 SUBJ/FY-15 RENEWAL OF THE SURFACE WARFARE OFFICER REVISED JUNIOR AND LCDR CSRB PROGRAMS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/071944ZMAY12// REF/B/DOC/TITLE 37 U.S.C.// REF/C/DOC/DOD/17SEP13// REF/D/DOC/DOD/31MAY13// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 156/12 ANNOUNCING FY-12 REVISIONS TO SURFACE WARFARE OFFICER (SWO) CRITICAL SKILLS RETENTION BONUS (CSRB) AND CONTINUATION PAY (SWOCP) PROGRAMS. REF B IS TITLE 37, U.S.C., PAY AND ALLOWANCES OF THE UNIFORMED SERVICES. REF C IS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REGULATION 7000.14, VOLUME 7A, CHAPTER 2, REPAYMENT OF UNEARNED PORTION OF BONUSES AND OTHER BENEFITS. REF D IS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INSTRUCTION 1341.13, POST-9/11 GI BILL.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the renewal of the Surface Warfare Officer Critical Skills Retention Bonus (SWO CSRB) for eligible SWOs and renews reference (a) until 18 February 2017. Retaining quality SWOs is a top priority for the Navy. 2. Program Authority. This program is authorized under title 37, U.S. Code, section 355. All applications for the bonuses contained within this program will be submitted to the SWO Assignments Division (PERS-41) for approval, payment processing, and tracking. 3. Program Overview. This message summarizes FY-15 extension to the existing SWO CSRB program following a comprehensive 2014 Navy and Department of Defense (DOD) review. All information provided herein is applicable to both active component (AC) personnel and full-time support (FTS) reserve component (RC) SWO personnel. As specified in reference (b), retention bonus payments are not authorized after 25 years of active service (YOS). The following general summary is provided: a. SWO lieutenants will have the opportunity to commit to the Revised Junior Critical Skills Retention Bonus as early as YCS-4 anniversary date, but NLT YCS-8. The Navy will continue to pay a maximum bonus of $75,000 for officers to obligate through two Department Head tours (or a single long Department Head tour) or through the completion of their 10th year of commissioned service (YCS-10), whichever is later. b. SWOs promoted to lieutenant commander (LCDR) will have the opportunity to commit to the LCDR CSRB. The Navy will continue to pay for officers for a three*year obligated service from their 12th year of commissioned service (YCS-12) through completion of their 15th year of commissioned service (YCS-15). Officers are eligible for the LCDR CSRB upon promotion to LCDR and will receive $22,000 on their 2nd anniversary, $12,000 on their 3rd anniversary, $12,000 on their 4th anniversary of their promotion to LCDR. c. Reference (b) limits career retention bonus payments to $200,000 for AC officers and $100,000 for RC officers. 4. Reference (a) contains specific details, eligibility, and application procedures. Applicants may also visit the Navy personnel command Surface Warfare Officer Community Manager (OCM) website at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/officer/communitymanagers/Unrestricted/Pages/SurfaceWarfare(SWO)OCM.aspx. 5. General Notes. (1) Applications must be submitted in a verbatim format as posted on the NPC website. (2) Applications will be held until payment eligibility date. (3) Applications will be binding upon the date of approval by PERS- 41. (4) Applications received in the incorrect format or not meeting eligibility requirements defined in this NAVADMIN will be rejected. 6. Recoupment and Repayment Policy. a. Repayment. SWO CSRB payments will be stopped for Officers who become ineligible for this incentive or fail to complete the full period of additional obligated service. Situations requiring repayments are in accordance with reference (b) section 373 and reference (c) repayment. b. For Officers who die while serving under an SWO CSRB service agreement, the remaining SWO CSRB Balance will be paid as a lump sum as part of the settlement of the Officer*s final military pay account. If death is determined to be the result of the member*s own misconduct, future payments will be stopped and unearned portions of the bonus will be recouped, as applicable, in accordance with procedures established for members whose inability to complete a contracted period of service is voluntary or the result of misconduct. 7. Additional guidance, information, and updates regarding the SWO CSRB are available at the BUPERS Website. 8. Points of contact are provided below: a. Surface Warfare Officer Community Manager, BUPERS-311, commercial (901)874-3173, DSN 882-3173. b. Address all applications questions to the following POCs for Department Head CSRB applications, contact Mrs. Robbie Richard at (901)874- 3914/DSN 882-3914 or via e-mail at roberta.richard(at)navy.mil or Mrs. Shelia Bridges at (901)874-3913/DSN 882-3913 or via e-mail at shelia.bridges(at)navy.mil; for LCDR CSRB applications, contact Mrs. Marilee Stroman at (901)874-3888/DSN 882-3888 or via e-mail at marilee.stroman(at)navy.mil. 9. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//