UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 091601Z MAR 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS SUBJ/FY-16 LAW EDUCATION PROGRAM SELECTION BOARD// NAVADMIN 058/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// REF/A/DOC/SECNAV/6SEP2002// AMPN/REF A IS SECNAVINST 1520.7F, LAW EDUCATION PROGRAM.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces convening of the FY-16 Law Education Program (LEP) Selection Board in February 2016. Applications for this board must be received NLT 25 September 2015. Reference (a) provides information about LEP and application procedures. Where information differs between this NAVADMIN and reference (a), this NAVADMIN takes precedence. 2. Participants must begin legal training in the program NLT September 2016 and prior to the sixth anniversary of their active- duty commencement date. This active-duty time includes any enlisted service. Legal training in the program commences as of the date of reporting for duty under instruction, at the unit to which the officer is assigned while attending law school. All service requirements are statutory and cannot be waived. 3. Per reference (a), eligible officers who desire to apply for the FY-16 LEP must submit a written request with current contact information and official college transcripts from each school attended NLT 25 September 2015, via their Commanding Officer to: NAVAL EDUCATION TRAINING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY CENTER NETPDTC VOLUNTARY EDUCATION ATTN CODE N2A2 LEP 6490 SAUFLEY FIELD ROAD PENSACOLA FL 32509-5204 4. An applicant's Law School Admission Test (LSAT) score report must be received prior to convening of the selection board in February 2016, but may be submitted via separate correspondence. Website screenshots of LSAT scores will not be accepted. 5. Applicants are required to contact PERS-4416E to schedule an interview with a senior (O5 or O6) active-duty Judge Advocate General's Corps Officer. 6. Applicants must provide a prioritized list of ABA-accredited law schools in the United States to which they applied. Applicants must apply to at least one law school in which in-state tuition fees can be obtained and one school near the officer*s current duty station. Applicants must also apply to one school located in a fleet concentration area (Norfolk, VA; San Diego, CA; Jacksonville/Mayport, FL; Pearl Harbor, HI; or Washington, DC). 7. Officer Community Managers (OCM) will identify designators and year groups that are eligible to transfer a limited number of active-duty officers from their current community into the Judge Advocate General's Corps via LEP. The OCM will ensure that all candidates meet eligibility guidelines prior to releasing the applications to the board. 8. Point of contact for application procedures is Ms. Billie Colonna, NETPDTC, at (850) 473-6061/DSN 753 or via e-mail at billie.colonna(at)navy.mil. For all other program questions contact LCDR Geraldo Padilla, PERS-4416E, (901) 874-4084/DSN 882 or via e-mail at geraldo.padilla(at)navy.mil; or Ms. Shannon Collins, (901) 874-4087/DSN 882 or via email at shannon.ary.collins(at)navy.mil. 9. This message is cancelled for record purposes on 30 September 2016. 10. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//