UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 011442Z APR 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 078/15 SUBJ/ABSENTEE VOTER REGISTRATION AND 2015 VOTING PROGRAM GUIDANCE// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS/APR/ REF A/DOC/OPNAV/15MAY07// REF B/DOC/DOD/13SEP12// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1742.1B, NAVY VOTING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND REF B IS DODI 1000.04, FEDERAL VOTING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.// RMKS/1. Eligible voters who wish to register to vote absentee should do so by completing the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). The form can be completed easily online at: HTTP://WWW.FVAP.GOV. 2. The Navy maintains a robust service-wide voting assistance program that relies upon leadership support at every level of the chain of command. The following guidance is provided: a. Commanders, Commanding Officers and Officers in Charge: Every command of 25 or more individuals is required to maintain a voting assistance program managed by a command Voting Assistance Officer (VAO). Commanding Officers shall ensure complianace with this requirement per reference (a). b. VAO duties and responsibilities are outlined in references (a) and (b). Reference (a) is under revision to reflect changes made in reference (b). Until an updated reference (a) is released, reference (b) should be followed whenever the two differ. c. VAOs shall establish an account in the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) online portal at https://www.fvap.gov/portal/login/welcome.html and will report assistance metrics on a quarterly basis via this tool. VAOs are encouraged to contact the Navy Voting Action Officer with questions on reporting metrics by emailing vote(AT)navy.mil. d. VAOs are required to maintain a current Voting Information Management System (VIMS) account. Information should be updated at least quarterly at https://qol.navyaims.net/voting/. e. The 2015 voting action plan outlines specific guidance to support the Navy Voting Assistance Program throughout 2015 and can be found at http://www.fvap.gov/vao/guidance/html. Any voter who needs assistance with the absentee voting process should contact their command Voting Assistance Officer, visit www.fvap.gov, or email vote(AT)navy.mil. 3. Point of contact is LT Whitney Abraham at whitney.abraham(AT)navy.mil or (202) 433-4000. 4. Released by Vice Admiral S. H. Swift, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//