UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 062003Z APR 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 080/15 SUBJ/AMPLIFYING GUIDANCE FOR UNIT AWARDS SUBMISSIONS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/APR// REF/A/DOC/SECNAVINST 1650.1H/22AUG2006// NARR/REF A IS THE NAVY AND MARINE CORPS AWARDS MANUAL// RMKS/1. The purpose of this NAVADMIN is to enhance consistency across the Department of the Navy (DON) by providing amplifying guidance for originating, endorsing, and processing recommendations to assist awarding authorities in recognizing deserving units with an appropriate award. The basic eligibility and criteria contained in reference (a) remains unchanged. 2. The following guidance, timelines and best practices for unit awards are provided to facilitate a smooth process for final disposition. a. Recommendations shall be initiated no later than 60 days following the completion of the period of service for which the award is being recommended. Any recommendation not submitted in a timely manner must be accompanied with a letter signed by the commander providing justification for tardiness. b. A complete and properly documented award recommendation (The Office of Naval Operations (OPNAV) Form 1650/14) must be initiated and submitted to the next Commander in the reporting chain. Echelon II Navy Department Awards Web Service (NDAWS) administrators will ensure the data from the OPNAV 1650/14 is uploaded to NDAWS prior to forwarding to the Chief of Naval Operations (Director, Navy Staff (DNS)-35). c. Errors or missing information in the submitted recommendation adversely affect processing and adjudication. Endorsing Commanders have the responsibility to return the award submission to the originator if it is not submitted in accordance with reference (a) and this NAVADMIN. Common errors observed include: (1) Unit nominations being originated by the Commanding Officer of the unit. Commands cannot originate recommendations for themselves. Recommendations must be submitted by the Immediate Superior in the Chain of Command (ISIC). (2) Incorrect cited unit. The cited unit's name listed in Block 6 should match Standard Navy Distribution List (SNDL) naming conventions. The SNDL can be accessed through the SECNAV/OPNAV directives website at http://doni.daps.dla.mil/sndl.aspx. Commonly used unit acronyms and abbreviations in NDAWS can also be found at https://awards.navy.mil for those units not listed in the SNDL (task forces, newly formed units, foreign units, etc.). All others should be listed as appropriate. (a) The cited unit name must be consistent throughout the Summary of Action (SOA) and citation. (b) Meritorious dates in the SOA and proposed citation must match the date indicated in Block 17. (c) The actions of the participating commands must reasonably be referenced in the SOA. Conversely, any unit mentioned in the SOA must be included in the participating command supplemental. (3) Missing or incomplete Block 5. List of participating commands supplemental - participating command lists are either missing or incomplete. (a) Block P1 - cited unit must be the same as Block 6 of OPNAV Form 1650/14. (b) Block P3 - cited unit action date/meritorious period must be the same as Block 17 of OPNAV Form 1650/14. (c) Blocks 1-33, participating command dates - dates of attachment to the cited unit being recommended must be included. Each participating command must have a merit start/end date even if it matches Block P3. (d) Participating command components - each participating command must be identified using the appropriate component. The code ?other? is only used for foreign militaries. (4) OPNAV Form 1650/14 Block 12 - previously approved unit awards may be located using the reporting consolidated search function in NDAWS and on the public website. For the cited unit and any participating command listed, the originating command must identify any previous unit award(s) that have been approved or are pending recommendation. (5) OPNAV Form 1650/14 Block 18b/c - awards without Originator signature or date will be returned without action. (6) OPNAV Form 1650/14 Block 19 - awards not signed or dated by appropriate endorsee will be returned without action. (7) An estimated total number of personnel (Officer, Enlisted, U.S. Civilians, other U.S. Armed Forces, or Foreign Militaries) who would be eligible to participate in the award if approved must be included with the recommendation. If applicable the following must also be included: (a) A by-name list to include rank, full name, Component and a minimum of the last four of the Social Security Number for other Department of Defense (DoD) service personnel. (b) Total number of civilians, a by-name list, certification that they played a key role in the achievement for which the award is being recommended, and a statement that they are United States citizens and DON employees. Neither contractors nor foreign nationals are eligible. (c) For reserve units, include an endorsement by the active component command the unit regularly reports to/mobilizes with. Also include an endorsement by the commander under whom the service or act was performed, if it is other than the active command to which the unit is regularly assigned. (d) Recommendations for units of friendly foreign nations or any recommendation that includes participation of units of friendly foreign nations require specific concurrence. Originators shall coordinate with the appropriate United States Embassy to obtain concurrence for any unit and or individual. For those recommendations that list Foreign Service personnel by name, the originator must also coordinate with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) to conduct a counterintelligence check. Both the concurrence and NCIS response letters expire six months from the date signed and each must accompany the award recommendation. Participating commands that the United States Embassy has non-concurred with will not be included in any approved award. In addition, the Secretary of the Navy will not process recommendations for foreign cited units if the United States Embassy non-concurs. 3. Point of Contact is Mr. Mark Newman, DNS-35, at (202) 685-1770 or via e-mail at mark.newman1(at)navy.mil 4. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or cancelled. 5. Released by Vice Admiral S. H. Swift, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #4969 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//