UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 092054Z APR 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 083/15 SUBJ/COMMANDER, NAVY EXPEDITIONARY COMBAT COMMAND ASSUMPTION OF LOCAL AREA COORDINATOR FOR MOBILIZATION RESPONSIBILITIES IN SUPPORT OF INDIVIDUAL AUGMENTEES AND THEIR FAMILIES MSGID/ GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/JAN// REF/A/DOC/OPNAVINST 3060.7B/25APR06// REF/B/DOC/OPNAVINST 1754.6/07APR09// REF/C/MSG/OPNAV NAVADMIN 160/08/051201ZJUN08// REF/D/DOC/COMUSFLTFORCOM/04AUG14// NARR/REF A IS THE NAVY MANPOWER MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION GUIDE. REF B IS PERSONAL AND FAMILY READINESS SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUAL AUGMENTEES AND THEIR FAMILIES. REF C IS THE INDIVIDUAL AUGMENTATION POLICY UPDATE. REF D IS THE COMMANDER, US FLEET FORCES COMMAND EXECUTIVE BRIEF, STRATEGIC PLAN FOR ENDURING INDIVIDUAL AUGMENTEE SUPPORT.// RMKS/1. The purpose of this NAVADMIN is to announce the transition of Local Area Coordinator for Mobilizations (LACMOB) responsibilities per references (a) and (b) from Commander, Naval Installations Command (CNIC) to Commander, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (COMNAVEXPDCMBTCOM). 2. Authority. Per references (b) and (c), Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (COMUSFLTFORCOM) is designated as executive agent (EA) and support commander for individual augmentees (IA) and IA family support across the IA continuum. As such, COMUSFLTFORCOM specific tasking includes redirecting efforts if necessary and recommending changes to policy. Per reference (b) COMUSFLTFORCOM shall leverage the EA role to achieve vertical (echelon II to unit level) and horizontal (across Echelon II commands) alignment of IA and IA family processes and procedures. Echelon II commands engaged in IA support are supporting commands to COMUSFLTFORCOM. 3. Background. In response to the drawdown of IA forces, the Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center (ECRC) in Norfolk, VA under COMNAVEXPDCMBTCOM shall assume all duties and functions of Navy Mobilization Processing Sites (NMPS), Warrior Transition Program Sembach, and Commander, Task Force Individual Augmentee. COMNAVEXPDCMBTCOM is designated as the primary EA for enduring IA support. COMUSFLTFORCOM, as EA for IA shall oversee and direct the transition of duties to COMNAVEXPDCMBTCOM. 4. CNIC, as support command shall: a. Continue support per reference (b) paragraph 6.d (1) and 6.d (3)-(6). b. Support LACMOB by providing Fleet and Family Support Center programs and support, adequate berthing and messing facilities, chaplain support, and access to regional legal support office programs as required for the NMPS process. 5. COMNAVEXPDCMBTCOM, as supported and supporting commander shall: a. Provide ECRC with the support required to ensure all IA Sailors are adequately prepared to deploy and return to their parent command. b. Submit updates of references (a) and (b) to show that LACMOB responsibilities now reside with COMNAVEXPDCMBTCOM. c. Through COMUSFLTFORCOM, submit an organization change request to revise the mission statement for COMNAVEXPDCMBTCOM to include the new LACMOB responsibilities. 6. Applicability. This NAVADMIN is effective immediately. All unit commanders shall notify their personnel that LACMOB responsibilities are assigned to COMNAVEXPDCMBTCOM as of the effective date of this message. 7. This NAVADMIN is cancelled for record purposes upon the publication of revisions to references (a) and (b), as cited above, and issuance of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Notice (OPNAVNOTE) 5400 series revising the COMNAVEXPDCMBTCOM mission. 8. Released by Vice Admiral S. H. Swift, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//