UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 151951Z APR 15 PSN 369512H26 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 088/15 SUBJ/FY-16 SENIOR ENLISTED CONTINUATION BOARD - PERFORMANCE-BASED BOARD FOR CONTINUATION OF SENIOR ENLISTED (ACTIVE/RESERVE) PERSONNEL WITH GREATER THAN 19 YEARS OF SERVICE// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/APR// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces convening of the FY-16 Senior Enlisted Continuation Board (SECB) on 3 August 2015. The function of this board is to carefully consider, without prejudice or partiality, the record of every eligible candidate and not select for continuation those Sailors whose service is no longer in the best interest of the Navy. 2. Eligibility. Active Component (AC) and Full-Time Support (FTS) E7-E9 personnel with at least 19 years of active service computed from their active duty service date as of 28 February 2015 and three years time-in-rate (TIR) as of 30 June 2015, and E7-E9 Selected Reserve (SELRES) and Voluntary Training Unit (VTU) personnel with at least 20 years of qualifying service as of 28 February 2015, and three years TIR as of 30 June 2015 will be considered by the SECB. a. Approved transfer to the Fleet Reserve/retirement/Retired Reserve (with or without pay). All personnel who, as of 24 July 2015, have a NAVPERSCOM approved request to transfer to the Fleet Reserve or approved request to retire on or before 1 September 2016, will be exempt from the SECB. All requests must have final authorization, not message of intent. Approved requests will not be modified subsequent to 24 July 2015. All personnel meeting all other eligibility requirements who have a NAVPERSCOM approved transfer to the Fleet Reserve/retirement/Retired Reserve (with or without pay) after 1 September 2016 will be considered by the SECB. b. Personnel selected for chief warrant officer (CWO) by the board held in January 2015 or selected by the FY-16 advancement boards are not eligible and shall not be considered. CWO selectees who subsequently decline appointment or are removed from the selection list prior to 30 June 2015 and meet all other SECB eligibility criteria will be considered. 3. This is a performance-based board. Documented misconduct and substandard or marginal performance will be the primary reasons for which board-eligible Sailors are not continued. a. Substandard or marginal performance indicators listed below that are documented within the past five years shall be specifically addressed when considering whether a Sailor's continuation is in the best interest of the Navy. (1) Evaluation continuity gap of greater than six months. (2) Receipt of an evaluation with an individual trait grade of 2.0 or below. (3) A drop of two or more trait grades by the same reporting senior on subsequent reports. If the comments specifically state it is not a decline in performance, then the report is not considered adverse. A decline in trait grades due to a transfer between a command's shore and sea components with the same reporting senior is not in itself considered a decline in performance or an adverse report. (4) Individual trait average below the reporting senior's average on all evaluations within past five years. (5) Receipt of any promotion recommendation of "Significant Problems" or "Progressing". (6) Receipt of "Promotable" promotion recommendation on all evaluations within past five years. (7) A decline in promotion recommendation by the same reporting senior on subsequent reports within the same paygrade or promotion status. If comments clearly state it is caused by forced distribution, it is not considered a decline in performance or an adverse report. (8) Two or more documented Physical Readiness Program failures. (9) Any documented circumstance related to performance that results in a Sailor's inability to perform in their rating/duties. For example, a loss of security clearance in a rating that requires a member to maintain continuous eligibility. (10) Moral or professional dereliction such as Detachment for Cause. (11) Documented misconduct involving either UCMJ (i.e., courts- martial, non-judicial punishment, etc.) or civilian offenses. (12) Other documented substandard or marginal performance indicators that the Sailor's continuation may be inconsistent with national security interests or may otherwise not be in the best interest of the Navy. For example, evaluations with comments suggesting substandard or marginal performance of duty. 4. Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB)/Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB). a. AC/FTS Sailors not selected for continuation shall have the unearned portion of any CSRB recouped based on date of transfer to Fleet Reserve or retirement, whichever occurs first. For questions regarding recoupment, contact Ms. Brenda Billingsley (OPNAV N130D) at (703) 604-4918/DSN 664, or via e-mail at brenda.billingsley(at) navy.mil. b. SELRES Sailors not selected for continuation shall have the unearned portion of any SRB recouped based on the date of transfer to the Retired Reserve. For questions regarding recoupment, contact Mr. James Johnson (CNRFC N1C2) at (757) 322-2245, or via e-mail at james.p.johnson(at)navy.mil. 5. Timeline of events. a. 1 June 2015. PERS-802 will forward the SECB eligibility list to Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC (N321)) for publishing to the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) website. b. 8 June 2015. NETPDTC (N321) shall publish the names of the eligible candidates to the NEAS website, accessible by command designated personnel at https://neasos.cnet.navy.mil. Individual candidates may view their SECB eligibility profile sheet on Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) at https://wwwa.nko.navy.mil/. After logging into NKO, go to the Career Management tab, select Navy Advancement Center, then find the Senior Enlisted Continuation Board eligibility profile link. c. 8 June 2015 - 29 July 2015. Sailors who are on the eligibility list as of 29 July 2015 will be considered eligible for review by the SECB. Requests for subsequent removal will not be approved. It is the member's and command's responsibility to verify the eligibility list and ensure any Sailor not eligible is identified and removed from the board by 29 July 2015. Absent action, these Sailors will remain eligible for the board and will forfeit any waiver or appeal process. Commands shall verify weekly until 29 July 2015 as the list will be updated while NPC reviews eligibility issues. d. 29 June 2015. If an eligible candidate is not listed, commands must submit their name to PERS-802 requesting the member be added to the SECB eligibility list. Requests for subsequent additions will not be approved. Submit eligibility changes via e-mail to the Selection Board Eligibility Branch (PERS-802) to: - Mr. David Lanham (Branch Head): david.b.lanham(at)navy.mil - Ms. Elizabeth Vaughn (AC): elizabeth.vaughn(at)navy.mil - Ms. Dorothy Harris (FTS/SELRES): dorothy.harris(at)navy.mil e. 13 July 2015. If a candidate chooses to submit a letter to the board (LTB), the letter must be received by the Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Customer Service Center (CSC) by this date. Communication to the board must originate from the individual candidate and must be accompanied under the candidate*s signed LTB. Information received that is not under a cover letter or not received by the NPC CSC by the established deadline will not be presented to the board. Correspondence from the command or any other source that is not accompanied by the candidate*s LTB to the president of the board will not be considered. This supersedes chapter 12 paragraph 1205 and figure 12-3 of BUPERSINST 1430.16F. LTB submission may be emailed to cscselboard(at)navy.mil. For LTB submission procedures and guidance, visit http://www.public.navy.mil/BUPERS- npc/boards/activedutyenlisted/Pages/GeneralInformation.aspx. f. 3 August 2015. The FY-16 SECB convenes. g. 31 January 2016. (1) Last day for commands to submit operational waiver requests for Sailors assigned to their command who were not selected to continue. Waivers should be requested only to mitigate severe operational impact that could result in potential mission failure, not for convenience of service member or to allow for transition leave/temporary duty period. Operational waivers will be limited to a maximum of three months. For AC and FTS personnel, operational waivers are approved by the Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel (DCNP). For SELRES and VTU personnel, operational waivers are approved by COMNAVRESFORCOM (N1). Operational waiver format is available at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/boards/enlistedcontinuation/ Pages/default.aspx (2) Last day for commands to submit a readiness appeal. All readiness appeals are approved by the Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP). Readiness appeals should be requested only to mitigate severe readiness impact that cannot be resolved via an operational waiver, not for convenience of service member. An approved readiness appeal will remove the non-selection for continuation of the member. A command may submit a readiness appeal with concurrence of the member via their respective chain of command as stipulated below. Readiness appeal format is available at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/boards/enlistedcontinuation/Pages/default.aspx (a) Eligibility. Readiness appeals may only be initiated by the CO of a Sailor not selected for continuation. Members who have been detached for cause or awarded non-judicial punishment/courts-martial or have other adjudicated misconduct between 4 August 2012 and 3 August 2015 are not eligible to be considered for the readiness appeal process. (b) A readiness appeal will focus on the negative impact to unit or force readiness if the Sailor is separated, not for the convenience of the member. (c) AC and FTS appeal requests will be routed up the administrative chain of command to the Type Commander (TYCOM). If the TYCOM recommends approval, the request is forwarded to PERS-833 for further routing to CNP for final disposition. (d) SELRES appeal requests will be routed through the administrative chain of command via COMNAVRESFORCOM (N1) to the TYCOM. If the TYCOM recommends approval, the request will be forwarded to PERS-833 for final disposition by CNP. (e) VTU appeal requests will be routed up the administrative chain of command to COMNAVRESFORCOM (N1). If COMNAVRESFORCOM (N1) recommends approval, the request is forwarded to PERS-833 for further routing to CNP for final disposition. (f) If the TYCOM (AC/FTS/SELRES) or COMNAVRESFORCOM (N1)(VTU) does not recommend approval, the request is disapproved and is returned to the requesting command. An electronic copy of disapprovals will be forwarded to PERS-833 for record retention. (g) CNP's decision is final and not subject to waiver/appeal to higher authority. (h) All Sailors who have successfully appealed the non-selection for continuation remain eligible for a later SECB as well as standard Navy administrative separation processes. h. 31 January 2016. Last day for Sailors not selected to continue to submit a Fleet Reserve/retirement/Retired Reserve (with or without pay) request to PERS-836 for AC and FTS, or PERS-912 for SELRES and VTU. Sailors who are not selected to continue who have requested a Fleet Reserve date after 31 August 2016, or retirement date after 1 September 2016 must submit a new request to PERS-836 or PERS-912 for a Fleet Reserve date of 31 August 2016 or earlier, or retirement date of 1 September 2016 or earlier. i. 1 September 2016. If not approved for an operational waiver, this is the last authorized effective date for Sailors not selected to continue to transition to the Fleet Reserve/Retirement/ Retired Reserve (with or without pay). j. 1 December 2016. If approved for an operational waiver, this is the last authorized effective date for Sailors not selected to continue to transition to the Fleet Reserve/Retirement/Retired Reserve (with or without pay). 6. Notification procedures. Once SECB results are approved, commanding officers (COs) will be notified via PERSONAL FOR NAVADMIN that the results have been posted on BUPERS Online for command access only. COs have seven calendar days to notify and counsel those members not selected for continuation. COs will then provide the following information for verification that they have personally notified each Sailor not continued to the NPC CSC at 1-866-U-ASK-NPC (1-866-827-5672) or by e-mail to uasknpc(at)navy.mil: Command Name Command Point of Contact/Phone Number/Email address Rate/Rating and full name of member notified a. Counseling shall be documented on NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks (Page 13) created through Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS), Electronic Service Record (ESR) and witnessed by the CO (by direction not authorized). After counseling and signatures are obtained, using the NAVADMIN for this continuation board as authority, forward the counseling Page 13 to PERS-313 for inclusion in the member's Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). Page 13 format is available at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/boards/enlistedcontinuation/Pages/default.aspx. b. Commands shall immediately contact PERS-833 at ENLISTED- POSTBOARD(at)navy.mil if a Sailor not selected to continue has transferred or is serving on an Individual Augmentation Manpower Management (IAMM), Global Support Assignment (GSA), Overseas Contingency Operations Support Assignment (OSA), or mobilization. c. After NPC receives 100 percent notification, a complete list of those selected to continue and those not selected to continue will be available on BOL for individual access. 7. Sailors with orders to or currently on an IAMM/GSA/OSA/mobilization who are not selected to continue will be allowed to complete their IAMM/GSA/OSA/mobilization tour and transfer to the Fleet Reserve/Retirement/Retired Reserve (with or without pay) following a maximum period of six months after return from IAMM/GSA/OSA/mobilization tour to allow completion of mandatory post-deployment health reassessment (PDHRA). Sailors not selected to continue who desire to transfer to the Fleet Reserve/Retirement/Retired Reserve (with or without pay) less than six months after return from IAMM/GSA/OSA/mobilization are encouraged to submit the date of their choice. a. All Sailors with orders to or currently on an IAMM/GSA/OSA/ mobilization who are not selected to continue must complete a statement of understanding and forward to PERS-833 at ENLISTED-POSTBOARD(at)navy.mil. IAMM/GSA/OSA/mobilization statement of understanding format is available at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/boards/enlistedcontinuation/Pages/default.aspx. b. SELRES/VTU Sailors shall be assigned a Manpower Availability Status code of "ACB" by the Naval Reserve Activity. This will identify SELRES/VTU Sailors as ineligible to be identified for new mobilization orders. c. Per MILPERSMAN 1160-120, SELRES who reach their High Year Tenure (HYT) gate while mobilized will be transferred to the VTU by the end of the month in which the HYT date occurs and may continue on mobilization orders. SELRES that are not selected to continue will be authorized to remain in the VTU for a maximum period of six months beyond their demobilization date to ensure completion of the mandatory Post Deployment Health Reassessment (PDHRA). d. SELRES Sailors not reaching HYT and VTU Sailors shall remain in the status held prior to mobilization tour. 8. Sailors in a medical hold (MEDHOLD)/line of duty (LOD) status not selected to continue shall be held in their current status until disposition of their case. Within 30 days of disposition, Sailors shall request to transfer to the Fleet Reserve/Retirement/Retired Reserve (with or without pay). The effective date of retirement shall be within three months of return to full duty status. 9. For AC/FTS Sailors, prepare the Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active-Duty (DD 214) using the following entries: Blk 23: Transfer to the Fleet Reserve or Retired (as applicable) Blk 24: Characterization of service as warranted by service record Blk 25: MILPERSMAN 1810-010 and current NAVADMIN directing Continuation Board Blk 26: NBD Blk 27: RE-2 Blk 28: Sufficient Service for Retirement 10. Personnel not selected to continue are ineligible for further advancement consideration by enlisted selection or in-service procurement boards. 11. Command master chiefs are encouraged to apply to become SECB members and senior chief petty officers and chief petty officers are encouraged to apply to become SECB recorders. The application can be found at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/boards/activedutyenlisted/Pages/GeneralInformation.aspx. 12. Point of contact for SECB execution and retirement programs is the NPC CSC at uasknpc(at)navy.mil or 1-866-U-ASK-NPC (1-866-827-5672). 13. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 14. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//