UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 211645Z APR 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 092/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/MAR// SUBJ/STIPULATIONS FOR USING NAVY MOBILE DEVICES (SMART PHONE/TABLETS) REF/A/DOC/DON CIO/17APR15// REF/B/DOC/DON CIO Memo/30JAN09// REF/C/MSG/DON CIO/031648ZOCT11// REF/D/MSG/DON/032009ZOCT08// REF/E/DOC/APPLE iOS 8 Interim Guidance/18SEP14// REF/F/DOC/DON CIO MEMO/02SEP05 REF/G/DOC/DOD CIO DIRECTIVE/ DoDD 8100.02/14APR04 POC/ANDREA ST. JOHN/CIV/OPNAV N2N6BC1/TEL: (571) 256-8512/EMAIL: ANDREA.STJOHN(AT)NAVY.MIL// AMPN/Reference (a) is Department of the Navy Chief Information Office memorandum, Approval of Good Mobility Mobile Computing (UGMMC) V2. Reference (b) is Department of Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer Memorandum 01-09, Information Assurance Policy for Platform Information Technology (IT). Reference (c) is the Acceptable Use Policy for DON IT Resources. Reference (d) provides the policy updates for personal electronic devices (PED) security and application of email signature and encryption. Reference (e) lists all required security controls for the iOS 8 operating system. Reference (f) stipulates that that all IT that receives, processes, stores, displays, or transmits DoD information will be acquired, configured, operated, maintained, and disposed of consistent with applicable DoD cybersecurity policies, standards, and architectures. Reference (g) is Department of Defense Directive that establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the use of commercial wireless devices, services, and technologies in the DoD Global Information Grid. RMKS:/1. This NAVADMIN provides information and guidance on the use of government issued mobility devices in support of the advancement of information technology wireless services on the Navy Marine-Corps Intranet (NMCI). 2. Mobility is transforming how the Navy operates, connects, and supports our personnel and the fleet. To meet this growing demand the Naval Enterprise Networks (NEN) program office (PMW-205) has implemented a mobile solution to meet operational needs while complying with architectural and security requirements to protect the Navy enterprise. This new service initially supports iPhone 5s/6 running iOS 8. Android and newer iPhone/iOS versions will be supported as they are released and certified for operation on the NMCI network. Information, processes, and user guides/acknowledgement are available at https://www.homeport.navy.mil/services/mobile/. 3. New devices will use a Good Technology (trademark) container to securely segregate official data from personal data, thereby providing users the ability to perform government work and personal activities securely and effectively on the same device per U.S. Navy policies on acceptable use of government IT. Mobile device configuration, security settings, and policy enforcement will be managed using Good Technology (trademark) mobile device management software and equipment installed on NMCI. 4. The improved service will be available to users who are approved by their local command and can be ordered as a standard wireless device update through the command's contract technical representative (CTR) or the command*s wireless account manager. Existing blackberry capabilities will continue to be supported until end of life or full transition to iOS and Android devices. 5. Per reference (a), the following stipulations apply. a. Use of personally owned devices is not authorized. b. Program Manager (PM) shall enable TouchID, ensuring it is only used to access the native (non-secure) persona of the device. The additional password requirements to access the Good container minimizes the risk of access to DoD information. Further, on devices without TouchID the PM shall retain the passcode minimum of four alphanumeric characters to authenticate to the native (non-secure) persona of the device. c. Access to the Good Container will be controlled via a minimum eight character passcode containing alpha/numeric and special characters. d. Commands and users are responsible for adhering to all applicable physical security requirements for portable electronic devices in command spaces. e. The camera will be turned on by default, with the option to have it turned off per individual or as directed at the command level. Cameras on Government Furnished Equipment devices will be subject to wireless security restrictions imposed by the facility in which the device is being operated per reference (f). Cellular/PCS and/or other RF or Infrared (IR) wireless devices shall not be allowed into an area where classified information is discussed or processed without written approval from the DAA in consultation with the Cognizant Security Authority (CSA) Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority (CTTA) per reference (g). f. Non-work applications may be installed only outside the Good Container and may only be acquired from the iTunes/Google app stores. Users are responsible for all charges and installations of personally desired applications and data installed on the non-secure portion of the device. 6. DoD Instruction 8520.02 requires all Department of Defense (DoD) information systems, including networks and email, be enabled to use DoD- issued public key infrastructure certificates in order to support authentication, access control, confidentiality, data integrity, and non- repudiation. DON users shall digitally sign all email messages with attachments, active content, or which require either message integrity or non-repudiation verification. Email messages containing sensitive information shall be encrypted. Transmission of email (i.e. create, forward, reply, and reply all) that should be either signed or encrypted without applying digital signature or encryption is prohibited, regardless of technical limitations of the desktop or handheld device being used. 7. Additional capabilities will be released on NMCI Homeport at https://www.homeport.navy.mil/services/mobile/ and other NENs when available and within operational priorities. 8. Released by VADM Ted N. Branch, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//