UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 231954Z APR 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 094/15 SUBJ/CYBERSAFE PROGRAM INITIAL OPERATIONAL CAPABILITY MESSAGE REF/A/LTR/IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING MEMO FOR NAVY CYBERSECURITY AND CYBERSAFE PROGRAMS/25JUL2014// NARR/Reference (a) is the 25 July 2014 implementation planning memo for Navy Cybersecurity and CYBERSAFE Programs which directed Task Force Cyber Awakening (TFCA) to develop a CYBERSAFE Program establishment plan. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides information and guidance on the CYBERSAFE Program. The CYBERSAFE Program and CYBERSAFE Office were declared IOC on 21 April 2015. CYBERSAFE Program guidance is provided in the Draft CYBERSAFE Program Instruction. 2. Background. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) directed establishment of TFCA in response to compromises within navy networks, low fleet cybersecurity inspection scores, and identification of warfighting platform cyber vulnerabilities. TFCA was formed under OPNAV N2N6 and tasked via reference (a) to establish an enduring Navy CYBERSAFE Program, with a plan for implementation by April 2015. CYBERSAFE is a vital component of the Navy*s comprehensive cybersecurity strategy and will provide maximum reasonable assurance of survivability and resiliency of critical warfighting information systems and platform information technology control system components and processes. CYBERSAFE implementation was endorsed by the TFCA Executive Committee (EXCOM) on 15 April 2015 and approved by the CNO on 21 April 2015. Following CNO approval, the CYBERSAFE Office was established within TFCA on 22 April 2015. 3. CYBERSAFE Office. The CYBERSAFE Office will oversee and coordinate the creation of the Navy-wide CYBERSAFE Program. The CYBERSAFE Office is led by the CYBERSAFE Director, who will implement the Navy-wide CYBERSAFE Program under the interim guidance contained in the Draft CYBERSAFE Program Instruction. The CYBERSAFE Director will also chair the CYBERSAFE Working Group (CSWG). 4. CYBERSAFE Implementation. The TFCA COMMANDER will oversee three phases to achieve CYBERSAFE Program Full Operating Capability (FOC): a. Phase I (22 April 2015 - 15 August 2015): Release 100-Day Plan; develop CSWG charter; develop reporting mechanism for informing the CYBERSAFE Office of incidents affecting CYBERSAFE components; review Field Activity (Systems Commands, Program Executive Offices, US Fleet Forces Command, US Pacific Fleet, US Fleet Cyber Command, Type Commanders, Military Sealift Command, Commander Naval Installations Command, and Warfare Centers of Excellence) developed CYBERSAFE Program implementation plans of action and milestones (POA&M); conduct a 50-Day IPR with CNO. b. Phase II (15 August 2015 * 01 October 2015): Align CYBERSAFE Office to Post-TFCA cybersecurity governance construct; define relationship between Field Activities for developing, reviewing, and implementing cyber readiness conditions; establish a method for assessing cyber vulnerabilities and establishing risk mitigations specific to CYBERSAFE; develop and approve certification audit and functional audit methodologies. c. Phase III (FY 2016 * TBD): Develop required policies for maintenance, overhaul and modernization for continued operation of CYBERSAFE components. 5. Tasking a. The CYBERSAFE Director will convene the first meeting of the CSWG on 7 May 2015. b. The CYBERSAFE Office will release a 100-Day Plan no later than 1 May 2015 outlining required tasks to achieve CYBERSAFE Program FOC. c. Field Activities shall establish CYBERSAFE Programs within their scope of authority and provide CYBERSAFE points of contact (POC) to the CYBERSAFE Office (CYBERSAFE Director) by 28 April 2015. Existing Command TFCA POC will be utilized until an updated POC is provided. d. Field Activities shall provide a POA&M describing their organization*s efforts to establish a CYBERSAFE Program to the CYBERSAFE (CYBERSAFE Director) by 31 May 2015. Specific tasking and deliverable details SEPCOR. 6. CYBERSAFE Oversight. The TFCA EXCOM will continue to provide oversight and conduct progress review of the CYBERSAFE Program. 7. Released by VADM Ted N. Branch, OPNAV N2/N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//