UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 291516Z APR 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 103/15 SUBJ/FY-16 SPECIALTY CAREER PATH SELECTION BOARD// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/APR// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/4JUN12// AMPN/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1412.14, COMMAND QUALIFICATION PROGRAM.// RMKS/1. With an emphasis on providing career options that help build capable and flexible leaders, and ensuring Chief of Naval Personnel's efforts to foster strong and talented Sailors, this NAVADMIN announces the convening of the FY-16 Specialty Career Path (SCP) selection board from 27-31 July 2015. The SCP program, originally established within the Surface Warfare Community in 2005, was expanded to include other unrestricted line (URL) officers in 2010. The SCP program is designed to develop and utilize selected officers within the 10 distinct specialty career paths. 2. The SCP program provides alternatives to the traditional command at sea career path and supports the demand for URL control grade expertise in growing and expanding mission areas. The following SCP options are open to qualified candidates: - Operations analysis - Financial management - Naval operational planner - Antiterrorism/Force Protection - Shore installation management - Antisubmarine warfare - Mine warfare - Missile defense - Strategic sealift - Education and training management 3. Benefits and opportunities of selection include assignment to designated SCP billets within a specialty area, specialty training and experience, career milestone billets within a specialty area, and potential to screen for commanding officer (CO)/executive officer (XO) equivalent tours. 4. Officers desiring to enter one of the SCPs may do so upon application and selection. This administrative board, chaired by a Flag officer, will select officers best qualified to serve the needs of the Navy in each of the SCPs. Selected individuals will be given priority for assignments to billets that develop experience in their specialty during normal sea/shore rotations in their original URL community. Selected officers will retain their original designator and will receive an additional qualification designator (AQD) that indicates their area of specialization. Career paths are available in each of the 10 SCPs with jobs increasing in complexity and responsibility. Officers will gain experience and develop management and leadership skills that will best serve the Navy while providing enhanced opportunity for successful career transition upon retirement. Stakeholder points of contact for each SCP area and SCP billets can be viewed at the following Navy Personnel Command (NPC) web site, www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/officer/Detailing/surfacewarfare/SPC/Pages/default.aspx. Contact your detailer for additional information. 5. Eligibility for participation is determined by designator and is as follows: a. 1110. After completion of first department head (DH) tour or after completing 18 months of a single, longer DH tour. Selected officers are eligible for SCP detailing upon satisfactory completion of DH tour requirements. (SCP program will not impact SWO bonus.) b. 1120. When all screening opportunities for executive officer have expired. c. 1130. Not eligible for the FY-16 SCP selection board. d. 1140. When all administrative screening opportunities for explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) warfare XO have been completed. Eligible officers may only apply for either the mine warfare or naval operational planner career paths. (SCP program will not impact the EOD warfare LCDR CSRB). e. 1310/1320. Upon completion of a DH tour, or failure to select for a DH tour for the second time. 6. Eligible officers may apply for up to two specialty career paths. Eligible officers are URL officers not currently being processed for administrative separation, subjects of pending detachment for cause requests, or have been detached for cause. Full time support officers are ineligible for this program. An officer who has a request for resignation pending, or has a resignation already approved by the Secretary of the Navy, must first submit a resignation withdrawal request. An application for this program will not be processed until the request for withdrawal of resignation has been approved. a. Applications must be received no later than 26 June 2015 via encrypted e-mail to pers-4_scp_board(at)navy.mil. b. Sample application format is provided at: www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/officer/detailing/surfacewarfare/spc/pages/default.aspx. c. All applications must include command endorsement. d. Applicants are encouraged to discuss this program with their detailer and mentors before submitting a request. e. All applications require respective detailer impact statement. f. Applicants are encouraged to review special incentive pay directives applicable to their community. 7. The FY-16 SCP board will also select the appropriate number of SCP officers for CO and XO equivalent billets within each mission area. Per reference (a), in order to be eligible for SCP-CO screening, officers must meet all requirements of their parent community command qualification instruction. All previously non-XO screened LCDR/LCDR(sel) SCP officers will be considered for SCP-XO selection. All previously non-CO screened CDR/CDR(sel) SCP officers, who have completed the command qualification requirements, will be considered for SCP-CO selection. NPC will track officers who have completed the command qualification. 8. Please contact your community detailer for further information on the SCP program and the SCP selection board. 9. This message will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 10. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//