UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 181451Z MAY 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 122/15 SUBJ/2015 SPRING INTELLIGENCE AWARDS RESULTS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/MAY// POC/OBRADOVICH/LT/OPNAV N2N6C1/-/TEL: (703) 604-6152/TEL: DSN 664- 6152/EMAIL: MARK.OBRADOVICH(AT)NAVY.MIL RMKS/1. It is with great pleasure that I announce the selectees for the following 2015 Intelligence Community awards. 2. Herman Dworkin Award for Maritime Analytic Excellence. Since 1983, the Herman Dworkin award is presented annually to the civilian or military analyst working maritime issues who exemplifies, through his or her work and attitude, Mr. Dworkin's traits of analytic expertise, strength of character, initiative, industriousness, and exactitude. This year's Herman Dworkin awardee is Mr. Timothy W. Bishop, assigned to Pacific Fleet. 3. Rear Admiral Edwin T. Layton Leadership Award. Established by the Director of Naval Intelligence in 2001, the RDML Edwin T. Layton Award recognizes mid-to-senior active or reserve component Intelligence Officers, Chief Warrant Officers, and enlisted personnel for outstanding leadership and mentorship in the furtherance of naval intelligence performance. This year*s RDML Edwin T. Layton Awardees are: a. CAPT James L. Bock, Navy Information Dominance Forces b. CAPT Christopher S. Crews, U.S. Strategic Command, Navy Reserve USSTRATCOM Intelligence Dekalb, Joint Reserve Intelligence Support Element Dekalb c. CDR Jason C. English, U.S. THIRD Fleet d. CDR Dorothy S. Milbrandt, Joint Special Operations Command e. CDR Thomas A. Murphy, Joint Special Operations Command Intelligence Brigade f. CDR David M. Overcash, Submarine Group SEVEN g. LCDR Matthew J. Acanfora, U.S. THIRD Fleet h. ISCS(IDW/SW) Jeremy G. Heyer, Center For Information Dominance Unit Hampton Roads i. IS1(SW/AW) David J. Montgomery, USS NEW YORK (LPD 21) j. IS1(SW) Deborah A. Phillips, Joint Chiefs Of Staff 4. Vice Admiral Rufus L. Taylor Award for Excellence in Instruction. Established in 1989, the VADM Rufus L. Taylor Award for Excellence in Instruction honors instructors who exhibit principles which VADM Taylor exemplified throughout his career, such as a desire for professional knowledge, intellectual curiosity, initiative, enthusiasm, ability to command respect and motivate others, devotion to duty, effective communication skills, and personal and intellectual integrity. One instructor from each of the fleet's Primary Intelligence Training Centers, Center for Information Dominance Unit Hampton Roads and Center for Information Dominance Unit San Diego, is chosen. These two training centers play a vital role in the continued health of our community of intelligence professionals. This year*s VADM Taylor Award for Excellence in Instruction awardees are: a. IS1(IDW/EXW/SW/AW) Heather J. Hansen, Center for Information Dominance Unit Hampton Roads b. LT Sarah A. Sheehan, Center for Information Dominance Unit San Diego 5. Vice Admiral Rufus L. Taylor Award for Leadership. The VADM Rufus L. Taylor Award for Leadership was established in 1985 to recognize exemplary leadership and exceptional dedication to duty within the naval intelligence community. One senior active component Officer, Chief Warrant Officer, enlisted member, or civilian are selected for this award annually. This year's VADM Rufus L. Taylor Award for Leadership awardees are: a. Active: CAPT Steven L. Horrell, Joint Intelligence Operations Center Europe Analytic Center b. Reserve: IS1(IDW) Derek D. Declue, Navy Reserve Office Of Naval Intelligence 0813 6. I am honored to lead such a fine cadre of intelligence professionals and congratulate you all for your service to the nation. BRAVO ZULU! 7. Released by VADM Ted N. Branch, OPNAV N2/N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//