UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 201902Z APR 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 125/15 SUBJ/OMBUDSMAN REGISTRY TO BECOME CAC ENABLED// REF/A/DOC/DOD INSTRUCTION 8520.03/13MAY2011 REF/B/DOC/OPNAVINST 1750.1G/2SEP2014 NARR/Reference (a) is Identity Authentication for Information Systems and reference (b) is The Navy Family Ombudsman Program.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces that the Ombudsman Registry https://ombudsmanregistry.org will become Common Access Card (CAC) enabled on 1 October 2015. 2. As per reference (a), all Navy connected systems and networks are required to execute Public Key Infrastructure Enforcement (PKIE) and Cryptographic Logon (CLO). A CAC will be required to access the Ombudsman Registry website, however, the "Contact Your Ombudsman" feature will remain accessible to all family members attempting to contact their Command Ombudsman. 3. In accordance with reference (b), Commanding Officers are required to submit an Ombudsman Monthly/Quarterly Worksheet via the automated ombudsman data collection system at www.ombudsmanregistry.org. Commanding Officers of reserve units are required to submit quarterly worksheets. a. The electronic worksheet is currently completed by ombudsmen, on behalf of the command. As of 1 October 2015, ombudsmen will no longer be able to perform this function via the Ombudsman Registry, as they will not be issued Volunteer Logistical Access Credentials Cards (VOLACs) to access the Ombudsman Registry. b. In lieu of the ombudsmen completing the worksheet electronically, they will email the Ombudsman Monthly/Quarterly Worksheet to the Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) Ombudsman Registry Administrator at Ombudsman.Registry.fct(AT)navy.mil, for upload into the registry. 4. CNIC has advised ombudsmen of the impending registry changes and the process for submitting Monthly/Quarterly Worksheets. Contact information for local FFSC Ombudsman Coordinators and the CNIC Ombudsman Registry Administrator has been disseminated. 5. CNIC point of contact is Ms. Katherine Rock, CNIC Ombudsman Program Analyst, (202) 433-4701 (DSN 288), email at Katherine.rock(AT)navy.mil. 6. Released by Catpain J. R. Wyatt, Director, Navy Staff (Acting).// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//