UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 211951Z MAY 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 127/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N4/MAY// SUBJ/NAVY NOMINEES FOR THE 2015 SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MAINTENANCE AWARDS// REF/A/RMG/CNO/301610Z JAN 15// REF/B/RMG/CNO/301631Z JAN 15// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 027-15 ANNOUNCING COMPETITION FOR THE 2015 SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (SECDEF) MAINTENANCE AWARDS FOR FIELD LEVEL UNITS AND COMMANDS. REF B IS NAVADMIN 028-15 ANNOUNCING COMPETITION FOR THE 2015 SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (SECDEF) ROBERT T. MASON DEPOT MAINTENANCE EXCELLENCE AWARD.// POC/DAN SCHRADER/CIV/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N43C1/TEL: 703-695-4925//E-MAIL: DANIEL.L.SCHRADER(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. Before announcing Navy nominees for the 2015 SECDEF Maintenance Awards, I want to personally thank the numerous commands who took the time to recognize their unit contributions. Your continued participation ensures that the best maintenance units are recognized for the remarkable efforts and support they provide to our warfighters. It was an honor to review such a large and competitive field of deserving units, and a pleasure to announce Navy's nominees to SECDEF. 2. Annually, six field-level maintenance units will be awarded the SECDEF Field-Level Maintenance Awards, two from each competitive category (small, medium and large). From these six winning units, one will be selected as the *best of the best* and named the annual SECDEF Phoenix Award winner. Navy nominees for the field-level (Phoenix) competition are: A. Small Commands: HELICOPTER SEA COMBAT SQUADRON FIFTEEN (HSC 15) USS ARLEIGH BURKE (DDG 51) B. Medium Commands: USS GETTYSBURG (CG 64) USS FRANK CABLE (AS 40) C. Large Commands: USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (CVN 73) TRIDENT REFIT FACILITY, KINGS BAY, GEORGIA 3. Annually, one program from an organic depot-level maintenance activity will be awarded the Robert T. Mason Award for Depot Maintenance Excellence. Navy nominees for the depot-level competition are: A. PUGET SOUND NAVAL SHIP YARD (SHAFTING AND RUDDER TEAM) B. FLEET READINESS CENTER SOUTHEAST (VERTICAL LIFT INTEGRATED PRODUCT TEAM) 4. SECDEF selection boards will evaluate similar input from all Services and announce six field-level winners (two per category), and one depot-level winner. All SECDEF maintenance award recipients will be recognized by the Office of the Secretary of Defense at a formal awards ceremony to be announced under separate correspondence. 5. The outstanding initiative, imagination, and professionalism demonstrated by all participants are a reflection of Navy-wide efforts to War Fighting First, Operate Forward, and be Ready. Congratulations to all nominees. 6. Released by VADM P. H. Cullom, N4.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//