UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 011735Z JUN 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC NAVADMIN 134/15 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/FY-16 NAVY GRADUATE EDUCATION UPDATE MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUN// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the FY-16 Navy graduate education quota plan. 2. This plan provides education opportunities to enhance warfighting and support capabilities consistent with defense and Navy strategic guidance. This plan prioritizes programs that develop expertise in the Middle-East, Asia Pacific regions, cyberspace, undersea warfare, and energy plans and policy. In addition, the plan provides the foundation to sustain our technological advantage and develop the skills to plan for and operate the Navy of the future while eliminating strategic and operational energy vulnerabilities. 3. The FY-16 plan provides 1,534 funded opportunities for degree and non- degree programs across the full spectrum of communities and ranks that include 498 quotas at Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), 129 quotas at top civilian universities, 241 quotas at Naval War College, 203 quotas at Joint and other service colleges, 19 quotas at international military colleges, and 56 quotas dedicated to fellowship and training with industry opportunities. 4. Enlisted graduate education opportunities will continue to be offered in the Applied Cyber Operations program, which allows up to five enlisted personnel per year to obtain a master's degree over 12 months in-residence at NPS. 5. A new graduate education opportunity is available through Purdue University. The Purdue Military Research Initiative (PMRI) provides tuition- free doctoral and master*s programs across a range of subjects including alternative energy and energy efficient technologies for naval applications. More information can be found online at http://www.purdue.edu/research/vpr/idi/pmri/. 6. The Navy continues to offer various fellowship programs, including the Federal Executive Fellowship (15 quotas/year), White House Fellowship (one quota/year), Secretary of Defense Corporate Fellowship (two quotas/year), Legislative Fellowship (15 quotas/year), and the Navy Supply Corps Training with Industry program (four quotas/year). 7. In addition, there are many other programs for officers to gain advanced education such as the political military master's program (eight quotas/year), the Olmsted Scholarship program (five quotas/year), the Law Education Program (seven quotas/year), and the Unrestricted Line Graduate Education Voucher Program (125 quotas/year). 8. Also in FY16, OPNAV N1 will be piloting a program for additional civilian institution quotas for URL officers not included in this quota plan. While still in the planning phase, interim guidance for this pilot program is for TYCOMS to choose the Navy*s best and brightest officers for graduate education opportunities at the school of their choice. This initiative will have 30 quotas within Navy*s FY17 Quota Plan. 9. All Navy personnel are encouraged to explore education opportunities with their detailer or mentor as an integral part of a career development strategy. 10. This message will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 11. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//